Are you ready for (((Operation Homeland))) Sup Forums?
Are you ready for (((Operation Homeland))) Sup Forums?
extreme cancer, right or left
Fuck yes, let 8chog letfypol shills squirm and ree, Richard Spencer’s awesome.
into the oven
>Identitarians around the world are organizing. In planned events and spontaneous actions, we have shifted the political landscape and become players on the world stage, despite our meager resources.
Richard, you haven't done shit. All you do is take credit for what other people do and think you're helping the white race by being a LARPing faggot and by holding a podcast every week.
F off pedo These your comrades?
I've never understood this argument. Richard is organizing rallies, publishing great content, and fighting like hell...
You're just a fag scrolling pol with his cock in his hand.
Go to bed, Dick.
Comrades.... (((Spencer))) gets the bullet too.
Quite sure that image was proven to be a hoax/prank.
Nazis called each other comrades.
>you havent done shit
richard spencer has done so much damage to the establishment narrative states of emergency are called when he travels across state lines
Richard spencer has done so much damage that hillary clintons longest speech of her campaign was dedicated to the alt right and the upending of the normal political order
people who say richard is a shill are fucking retards who cannot under any circumstances be taken seriously AT ALL
>believing this garbage
Are they even trying anymore
Ok guys. Let's try to predict the false flag that's planned.
Is there anyone you schizos think isn't a secret Jew?
No he is a retard. He has shitty strategy and vision and does many dumb things. He is a retard. Fuck him.
can we ship him to euroland? maybe he'll be of use over there. or better yet, let him have a go at saving south africa.
fuck off alt kike
I'm so sick of this listening to this board bitch and moan about every nationalist being "le CIA". I don't see any of you worthless faggots doing anything other than getting pissed off for other people taking part in your secret clubhouse.
You're all a bunch of crabs in a bucket who have accomplished nothing. It's almost like you guys don't actually want this movement to go anywhere, you just want to laugh and marvel in the destruction of Europe and America like a bunch of sadomasochistic cuckolds. Fuck off.
>Is there anyone you schizos think isn't a secret Jew?
[spoiler] No [/spoiler]
Attitudes like your's is why we are taking over your country.
Start learning spanish cornudito. You'll need it.
So should he be talking about gassing kikes when he gets an interview or what? You fucking spastic
fuck forgot pic :(
Are you kidding? He has shifted the political landscape and is a player on the world stage, the EU took actions naming him and he was a central figure in the 2016 campaign. You're just some 8pol leftist who blindly hates every WN you see and then pretend it's for some minor reason, or reasons that don't even make sense. Like your post. He's done everything he claimed, and you made a reddit-style post trying to look condescending.
So who's the true opposition?
Who isn't a Jew?
Genuinely curious. Sinead McCarthy?
He's a National Bolshevik.
Why is he a retard? Because he actually does things? Because he upset the media? Because he upset Facebook News?
Do you think they're EVER going to be happy with ANY white nationalist movement, EVER? They're never going to let you win. MSNBC and CNN are never going to praise pro-white policy you fucking moron. Normies are never going to praise pro-white policy so long as MSNBC continues to tell them not to.
Stop trying to win everyone's approval when half the country hates you for being white. Fucking faggot shill.
This. It's either lefty faggot shills let out of their discord or purity-test morons.
No expect him to make better decisions then running around pretending to be a Nazi. Also his fuckin economic talks are retarded and are not liked yet he harps on it. His little protest are dumb. As I said in another thread, this is the information/Internet age. Information warfare works. Faggy protest don't. The ok to be white ops were highly successful and helps more.
>So who's the true opposition?
The legion of shitposters who memed a man into the presidency just because it was fun.
People who aren't blatant spooks like Spencer. I guess pic related is what he's euphemistically trying to grasp app with his """aesthetic""", but it falls flat and just gives me that uncanny valley effect. Too contrived. Trying to hard. Probably devised by some deep-state fag to rope-a-dope unsuspecting mouthbreathers like you into defending/supporting him.
Nazis called each other comrades.
It's just leftypol who took over 8pol. They like larping as WNs and try to convince "fellow" WNs to hate every figure in the WN community because they are jews. They do this all the time and since they completely took over 8pol recently, they started to come here to try to subvert it the same way. They call every WN figure a jew and try to convince people that everyone is a mossad agent.
>Richard (((Spencer)))
I can't wait to see him get punched in the face by another lesbian.
>Some kind of demonstration about the woman killed by the illegal who was let off the hook
>Crisis actors bused in to counter-protest
>Physical altercation
>Group of Antifa chased into building
>Building catches fire
>~6 casualties, paraded as martyrs of alt-right/neo-nazi terrorism on MSM
>this is all somehow tied to Moore's election
How do you know who or what anyone is you kike? If you haven't noticed it's an anonymous image board.
I don't see you organizing anything. He's rallied together thousands of young white men to these protests and demonstrations. What have you done besides complain like a bitch with a slave's mentality?
Notice the silence. It's all lies and sowing discord. Richard is /ourguy/ and every time he has a conference or even, Sup Forums makes that abundantly clear.
Hello my fellow comrades.
We're the ones that actually do things that matter. The ones that get the biggest rise out of the media and establishment, angers and makes the left make themselves look like the retards they are. Hillary gave a speech regarding Sup Forums and the ADL flipped it's shit. Spencer just got up and went "But wait, you're not all crazy leftists, look at me, I'll say a Heil and lift my hand for the cameras, woopsy daisy, aren't I the perfect embodiment to attack and justify your irrational fears?"
Is the majority of Spencer's "Action"
For a white nationalist that doesn't seem like a subversive mess, Jared Taylor comes the closest. He feels sincere, even if purple pilled.
>Nazis called each other comrades.
The Nazis fought together in the great war and participated together in the beer hall putsch.
Spencer has only lined his wallet.
Another Slide thread.
I hate jews.
Why does every kike come out and call the largest pro white group jews?
This is typical jewish subversion
So you're saying we should never have any public figures or anyone with actual presence. We should stay an anonymous basement dweller movement confined to the internet. Got it.
Go cry like a bitch elsewhere. He rallied thousands.. ahahahahahahaha. What a fuckin joke. Go follow your leader like a lemming.
What a LARPing fag. This is why Identity Evropa is splitting with these fucks.
It's actually led by the FBI and they spend all day trying to prevent WN figures from gaining a following and discouraging WNs from organizing in public. It's how they destroyed WN 1.0 decades ago. Nobody actually believes them this time, which is good, but this time, leftypol is knowingly doing the same, so there are alot more of them then there would normally be.
Now he's going to ruin our chances at getting the wall built...
You kikes are out in force tonight. Richard Spencer is great, thanks for the info. Going to check it out now.
Spencer is a CIA shill that works for the FBI
See, I can do it too.
Where is this wrong? Capitalism has created globalism. Why care for your people when it's more profitable to let shitskins in?
>richard spencer has done so much damage to the establishment narrative
Yes so much that he spends his days with Laura Bush with his Communist wife.
I don't CARE if people think I'm a Nazi, what don't you get? I don't CARE if Spencer does a Roman salute in front of the entire world.
Do you think Chechens or Muslims CARE what you think? Do you think niggers care what you think? None of them do and they are taking over, while you're sitting here worried about your image so you don't get in trouble with the local university's PC brigade. Who gives a fuck, we are long past the point of looking like Mr. Nice Guy anymore, we are out of time.
We should all be applauding this.
Every political movement needs an "incubator" for activists, both to ensure ideological consistency (so you avoid people like Fuentes' gradual shift to civic nationalism) and core logistical competency (i.e. the logistical shortcomings of early Spencer speeches).
Ultimately, the alt-right needs a single professional organization that the majority of our "sympathizers" (i.e. Identity Evropa, Vanguard America, Traditionalist Workers Party, and more alt-light factions like the Proud Boys) can all join and coordinate through.
We are coming up on very hard times, and that requires coordinating finances (to pay for activism and legal fees, which will only grow greater) and logistics (our biggest problem is securing safe travel to and from events, which is when most physical altercations occur). A unified organization also allows us to conduct some degree of vetting and internal security to weed out leftist infiltrators, fed provocotours (who derailed pretty mcuh every right wing movement in the 90s), undesireables (thugs and other people with disciplanry issues) and journalists.
In order to achieve viability we need various "pipelines," one of which is a leadership development institute like Project Homeland. I think that everyone knows that, however valuable their contributions, Spencer and the TRS crew are not going to be the leaders of a global political movement to shake the modern world. They can, however, offer their skills to help ensure that those leaders eventually reach the main stage.
That's not to say that there can be no ideological differences between various alt-right groups, only that those ideological differences are best resolved internally in a single group rather than between competing similar groups with temporary alliances.
BAMN’s parent organization worked directly with the North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMBLA) in the years just before it founded BAMN, according to NAMBLA documents
>his Communist wife
>if you're Russian you must be communist
Spencer is a retard and only a retard would contact the email in that article. Have fun being added to a list if you do that. Spencer's approach will NEVER work in America, even if he was more palatable. He's a retard (see: Charlottesville, hail trump, etc)
Ask them how they think we will take down the biggest power structure in the history of the world by posting on Sup Forums and never leaving our basements. They will never have an answer. Every time I've asked the 8/pol/ leftist retards larping as WNs this, I've never gotten a response. That means they don't actually believe in our cause and are just trying to discourage us from organizing and getting a public presence.
>So you're saying we should never have any public figures or anyone with actual presence. We should stay an anonymous basement dweller movement confined to the internet. Got it.
No you fucking retard. What I'm saying is the Richard Spencer is an illegitimate (((public figure))) claiming ownership over something he had nothing to do with. Funny how he just appears out of the woodworks once Trump gets elected. Either he wants fucking shekels like those rebelmedia whores or he's some deep-state controlled opp piece of shit looking to stage another Charlottesville. It's fucking blatant.
Stopped reading
We are much better off acting through decentralized cells than uniting behind a common leader. Even if Spencer has a suitably large movement behind him, all it takes is knocking him out to kill it. See what happened to Lincoln Rockwell as an example.
The whole "It's Okay to be white" campaign, where many put up the posters anonymously to force anti-white liberals into throwing fits is what makes us powerful, not larper tiki-torch rallies
You know shit about economics so just go fuck yourself ya little faggot.
She's been exposed as a Communist you dipshit. Also you're implying I'm against Russians despite being pro-Putin and pro-Assad. Fuck off you CIA nigger, get better at your script. Not everyone is a fucking neo-con.
The people Alt Hype was talking about are swarming into this thread. These are the people who attack fucking everyone because they're complete schizos.
I think that what you're missing is that, by conducting IRL activism, Spencer takes many useful concepts developed by Sup Forums and turns them into global news stories - spreading our ideas to the general public in a way that shitposting never could and allowing for recruitment from populations we otherwise wouldn't interact with (i.e. normies).
Spencer's activities are provocative. That's a good thing because we need to provoke people from their current slumber if we're going to change the direction of society.
>That means they don't actually believe in our cause and are just trying to discourage us from organizing and getting a public presence.
On the contrary, I think you're just shilling for user's on this board to reveal their identities by signing up for Spencer's blatant fucking honeypots.
Go fuck yourself, shill.
Are you implying you are going to defeat the jewish power-structure and their deathgrip on western civilization without a leader?
Fuck off leftypol. You're fooling nobody.
>She's been exposed as a Communist you dipshit
It's you faggots trying to centralize a decentralized movement that are the subversives.
They don't fear a public white nationalist that they can intimidate. They fear the anonymous white nationalist that can be anywhere at any moment.
/leftypol/ is so sad. theyre trying so hard tho...
You're acting like fucking cultists. You're not achieving anything by destroying the only pro-white movement we have. You fucking retards don't care about white people, all you want is your circlejerking lulz chaos ftw edgier-than-thou clique. Kill yourselves.
The purpose of this is simple.
If they think any white person can be a crypto-white nationalist then they will eventually treat all white people as white nationalist to be safe. This discriminatory behavior will lead the whites on the fence to our side.
We lose this if we make ourselves public.
> We are much better off acting through decentralized cells
You're way too optimistic about the future of the internet. Sup Forums and other anonymous internet forums will be banned (either officially or effectively by corporate ISPs) within the next 10 years. This is a certainty in Western Europe and a probability in the USA.
Look at how quick the government (both liberals and normie conservatives) was willing to brand the Charlottesville riots a "terrorist attack." That's significant because the government now has massive powers to act against terrorist groups. We are going to be hunted, and the only way to whether that storm is to consolidate through the development of IRL activism and infrastructure.
Isolated, internet-based, cells are less powerful, easier to track (the NSA hears everything right now) and can be easily destroyed (no coordinated legal defense, support network, etc.).
>a single photo a decade ago means you actively hang out with them
>hangs out with his "communist wife" he's separated from
>Alt Hype
Spencer is so legit looking, I wonder where his masters will end this controlled opposition bit he's doing.
What are some possibilities? What do you guys think he's going to do with his created by Hillary powers of persuading redditors?
NazBols are legit leftypol shills designed to subvert us towards communism. Don' believe them. It's definitely a coordinated effort since the surge in NazBols was extremely short and concentrated. Always deal with traitors before enemies.
>Funny how he just appears out of the woodworks once Trump gets elected
He didn't you fucking retard. How many times must you be corrected on this? He's been a figure in the alt-right for years, and held dozens of conferences. One finally gets picked up and you hate him for fighting for white interests? Why? Because CNN played a clip of him saying "Hail Trump"?
Have you ever considered, you're one of the useful idiots that is led around by the media? CNN says someone is bad, and you hate them because CNN says they are bad. It's so funny how you think you are going to manage to fight the establishment without the establishment trying to smear you. If all it takes for you to disown someone is CNN telling people they are bad, then you need to go back to T_D.
>internet cells are so easy to track
>just join our (((honeypot))) to be safe
You know Spencer is doing good work when the lefties come out trying to label him a Jew, as if that would matter. Even if he came out today and said, "btw I am a Jew", I wouldn't give a damn. I might be a National Socialist, but I am not an Anti-Semite. If a Jew wants to support a positive pro-White movement then that is great. The Jews may be our biggest enemy in history, but White people tend to be the greatest enemy of White people in this day and age.
>Isolated, internet-based, cells are less powerful, easier to track (the NSA hears everything right now) and can be easily destroyed (no coordinated legal defense, support network, etc.).
Ah yes, better give my name, address, and SSN to Richard Spencer then. You sure convinced me, user. Thanks.
No idiot, i expect to grow numbers. The numbers are not there to have greater organization retard, but go live in your dreamworld and be counter productive to growing the numbers needed.
99% of Sup Forums is edgy LARPing. All talk, no action, just bitching day after day about Jews, niggers and democrats, while failing to do shit IRL. They think posting a pepe is a revolutionary act of some sort. If they really cared they'd get involved IRL (and not in WN honeypots). Fuck meme culture
last line should be
>I'll do this
because that's what he does. things. in real life.
This. If Spencer isn't an alphabet agency plant then he is literally retard-tier when it comes to optics and branding.
>heil Trump
>roman salute
>peaceful ethnic cleansing
Anything I missed?
Do you realize that internet activities can be easily tracked remotely? It will only get easier with the advent of AI. The NSA probably could easily determine every Sup Forums poster's identity, they just have no incentive to. Infiltrating an IRL organization, particularly one with a strong ideological core, requires a lot more effort.
>he's separated from
Really? Don't they have a child together? That's fucked up.
>guys we really need to centralize behind one single person so when he inevitability gets taken out the whole movement collapses.
Nope. If any White activist becomes popular then by definition they must be CIA agents.
Ok, I know your a fuckin shill now. Fuck off retard.
>If all it takes for you to disown someone is CNN telling people they are bad, then you need to go back to T_D.
hahaha nice blatant straw man you fucking shill. I honestly hope you're just a brainlet and not intentionally looking to fuck over decent anons on this board over your larping bullshit.
Unfortunately there are idiots that will fall for it and become the sacrificial lamb for Spencer and his masters plans. Much like the big eared dough faced boy who ran his car into a crowd at Charlottesville. Anyone who knows how this works knows that most public "white nationalist" groups are filled to the brink with honeypot agents and have been so for decades. Take a look at Hal Turner who surprise surprise was exposed and admitted to be working for the government 7ish years back to spy on white nationalist groups. Richard Spencer's exposure and entire entry into the public eye is dubious and sketchy as all living fuck. He helped promote and encourage the coined term 'alt-right' that Hillary started using mid way through the campaign and peaks his head out at the most coincidental times doing something extremely embarrassing and it never promotes his ideals it just feeds into the Liberal mainstream narrative
But much like Sup Forums has its fair share of EA and big publisher shills crawling around, so does Sup Forums with establishment shills who are hellbent to isolate and humiliate Trump along with any form of right wing politics that isn't under the neo-con establishment umbrella.