(((Richard Spencer)))
Other urls found in this thread:
>post pictures of Aryan men from paternal line
>text at the bottom saying "he's jewish"
Why should I believe this? Also, you do realize that 12.5% Jewish was considered German under the Nuremberg laws. What was good enough for Hitler's not good enough for you?
Real Freedom Fighters (spencer is a ZOG agent for Freemasonic White Genocide Israeli Mossad Terror State) mourningtheancient.com
DAILY REMINDER that spherecuckoldry is not tolerated here and all spherefags should kill themselves..
excuse me but that jewy nose at the far left is all the evidence anyone needs
Who really cares about what Richard Spencer has to say?
Cool let me just watch these 4.5 hours of Youtube videos. Really contributing to the conversation their, bro.
Do you support Richard Spencer?
Because we aren't the NSDAP? I can admire the NSDAP and not agree with on every damn issue. Richard Spencer is a faggot no matter what his heritage is. I don't care what people say, I look up to people like George Lincoln Rockwell, or Ernst Zundel. Spencer is an inarticulate dough boy who has no place trying to lead people.
The image itself isn't claiming that's a Jew. The pic says that's his paternal line. The alleged Jews are from the maternal line and unrelated to the pictures, by the image's own account.
I knew antifachanners were retarded, but jfc
Spencer works for ZOG and White genocide.
I agree with everything you said. But that doesn't merit lies about "he's a jew!"
Total cuck.
I don't care what it says
I see a jewy nose and I calls 'em as I see 'em
also don't call me antifa you cuck swine
If that is not true, then feel free to call out the lies. If he does have Jewish ancestry, it's fine to talk about it.
Thats not a jew nose you kike rat.
>I don't care what it says
You literally posted it.
There sure is a lot of threads attacking him, it's almost like he's on our side and our enemies are trying to stop us from listening to him.
Aaaaaand? Most of the leaders of White Supremacist movements are Mischling (Mixed White/Jew) anyways. Ashkenazi Jews would be White if they didn't act so destructively nepotistic. It is the Globalist Jewish rat that undermines everything good about humanity. If they were raised in White families they should theoretically be the same as us.
There is also the theory that Jews are genetically parasitic. That's pretty irrational though.
allow me to simplify this for you pee brained jew cucks
>There is also the theory that Jews are genetically parasitic. That's pretty irrational though.
Yes, it's late. Go to sleep.
Have you never seen a jew nose before?
He's 12.5% a Jew by the picture's own account. He's a soft bugman who belongs in some WN publishing house as the third billed speaker at conferences, but he's not le jew.
This 8pol tier non-white shilling faggotry just causes division. We can criticize his leadership (or lack thereof) without going full WN1.0 mudslinging. Geocities tier conspiracies are automatic discredation.
How about:
>Richard has helped to clean up white nationalism by pushing its image from backwoods hillbillies towards "racist bros." For that he should be commended. However, he's a poor public speaker and not very inspiring despite his desire for grandeur, plus I disagree with his paneuropeanism and his desire for "liberalism but with white people." In my opinion he should really take more of a background role."
That would be constructive and non-larpy D&C bullshit
Gee, for the master race you guys really do catch on to satire very quick. Cucks.
THIS. user thanks for this post. I remember months ago seeing posts at a similar level of quality all of the time. Fuck, this board has gone to shit.
fuck him and his fake hitlerjugend haircut. the man is a kook and works for some alphabet soup agency.
great source, shareblue
This board gets dumber by the second
We got subverted TOO hard. Also we ironically took in too many internet immigrants from other places.
That's pretty awesome you can look at the individual chromosomes.
What is Spencer inarticulate about exactly? I'm honestly interested to know. You can call him a dough boy all you want, but from what I've seen he is much more articulate and powerful than your heroes Rockwell and Zundell
>0.2% Middle Eastern
>trusting that
Actually, I believe it. Ever seen the believer?
That is literally Richard Spencer; the self-hating jew.
he's a shitskin
i fucking knew it
>another character assassination thread
Christ, are you getting paid to shill for this guy or what? At best, he's just another cancerous e-celeb trying to hop onto the alt-right gravy train. And at worst (and most likely) he's probably just another controlled opp cia spook.
You know what they say about OP. saged
user, I ask you please explain for a lost forgotten sad spirit such as myself: what is your main critique w Spencer's poor public speaking style and supposed lack of inspiration?
For people who are actually claiming someone who had a jewish great-grandmother is a jew: He has a great-grandmother who is jewish and that's why you hate him? Is that a joke? He is still considered white under nuremberg laws. You're fucking retarded.
Also, see:
You Spencer haters are so stupid you don't even realize you are responding to satire.
You believe it? That's funny, because that image is satire making fun of the 8pol leftists who character assassinate WNs over minutia.
wtf I love Richard Spencer now
Maybe you are right; in order to convince me through, please at least give me a legitimate critique of the man. As far as I know, he is the Conductor of your so-called 'alt right gravy train.'
>hurrr he has a German name dat means he's a Jew
Fuck off Moarpheus, look where he is buried
this is mike enoch on a proxy
Yes user, every pro-white person works for some alphabet soup agency or is a jew. Well done. Now you can finally sit on 8pol in peace without feeling guilty for doing nothing for the white race.
What's the point of polls if JIDF are gonna shill all over it?
Yeh nah, keep up the paranoia though, it's real healthy
Personally I think Rockwell was a better debater/question answerer, Spencer is too comfortable stepping into gotchas.
What's your source dude? Please post your source for this information or fuck off with your shill "believe what I said because its a dank meme" propaganda.
I've never been on 8pol in my life. Why are you defending this man so vehemently. Are you getting paid? Is he serving a surrogate father figure to you or something?
Trying to organize """protests""" is his biggest red flag. Reminds me of the FBI trying to """recruit""" members into the Ku Klux Klan.
>Wah wah, the results aren't going my way so the JIDF must be responsible
You're worse than the left.
>i-its not me!
You got busted using proxies earlier, Mikey.
>T. JIDF faggot.
Isn't it so funny how all the pro Jew flags on Sup Forums are either meme flags or Aussie, South Africa, Netherlands, or Brazil most of the time?
Another JIDF kike slide thread. They must be scared if they keep doing this
Kikes seem to really care
Why are you lying about this man so vehemently? Are you getting paid? Is he actually doing something out there and making you jealous while you're sitting on the internet doing nothing?
Name 3 living public white nationalists that you support.
(just you, not other people)
Hello in there, Yank.
Tell me, what colour is the sky in your world?
Do you have some vids to convince me of this? Give me some sources, because Spencer has vidyas all over the place
Isn't this a holy day for you, Rabbi? Can't you ease up on the Spencer is a Jew disinfo for just one day a week?
Or does he get Australian white pages as part of his clever proxy plan
Spencer's own stuff is enough, his Q&A sections of his university visits are usually pretty bad and he has to get Enoch to answer the disingenuous bullshit for him.
The one that I remember off the top of my head is when some chick said "Am I white enough?" and he responded with "What are you? Persian? You're probably whiter than me" which is the wrong answer.
He does have the odd good bantz though.
Fuck that spencer faggot no matter what.
Spencer is backed by Jews. Stop pretending like people who criticize spencer are Jews.
Are you referring to the tiki torch debacle? I would almost agree, however, the press conference wasn't bad. What do you make of when he called out Trump on his Kumbaya bullshit?
he might be good
maybe not
in either case just do what is right
and if your ambitious join a ds book club
Yeah this. Who cares? You can literally dilute the jew away with only a couple generations. Do you not realize that you and the jew are more related than you and the chink or you and the nigger? Or even you and the sand nigger. The jew can be bred away although I discourage you from introducing those toxic recessive genetic illnesses into our gene pool.
this cant be possible
Dude kys
Phock off. Eckstein is a German name.
Haha oh wow another character assasination
ayy, shareblue or antia or whatever
get better at this shill things guys its not working
Fuck off, you are behaving exactly like the feds on 8pol.
>why every figure in the kike media who is a kike lover would be controlled opposition
Ive watched a fair share of Spencer vids and honestly I have no idea who this Enoch you are referring to is.
Spencer is powerful. Verbally and Visually. Thats it.
You are nitpicking on some random scene that no one in history will ever remember.
Oops you're right its the 3rd here
If you've watched a fair share of his vids you'd know who enoch is.
Please juvenile user, give me an honest critique of the idea behind Spencer's quote that doesn't rely exclusively on the term 'kike' to prove your point
Enoch is NOTHING. Spencer 100% matters at this point. He has made himself absolutely important at this point, both visually and verbally (whether you like it or not).
He is an obvious controlled opposition herding WNs, to support kikes and their desert shithole. And only a the typical academic moron who listen to these faggots drivel would have a "honest critique" (damage control) to this.
I have no idea who this Enoch you are referring to is my ass.
You've gotta admit Enoch is way better at debating leftists.
This is the great political theorycrafting I come to expect from pol
>IS ______ SECRETLY TEH JEW?!?!?!?!?!
It really is not a great stretch, since it is obvious by now.
So were not willing to hand over a little bit of arab land to be done with jews for good?
Who the hell is Enoch? Please. Give me a good vid for reference.
>What was good enough for Hitler's not good enough for you?
why do ou care so bad about that fagot? lmao
Filthy, dumb, stormfag scum.