We need more anime like Gochiusa

We need more anime like Gochiusa.

There's at least one show like it a season, what are you complaining about?

Hasn't there been at least one kirara adaptation a season for like five years

We need more.

Yes, such as Gochiusa s3. And Gochiusa s4.

I think a movie is due before s3 and s4

Other Kirara shows just aren't the same

I agree

>chiya's hand
>syaro's reaction
dare I say it?

I wouldn't mind more Kinmoza or Sansha Sanyou whatsoever, though I do admit Gochiusa is probably, to many, much better than those.

Hidamari is better than Gochiusa, but for rather different reasons than the others, so I don't quite lump them together.

Chiya is a lovely girl

I want to _____ Cocoa!

holy crap got any more of these??

The show is pretty much trash where nothing happens.
The only thing we get out of the show is people posting lewd images of the girls and asking how cute their wife is.

>5 volumes
We're bottlenecked for material. Koi confirmed too content with the merch money.

I'm going to MARRY Sharo-chan

Me too.

It's boring and not funny. Cute girls shows need to be funny like Lucky Star or Ichigo Marshimaro

fuck off. Gochiusa is fantastic

I'd rather have more stuff like Bamboo Blade

My wife Chino is so cute.

Your wife Chino got decapitated.

t. mentally unstable white kid

Don't shoot the messenger.

Lies. There has never been a show so mind-meltingly cute.

look EXACTLY like



Syalo is basically a Chiya's toy.

steal Chino away from

>or Sansha Sanyou
That shota faggotry ridden series was a disgrace to all CGDCT, and sold accordingly despite good production values.

stick my cockoa in

a cat is fine too

What is next from kirara?
Is there even anything left after Stella?

I would be happy with a show of only Sharo and her poorfag life.

This is the next Gochiusa. You heard it here first.

- the title is a question
- 5 main characters
- nails the atmosphere
- art is unique and charming
- the author is moe as fuck

Too bad it doesn't have even a single volume out yet, so the wait for anime adaptation is going to be long.


Urara Meirochou

Blend S is also confirmed. Sounds like total shit from the description (literally mentions character archetypes of the characters), so I'm not looking forward to it.

Scarecrow Cocoa in 3 months.


Given how shit Pan de Peace was, I don't have much hopes for this.

I'd like to be the woodsman in this situation if you know what I mean.

Fuck off, she's already MY wife.

what about that vn?

My god.

I want to kill Chino.

imagine how easy it would be

There's not even a Chino/Sharo type loli, don't care.

What is Aoyama (Blue Mountain)'s end game?

This is where I pretend to be outraged while you pretend to be enjoying my outrage

To break my pelvis with her massive ass.


I want to adopt Cocoa

I'd like some more Gochiusa.

Do they go abroad like other movies?


>lookup source
>ends with head off
Post something to get this image out of my brain.

You reap what you sow.

Is it because she's so cute that your dick exploded out of unpreparedness?

I just realized the chimames are as old as pic related.

Didn't that Kiniro Mosaic OVA come out? Why can't I find it anywhere?

It was shown in theaters but the BDs are not yet released. So at best you'd be able to find a camera rip, but I guess the Japanese don't do such a thing.


I want to sip Syaro every morning.


And then what?


Have sex with anons.

What if anons don't want to have sex with you?

I don't even like Chino as a character, but it just too mean.

Kirino Mosaic is better and less lewd

>less lewd
user, I...

Better make season 2 of this first then.
They already have enough material to finish them in one cour.

They are little girls, act like little girl, speak like little girl. They should not reveal their for PLOT and not subjected to sexual suggestion.

>They are little girls, act like little girl, speak like little girl.
Yes, exactly, that's what makes it more lewd.

Sansha Sanyou was great.


>We need more anime like kiniro mosaic

>more anime like it
As sexy as it is cute?

What is this seasons SoL. Urara?

There are like 4 shows like that each season or more.

No it's not.

Worse setting (boring Japanese suburb)
Some characters are literally pointless even though they're main characters (Shino, Yoko)
The theme of some characters being from England is rarely even used
Karen completely steals the show everytime she shows up
The pairings of Alice/Shino, Aya/Yoko and later Karen/Honoka are so fixed, that any interaction of characters not from the same pairing feels completely artificial
Despite that, you just know that these pairings will never progress beyond friendship

This, there's too much moeshit

We need more anime like JoJo

>Thinks that "moeshit" means something

>one show like it
if only ;_;
a lot of kirara shows lately but only 1 moe show a season is too little


Moe > your whole fucking world kiddo

jojo fags are the worst

Did I ask for your opinion

moe fags are worse

fuck off back to your contamination threads redditors

There may be a lot of Kirara adaptations but most of them are obviously budget productions just to sell more manga. New Game seemed like it had a decent budget, but they cheaped out on the cast with a bunch of unknown seiyuu. Though it also sold pretty well in the end, but it doesn't have a seiyuu unit like Rhodanthe or Petit Rabbit's to sell out huge events.

Fucking delusional.

Karen alone is better than all the rabbits combined.

If you think commanding someone is gonna make that someone do something, you really need to get out more


t. newfag who hasn't read or watched jojo yet

god when did it get this bad?

Hell yeah nigga

Why would someone even want to do this to Chino?