Work of art or falling for the tat-jew?
What is the general Sup Forums consensus on tatoos?
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degenerate, but we've had this thread 1000 times
People who get one tattoo rarely tend to stop at just one. Once you've marked yourself up you might as well just do more. Doesn't seem healthy mentally or otherwise
Black people can take this mammoth.
Jesus has a tattoo
100% degenerate
I know myself well enough to know that images lose their meaning over-time, especially when they're grafted onto your fucking skin.
I have the A-team logo tattooed on the back of my neck. They'll never go out of style.
I like them because they are observable indicators of people I shouldn't associate with or have a relationship with.
Degeneracy. They make for easy-to-spot red flags, though
Wow only black cock only? Thats racist why not my brown cock?
Is this your first week, Austria-kun?
>the ink contains heavy metals
Heavy metals make you retarded. Did you ever wonder why the heavily tattooed guy seemed retarded?
In all seriousness tattoos can be broken down as permissible but not always constructive. It depends on what you get but overall it probably isn't necessary getting a tattoo. I have a few but have no desire to get more.
Depends how meaningful the tattoo is. My cousin is getting the breast cancer ribbon tattooed on his shoulder because his mom has it. My friend wrote a small poem about his dad that he's getting tattooed on himself
Modern day star of David. Lets you know who to put in the oven.
Typically degenerate, can be done classily though. If I ever visit Jerusalem, I'd consider getting a small cross on my humerus while I'm there.
Its an indication of a lack of forward thinking. If a chick has tattoos shes only good for fucking.
Do you all live in the same trailer or just the same trailer park?
Complete and total degeneracy and the literal mark of the beast.
Self fulfilling prophesy
Yeah. Maybe if you got one in the 60s. Modern day ink is a hell of a lot different, and you're a dumbfuck for being gullible enough to parrot dated, debunked info.
I dunno...would a nigger fuck that? wait...ok... a nigger would I take that back..
I'm ok if just the blacks have this one.
Right hand or forehead is mark of beast that permits buying or selling. Tattoos in general is a weak argument for the mark
>brainlet detected
I liked them better when they actually meant something.
You can figure out roughly how many dicks a woman has fucked by multiplying tattoos x 5.
I dig 'em
for every 1 cute white instagram girl who dates black guys there must be 100 pimply bimply queen of spade hamplanets who look like hutts
they don't have a choice, it's all they get
The black man is taking all our Queens!
less is more with tats