I hear lots of popping
and sirens
I hear lots of popping
and sirens
Other urls found in this thread:
the popping has ended
the sirens grow louder
DFW fag here. Gimme the scoop!
>someone shooting guns
>in Texas
nothing i guess
just poor people shooting other poor people i imagine so nobody cares
i don't see anything on twitter or in the news feeds
Nig central
whats the beef chief? details snap snap
i always forget to check the police scanners
sixty bucks says it's niggers
That's Houston.
>probably Oakcliff
nothing of value was lost
Got my stereotypes of Texas from movies, is it really that nigger and spic infested?
XD! is great! you break theyll ship a new one!
lots of Katrina people moved to Houston
and obviously we share a border with our burrito making friends
It was fireworks at fairpark you dipshit
Dirty truck driver here. Heading that way tomorrow make sure you get everything\one under control I don't want to get shot.
Didnt the fair end in October?
They have concerts at starplex or whatever its called now
Alright, that might be it.
Not claiming to know what happened, just never heard them from my apartment before.
tanks in the streets outside
air raid sirens
nuclear launch confirmed
You know what that means...
jus fireworks bruv
Texasfags how comfy are you right now?
this meme will never die dailymail.co.uk
He can't keep getting away with it