How much of that $18b do you think Soros has spent?
How much of that $18b do you think Soros has spent?
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So the mossad can blackmail me with the video?
*gently rest my foot on its head*
Give me my money.
Developing the (((56%))) meme probably cost a billion.
But shitposters are cheap as fuck, so it probably only cost 500k to push all these shitposts through on here, even though they're doing it constantly all day long.
Still a lot left.
For some reason I can't kill dogs. I could kill a kike child but no dogs
But you can't make a "boop" sound while doing it.
loophole digits
Anyone else unironically wouldnt do it?
they're innocent
I might have to think about it?
>kill one to be able to save literally all other dogs on earth
It would be crueler to not step on it.
Are there any witnesses?
What is the legal punishment for animal abuse?
How do they define step? Standing on the puppy? or walking over it as one footstep of a longer stroll?
I'd feel miserable but I'd do it in a second.
No I wouldn't step on a puppy for some (((money))).
I stepped on my cat and I felt so bad. He was ok. To be fair I don’t know why my cat or cats in general rush towards my feet when I walk.
Almost like they want me to fall.
I love them.
>Any person who intentionally violates s. 951.02, resulting in the mutilation, disfigurement or death of an animal, is guilty of a Class E felony.
In Wisconsin, Class E felonies are crimes punishable by a fine of up to $50,000, up to 15 years’ imprisonment, or both. (Wis. Stat. § 939.50.)
I wonder if they could take the money you earned for stomping the puppers.
I already make more than enough to be happy. I wouldn't step on a puppy.
I'd earmark 9billion to save every other dog on the planet, so it would be worth it
no, any amount of money isn't worth an innocent life (no, blacks, jews, and muslims aren't innocents)
How much pressure is required to be applied to the puppy? If you lightly put your foot on it while your other leg is walking (effectively jumping with one leg slightly attached to something yet applying no pressure), would that count?
I don't think I would.
Might do it if I was dirt poor and desperate.
I had to think about it, but this. If I did it I'd have to save literally every other dog on the planet to repent for my sin. There is no worse sin than hurting a truly innocent creature on purpose.
There is always a gentle path.
Thank you, user.
any goon that takes the money is going straight to the gas chamber
What if I spend 17 billion of it saving every dog on the planet? Including every dog being eaten in China.
I think if the puppy had enough sentience to agree to being killed to save all the rest of his kind, it would agree to be stepped on.
no. blood money will bring only bad luck to you and your family
but you could save literally every dog on the planet with that kind of money.
easy. That fucker would be paste. I would use it as a shoe for the next week.
hell yeah
If you don't have a line dividing what you would and wouldn't do under a personal moral code, you are a literal nigger. I don't care how you rationalize it. You and I both know you're a nigger if you would do anything if the price is right.
i'd stomp the shit out of that for a fraction
Digits confirm legit tactic.
Also, on topic, I would say no. Call me crazy, but I believe in God. Doing such a heinous thing for a temporary benefit in this life isn't a good deal, imo.
Anyone who says they'd do that is not human. Go figure it's a nigger who not only would do it, but would "break dance on that nigga." I find a new reason every day to hate the dark races.
Consider that every day in China, dogs are being tortured and boiled alive.
You wouldn't step on one puppy to stop that?
It depends on what your priorities are. If you were literally guaranteed $18 billion and no punishment for doing so with no loopholes. Then yes, I would.
I would then use that money to help my people and cultivate a better culture. 'oh no' a cute puppy was stepped on. Horrible, yes. But if you have vision it is well worth it. We eat animals every day as it is - the life of an innocent puppy or the potential future of your people is a pretty easy thing to decide.
I shot my last dog for free after I ran her over with a hay wagon, you're damned right I would stomp a puppy to death for $18,000,000,000.
No because I'm not contributing in any way to what the Chinese do. If every man on this Earth took hold of his life and the environment around him with morality in his heart, that kind of thing would be ended along with all subhuman activity. There's no shortcut to fixing the world's problems.
Okay faggot
But you sure could speed up ending subhuman activity with $17bn.
Look at the horrible shit soros does. Imagine if you had that kind of money and WEREN'T a demon.
Go figure you'd love to have the opportunity to unleash violence on an animal for money. Fucking chink.
t. shit-skinned subhuman
Loving animals is a white trait. Shit-skins, arabs, Chinese, whatever else you name it, you won't find it in very great number.
Checked and kek'd
You're a better man then me
This isn't a Gameshark. There are repercussions to an event like this taking place which would be a more interesting topic to discuss. At the end of the day, mankind isn't absolving itself of some kind of objective sins by cheating our way there because no one would learn anything from it. Either Chinese culture evolves to have empathy for animals, we kill them all and take over stewardship of their lands, or they continue on being savages. There's no shortcut.
Now, if you want to be the subhuman who stomped a puppy so he could try and fail to obliterate the Chinese, then by all means be my guest.
>keep 3 billion
>use 15 billion to start charitable organization to save millions of puppies
no, because once you blow 18 billion dollars trying to fill the black hole in your soul your integrity will still be gone forever
I would probably do it for $500
Not even a poorfag
>kill dog
>get 18bn dollars
>have enough money to give millions of dogs a perfect life
Its a worthy sacrifice.
>You and I both know you're a nigger if you would do anything if the price is right.
Are you a faggot? I raise animals from birth to slaughter for beer money, you think I am going to say "well I killed that cow last week for $1900, but this is a dog, can't kill that for $18b".
Fuck no, every animal has a price tag, I can replace that pup for a hell of a lot less than I am being paid to kill it, so its fucking dead. Hell, I killed 17 turkeys for thanksgiving and got $50 a head, you think I give a fuck about that little pup?
Money doesn't work on everything. From what I'm gathering, Soros is struggling to get things rolling. He's wanting Bolshevism 2.0 for America, where communists kill all the Christians and move the rest into gulags and kill them there. Basically what happened to Russia 100 years ago.
What is the lowest amount of money you would step on and kill a puppy for?
>no consequences
stop lying on the internet faggot
I'd cut that little puppies head off and eat it in a stew like some sort of Brazilian for 18bn dollars, you could spend an entire billion on rescuing dogs or whatever if it really meant that much to you
Thanks for reminding me user
You won't believe me, but such a thing wouldn't work out that way.
LMAO you burgers are still butthurt...
Most likely because you know the meme is based on truth, you fucking mutt
>being this butthurt about a meme
Cmon jamal, you see any jews bitching about the merchant meme?
So, in short, you have no empathy for animals and embrace that fact. How does that make you any better than random chink #123421321 or Jerome from the Sahara?
18 billion huh?
id make sure to do it fast and swift so the dog doesnt suffer.
that is 18,000 million dollars......
Are you a vegan?
If not you need to kill yourself for even arguing about this
Fuck you, i wouldnt hurt any doggo or pupper for any amount of money
If i could step on you i would tho, scummy human
im a dragon rawr
Hey Chaim he's supposed to defend you, remember?
>"Animal Rights in Light of the Bible" (independent fundamental Baptist preaching)
it wasn't developed by Soros you butthurt mongrel retard
If they didn't you'd basically be trading up to 15 years of your life for 18B dollars. Assuming you spent all the time in jail you'd be getting paid 136k per hour.
How much do I get if I have sex with the puppy?
Empathy for animals is not equitable to the utility and the value of an animal. If you do not understand this then you need to embrace the real world.
Although many of us would step on the puppy for practical reasons. It does not take away from our ability to empathize with animals. We are not actively seeking to torture, kill or maim animals.
That being said, many animals are raised solely based on their value. If you give me the choice of an animals life and the future of my legacy, family, tribe and nation for generations to come. You are damn right I am going to choose my own interests over that of an animal.
Just as that puppy would eat my corpse for food. Nothing is innocent, things just are.
Wow you are soooo cool, killing things for money and bragging about it online! Wow!!!! How much would you rape your mother for?
The diff betwen u and someone with a hesrt and soul is like when native americans killed animal for meat, they respected it and thanked the spirit and made offerings... you killl birds for fat andy uncles thanksgiving american deep fry party 2018 and think its something to brag about
Men kill in combat but only the sickos take pleasure in it
Apparently people think there's no difference between torturing animals and humanely/painlessly slaughtering them. Another sign of being subhuman. Sad!
I don't know man. I wouldn't be able to spend a single penny of that money. What if I get a chink to just eat the dog like a nugget, how much do I get?
TIME released this last week
TIME is owned by Soros
Coincidence? Methinksnot
>facebook-esque hypotheticals
The absolute state of Sup Forums
Our heightened intelligence requires us to act with empathy. It's the whole "with great power comes great responsibility" line. People who pretend this isn't true are 100% of the time, in my experience, trying to rationalize something they know is wrong.
>kill the person offering the money, then take the puppy and the money and run
I can't tell if this is bait or not because of the flag.
>So, in short, you have no empathy for animals and embrace that fact.
Do you have zero reading comprehension? Every animal has a price tag, that dog included. I would absolutely kill that dog in that way for that price because it is FAR greater than any other return I could possibly get on that dog. Offer me $18,000,000,001 + enough to cover food/shelter/care for the rest of the dogs life to let it live out the rest of its life and that dog will enjoy the longest life I can possibly give it.
You don't have to torturer an animal to kill it, I've never killed anything in any way other than the most humane way I had available, and the dog would be no exception. There are far worse ways to go then instant death do to your brain flattening out. You wan't to make a case for animal suffering, go look at some farm that hires illeagals, they are fucking rough on stock. Don't try to paint me as some kind of monster because I realize that $18b is the most I can get from that dog ever.
Yes, but my empathy is to my own above all else. 18 billion dollars could be used to lift up countless amounts of my country men. To feed families, build homes, research and to maneuver politically.
I would not step on a puppies head for fun. You really have to look at the macro scale of things and the sheer amount of assets being discussed in this paradox.
Would you say that I should empathize with a refugee child who is 'innocent' even at the expense of my own people? And yes, not stomping on the dogs head is an expense. It is an opportunity cost.
it says step on it not stomp or kill it. You could save plenty of dogs after you get the cash.
Only if I can keep it for dinner.
I would EAT that dog for $18 never mind 18 billion.
I don't think you're a monster. I just think you're lacking in an empathetic capacity that limits your level on the social hierarchy that you will never overcome, much like a nigger. I understand your point and I will certainly admit that you're better than people who will torture animals but there's a sort of hard cap on where you can morally argue you exist if you will do anything for a price. Play the "no one fucking cares" card or whatever you want but I'm not changing my view on this either and I am sure plenty agree with me. There are lines you simply don't cross no matter what as a human being.
The money is worthless if you can't live with yourself after the fact.
Only a psychopath could kill an innocent animal for self-enrichment.
times the population of china
>18 billion and 1 dollars
Ah, so the life of the dog is not worth spending one dollar and no time on. How about breaking even at 18 bill? Or getting one less dollar? Yeah, either you don't have empathy for animals or you're just acting tough, but either way you're being an ass.
>kill one puppy for 18 billion dollars
>use 18 million dollars to save 6 gorrillion puppies
This is why niggers need to go back.
I'm kind of in the same boat. Even with the promise of never having financial troubles ever again and buying whatever I want, I know that I couldn't kill a puppy in cold-blood and have a clean conscious afterwards.
Puppers made a sacrifice for you and your family. Are you not going to accept it? Build a monument to puppers as a martyr? He wanted to help you, he knew he had to sacrifice his life. But he loved you enough to do it. Now you just throw it down the drain.
>Wow you are soooo cool, killing things for money and bragging about it online! Wow!!!!
I'm glad you think real life is so cool user. Maybe one day you will leave the basement and get to experience it.
>How much would you rape your mother for?
My mom isn't livestock you daft cunt, on the other hand the going rate to get a cow AI'd around here is $30+semen cost, so I reckon I could get your mother done for $35, $40 if she wants better results than you.
>The diff betwen u and someone with a hesrt and soul is like when native americans killed animal for meat, they respected it and thanked the spirit and made offerings... you killl birds for fat andy uncles thanksgiving american deep fry party 2018 and think its something to brag about
the difference between me and someone with a hesrt and soul is that they kill animals for meat, where as I kill animals for meat? Whats your fucking point. (also, its still the current year)
>Men kill in combat but only the sickos take pleasure in it
Last I checked I wasn't at war with the turkeys, but rest assured I take no particular joy in killing them, its just part of making money.
Right. It is a part of your livelihood, your family and your prosperity. You don't delight in having to kill them but it is a necessity.
The amount of people here who prioritize the well being of the 'other' (IE: the dog, the refugee, the foreigner) over the well being and future of their family is astonishing.
It is also likely that they have never had to actually make a hard decision that had consequences.
That doesn't absolve you of your guilt.
If I killed you and your family and then turned your home into a refuge for the homeless, am I a good person for it?
Soon as I verified it was a real thing and had proof you could pay me that puppy would be fuckin dead. With 18 billion you could save all the fucking puppies in the world after that if you wanted. Me I'd just buy a nice place and die a happy neck beard death.
Isn't that what is already happening? Except we replace homeless with refugees and then praise the politicians as good? Because we hold empathy and well being to those outside our peer group over that of our own?
False equivalence fallacy. Killing one small puppy is not the same as killing a man, his wife, and his children, then taking their hard-earned home into a haven for drug addicts and degenerates.
>kill puppy
>get $18b
>pay PMCs to eradicate native homo sapiens in Africa
>take control of the land
>sell it and it's resources to rich white European companies
I could save so many more puppies with 18 billion dollars. and kitties.
>I don't think you're a monster. I just think you're lacking in an empathetic capacity that limits your level on the social hierarchy that you will never overcome, much like a nigger.
You better be a fucking soy boy with talk like this, because if you eat meat you are literally no better than the man who raises the animal or the man who slaughters it. Just because you pay someone to do your dirty work for you doesn't mean that you are not responsible for it. I don't raise and kill animals for the fun of it, I do it because people pay me money, if the world went vegetarian tommorrow I would let all my animals go except my pheasants because I do enjoy raising them and watching them. Almost every animal on a farm in this country today was bred specifically to kill it and sell its meat. If you eat meat you are the driving cause of it and are no better than any part of the supply chain.
>I understand your point and I will certainly admit that you're better than people who will torture animals but there's a sort of hard cap on where you can morally argue you exist if you will do anything for a price.
There are several things I wouldn't do for any price. For example I wouldn't kill my neighbor no matter how much I was offered. At the same time I would shoot him dead if he tried to harm me or my family, and I would shoot you dead if you tried to harm his. There is 100% a moral line in the sand, but that line moves depending on circumstance. If you seriously think that "x is always wrong no matter the reasons for x" you are a child. Would you step on a puppy to save your family from being murdered? Why isn't it wrong in that case?
>Play the "no one fucking cares" card or whatever you want but I'm not changing my view on this either and I am sure plenty agree with me. There are lines you simply don't cross no matter what as a human being.
The line is no where near killing animals for money.
Use 1 of the 18 billion to donate to scattered dog shelters across the countries. That dog will go down as the sacrifice that saved the lives of hundreds of thousands if not millions of dogs.