No state tax deduction(tax hike)
Increases debt/devalues dollar
Capitol gains(((investors))) still taxed 12% below wagecucks
No state tax deduction(tax hike)
DAILY REMINDER that spherecuckoldry is not tolerated here and all spherefags should kill themselves .
I'm not getting a tax hike from my state because my state isn't shit and that's something to bring up with your shitty state.
Investors is a misnomer. You want to be going after speculators. I paid capitol gains tax once in my life and it sucked, but honestly wasn't bad because I was speculating.
And fuck you it's capital not capitol learn to spell you illiterate nigger.
What do you do for work? How much taxes did you pay last year?
>I'm not getting a tax hike from my state because my state isn't shit and that's something to bring up with your shitty state
I bet you have a sales tax. I don't. I have a tax on my earned income at the state, and county level. My taxes went up, and cunts what invest and push paper pay 12% less than me. Fuck you.
I recommend saying "how much in taxes" because that's one of those awkward countability things when it comes to English. I call it the, "distraction 'in'."
hominims kills me
State sales tax? Yeah. And it amounts to fuckall compared to federal taxes.
And I also have a state income tax that amounts to fuckall. And for that matter a state capital gains tax that amounts to fuckall.
How about you complain to your state.
Fuck you, IRS.
And on top of that I have a city tax (I live in a major city what what) and that's like basically pocket change fuckall.
Fuck you. It's money I earned and never see, but I'm taxed on it.
Go suck a big state cock. You owe them.
You're the one sucking state cock friend. Work the system where it counts. This federal plan is net less state taxes except where cucks like yourself failed to not suck state cock or whatever it is that's fucking you.
Can you feel it trickling down? Yummy tickle down.
Fuckoff I love the tax cuts.
Propose something better. Who knows? We might agree.
>You're the one sucking state cock friend. Work the system where it counts. This federal plan is net less state taxes except where cucks like yourself failed to not suck state cock or whatever it is that's fucking you.
Post your results from the calculator if you're claiming to take a loss
Sorry, your English is so shitty I keep using it instead of my own. You conflated the two meanings of state without even the benefit of capitalization.
Screenshot info from here or fuckoff
Walls, and then Thunderdome. I'm not into international affairs.
"how much tax" is better
Yeah. Good suggestion. Isn't life better when we work together?
>tfw grad student so effective tax rate tripled
Or we could say, "how much taxation?" to really be gentlemen (even if we're not land owners.)
>You conflated the two meanings of state without even the benefit of capitalization.
cheched, ghramar satan
Alright, so let's get back to the taxes, or are you really so strung out that you came here to reeeee about taxes but reeeee about grammar is better for your autism needs?
>No state tax deduction(tax hike)
Why should the federal government have to subsidize three leftist states that steal from their people?
If you live in a decent part of the country, this tax bill law will save you money. And if you live in a leftist hell, you need to leave or vote your state to freedom in the next election.
You started it.
Use the calculator and post your results or FUCK OFF
This is more my speed as far as that goes
No big deal, can't complain, glad it's helping people who need it more than I do.
>that fake ass calc, with no way to deduct state taxes
Well I'm against it
I'm against it
Well I'm against it
I'm against it
I don't like politics
I don't like communists
I don't like games and fun
I don't like anyone
Well I'm against it
I'm against it
Well I'm against it
I'm against it
I don't like Jesus freaks
I don't like circus geeks
I don't like summer and spring
I don't like anything
I don't like sex and drugs
I don't like water bugs
I don't care about poverty
All I care about is me
Well I'm against it
I'm against it
Well I'm against it
I'm against it
I don't like playing ping pong
I don't like the Viet Cong
I don't like Burger King
I don't like anything
And I'm against it
I'm against it
Well I'm against it
I'm against it
Well I'm against it
I'm against it
Songwriters: Dee Dee Ramone / Douglas Colvin / Jeffrey Hyman / Joey Ramone / John (ramone) Cummings / Johnny Ramone
we could hang
>libertarian flag
>attacking tax cuts
State taxes have no place in federal taxes. That ruins the balance of powers. Get fucked commie nigger faggot.
Shill. Same shill answers every time it's brought up.
The calculator addresses if the state taxes affect you in the description below your amounts.
Post results or fuck off
>State taxes have no place in federal taxes. That ruins the balance of powers.
Another fucking federalist.
If you believe in states rights and that the states are a primary vector for righting the ship as I do, then you would want to increase the power of the states by not having the federal jews cover for state judaism.
Post your full results from the calculator or fuck off
>He doesn't even work or have income
>He's furiously using it over and over trying to create a scenario where he takes big losses
Run it for me.
85K, earned income, jointly
Oregon, Multnomah County tax(gains or EI?)
Already insured, so no Obamacare mandate help.
Do it, faggot. You can't. My TA did, and I will pay more, cunt.
Yummy fucking trickle all over my face...
I'm not sure who's ((()))ing ((())) here.
Stopping SALT puts more power back into state governments, thus increasing their importance in the balance of powers.
Think about the problem with the 17th ammendment and having popularly elected senators, taking power away from state and giving it to federal. By putting a bigger spotlight on state, this returns more power to the states the way it should be.
Own a home? Deducting mortgage interest? Total property tax?
Don't blame us Oregon has fucking 10% taxes or whatever. Jesus. Nice place tho would visit again but that's just stupid if true.
Yes. No. About 2.2K
>tfw he's complaining and he can't even use a fucking tax simulator let alone do his own taxes
I ran it without mortgage interest since you didn't reply
Under house plan you would owe: 6672
Under Senate plan you would owe: 6939
How much did you pay on your last tax return for 2016?
OS: in the last thread on the calculator, of about a hundred replies only the Oregon user had losses. Top kek
Ok I didn't use them but wouldn't matter anyway since it's too little to itemize vs standard deduction for a married couple
Praise kek
Pretty much.
So now, if you EARN 200K in Oregon, you are taxed federally for 200K.
Before, you were taxed for 180K.
fucking math and shit
I need to see your work.
Oy vey more nigger. I make about $80k like you're barely missing out unless your life strategy is terrible.
Your federal tax bill: $6,672
-- Detailed calculations --
"Personal exemption" deduction: $0
No impact from end of state and local deductions
Your other deductions: $0
Your standard deduction is: $24,400
Your total deductions: $24,400
Your taxable income is: $60,600
Tax rates
In $0 - $90000 bracket, you pay 12%. Cost: $7,272
Tax credits
The family tax credit, for 0 children
and 0 other dependents, gives you $600
Total federal tax bill: $6,672
Your federal tax bill: $6,939
Senate rate cuts expire in 2025 unless exended
"Personal exemption" deduction: $0
No impact from end of state and local deductions
Your other deductions: $0
Your standard deduction is: $24,000
Your total deductions: $24,000
Your taxable income is: $61,000
Tax rates
In $0 - $19050 bracket, you pay 10%. Cost: $1,905
From $19050 - $77400, 12%. Cost: $5,034
Tax credits
Total federal tax bill: $6,939
So tell us what you paid in 2016 now. Since that's the part of the calculator you are saying is inaccurate.
Living in NH seems like a smart idea now.. tax fags BTFO
fuck state tax deductions anyway. why should states get to steal federal money just by increasing their tax rates?
Good for you?
Complain about the right issues. This is the #1 problem with modern complainers.
MAsshole here. With the new tax plan I save ~$5k which is what I ended up owing at the end of last year.
>No impact from end of state and local deductions
THAT! You stupid cunt. Fuck your calculator. It's bunk AF! Fuck you, fucking shill!
>that goddamn calculator
>fuck that thing
>it's BUNK
>i don't know how to use it
>or do my own taxes
>fuck you statist shill!!!!!
I intentionally left out the 2016 portion of the calculator you fucking moron, I accidentally copied and pasted that line which referred to the 2016 numbers. I am asking YOU for your 2016 tax paid.
It has no bearing on the math for the house or Senate plan. You can't deduct SALT in new plan.
What did you pay in 2016. Answer the question shill
State tax, my theoretical bracket, earning 200K:
10%. Earnings after state deduction: 180K
Before, taxed at * for 180K
Now, taxed at * for 200K
I will pay more. Fuck you shill, broker AF calculators. The ink isn't even dry, cunt.
>I accidentally
fuck right off
>What did you pay in 2016
state federal or county? On EI or gains?
Fuck off, shill
So complain to the state. I don't give a fuck if you rake in $200k but don't expect me to feel sympathy you're misplacing a shekel.
First they came for the...
I just told you EXACTLY what you will pay in the House and Senate plan.
I didn't say anything about you paying MORE or LESS.
For the what? The ones who thought incoherent anger on Sup Forums would be better than addressing their concerns within our political system?
Get fucked. Or move from Oregon. Whichever is easier if a pittance on a $200k income in the middle of nowhere is easier.
Federal INCOME tax
>I just told you
Usin shit meme calculators. Do m you see a fucking field for state and county taxes? No?
First they came for the wagecucks that make more than you, by 25K. You are a green eyed communist.
You can't deduct state or local taxes in the new tax plans. How hard is this for you to grasp?
Post your total 2016 taxes paid you fucking moron!!!!!! Why won't you post it
What are your state and county taxes like and why do you think that matters?
My state taxes are about $1k. Okay I guess. Not too sure, but that doesn't make me or break me. The rest is like I need a new alternator for my car.
Oh. I didn't file. If I had, I'd have payed less because of the state deduction. Haven't filed since 2009 or so.
I'm familiar with your scripture. But you're not explaining your situation nor proposing remediations. First they'll come for the tards, as with the T-4 program, but I guess you'll last longer not knowing fuckall about anything with your income. Sad!
It matters because Oregon charges 10% plus local.
Since I don't know his LOCAL tax rate I asked him to post his 2016 taxes paid which will answer the entire question. He refused to do it.
>You can't deduct state or local taxes in the new tax plans
No shit? Do I still not have to pay the Obamacare mandate, since I'm insured?
Loo0k at the Dow!
Bullshit LMFAO
Okay then. I'll take it at face value:
What WOULD YOU have paid in 2016? That will answer the same question.
1. Wageslave
2. Welfareslave
3. Investor
Which one of these would you rather be?
10% state, 1% county
Now taxed for 100K at a percent, instead of 89K.
Bitch first I love your numbers.
Second, this fucker just said he didn't file his taxes so either his parents did it for him, his accountant, or he's fucking with you.
And how does that affect your daily life? I mean I could be making $200k as a single white male if I really wanted to easy. Why is this such a concern for you?
I live in a shack in the Colorado hills. This is all theoretical. I'm also not a IRS agent, getting a feel, promoting BC, because Satinis theoligo
You can't itemize anyway then, even in 2016.
2016 joint filer standard deduction was 12,600.
You had no mortgage interest to deduct.
You only had 2200 in property tax. You only had 9350 in state and local taxes. That's less than the standard deduction of 12,600 in 2016 for a married couple.
PIC RELATED is your savings in the new tax plan.
Fuck off, retard.
Don't try to run CI here if you don't know what you're doing.
I dunno, man How much did I EARN and how much did I gain? How long had I been wolding my gain?
Also this You're making how much and complaining that YOU get a tax hike? There are fuckers in the US living comfortably on less then 10k a year and you're over here complaining about having to switch your champagne out for water or someshit.
You literally just told me you made 85k now you changed the amount
Fuck off
>Run it for me.
>85K, earned income, jointly
>And how does that affect your daily life?
It angers me, mostly. I feel like I would rather have the money.
I'm really disappointed in your training. You deserve a cut.
You will be SAVING OVER $1600 on federal income tax. REEEE FUCKOFF
Week sauce. Shit shop.
I'm CERTAIN I will theoretically pay more in 2016.
Thank GOD that California, Illinois, and New York got fucked HARD on this. It's astounding how many different ways these kike hellholes extract value and wealth from all other states, and are STILL borderline insolvent.
Nigger, people look for basements in pizza parlors because of my CI. And I was just playing. Nobody got the reward.
85k earner filing jointly in Oregon, with 11% state and local taxes:
Current Tax System
You'd save $0
Your federal tax bill: $8,602
-- Detailed calculations --
"Personal exemption" deduction: $8,300
Your other deductions: $0
Your standard deduction is: $13,000
Your total deductions: $21,300
Your taxable income is: $63,700
Tax rates
In $0 - $19050 bracket, you pay 10%. Cost: $1,905
From $19050 - $77400, 15%. Cost: $6,698
Tax credits
Total federal tax bill: $8,602
House Plan
You'd save $1,930
Your federal tax bill: $6,672
-- Detailed calculations --
"Personal exemption" deduction: $0
Your other deductions: $0
Your standard deduction is: $24,400
Your total deductions: $24,400
Your taxable income is: $60,600
Tax rates
In $0 - $90000 bracket, you pay 12%. Cost: $7,272
Tax credits
The family tax credit, for 0 children
and 0 other dependents, gives you $600
Total federal tax bill: $6,672
Senate Plan
You'd save $1,664
Your federal tax bill: $6,939
Senate rate cuts expire in 2025 unless exended
"Personal exemption" deduction: $0
Your other deductions: $0
Your standard deduction is: $24,000
Your total deductions: $24,000
Your taxable income is: $61,000
Tax rates
In $0 - $19050 bracket, you pay 10%. Cost: $1,905
From $19050 - $77400, 12%. Cost: $5,034
Tax credits
Total federal tax bill: $6,939