besides Whites and East asians, do other races even come close? is everyone else just completely unnecessary?
Besides Whites and East asians, do other races even come close? is everyone else just completely unnecessary?
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everyone else...
Khazars and Ashkenazis blow both out of the water in terms of intelligence, though.
Meso-Americans and Mesopotamians.
both of those are white
POO IN LOO rajinder chang.
>a fucking leaf
arabs and Persians did before they succumbed to inbreeding
That's interesting. Arabs were in fact quite intelligent and civilized hundreds of years ago. It's sad what they've become now.
Arabs were never particularly sophisticated. They just conquered and controlled areas with sophisticated peoples with their superior military tactics (derived from centuries of rampant infighting).
Don't you dare mix east Asians in with us until you've actually visited them and observe their real culture. You only see the best of them because those are the ones that can afford to leave. They're very good at hiding how trashy their societies are because of a strong sense of pride. But if you go there and stray slightly off the tourist paths, you'll see what an absolute pile of garbage the Oriental countries are.
I would say there are still pockets of high society around the middle east, where it hasn't been Arab-washed. And Russia. Russia doesn't consider itself European, but they have a high culture.
look it doesnt matter what you think about east asians, the fact is, whites and east asians have always been #1 and #2 in every aspect of human accomplishment. military, science, wealth
Im struggling to imagine being this fucking stupid
sadly this is our reality
The arabs, Persians, and Indians laid the foundations for most modern mathematics while the europoors were wallowing in their own shit. Before that the Egyptians were making incredible contributions in just about every area of study. Seriously open a book for fuck's sake
I meant you, cherry picking faggot
Would you happen to be new here?
yeah, and what happened after that? POO IN LOO & ALLAH AKBOOM forever
Negroids and Australoids are completely useless
So What? Your implying that the status of these areas is only important today without considering how well they did historically. If you want to make broad statements on races like OP, you can't only focus on the present.
Muslims used to have the most advanced empire back in their Golden Age. Baghdad housed the largest libraries in the world which included the largest repository of knowledge known to men, all inside the House of Wisdom.
The Indians were experts in mathematics and brought us a great deal of contributions such as the numerals we know today as the Hindu-Arabic numeral system.
The Mongolians were utterly useless barbarians, they were pure animals that set back humanity hundreds of years to the past. They've killed more people than any other race in history. The Mongols killed over 200,000,000 people in their genocidal onslaught. By the way, it was the Mongols that first used chemical weapons by catapulting dead bodies infected with the Black Death plague into European castles, which later spread to the rest of Europe and killed half of Europe's population. So remove them from your image.
Niggers and amerindiens have always been useless.
"so what"? it goes to show those 2 races are far inferior if all their accomplishments were made 2000-5000 years ago and didn't do shit after except literal shit and terrorism.
both indians and arabs have an average IQ in the 80s. humans have been around for 200000 years, this isn't something new
No it only goes to show that those 2 races haven't done well recently. There is a multitude of factors associated with why this happened beginning with the Mongol invasions which devastated Asia while Europe was beginning to experience the effects of the renaissance. Similarly the rises and falls of western civilization can be explained by a multitude of different social and political factors. Only Brainlets resort to the race argument. Any historian worth a shit knows this
The limit of white - south are south italians, the limit north are finns.... ashknzis would stay out,for obvious reasons.
Besides the Islamic golden age happened 800 years ago you fucking retard. Persia, India, and China were still going strong until 400 years ago. Are you actually this ignorant of history?
He's right you retard. Stop thinking history has always been the way it is today.
While the West today is the most advanced scientifically, for the vast majority of human civilized society, the Chinese were always the most advanced by a long shot. The West excluding Italy and Greece was full of nothing but barbarian savages for a good portion of ancient history, meanwhile Mesopotamia saw advanced civilizations rise and fall.
Persia was the first superpower of history and laid the foundation for future empires to rise, yet you think Iran has always been as useless as it is today? Learn history you dumbfuck.
I'd hardly call them Arabs, except from a linguistic and religious standpoint after the conquest. They already had reasonably sophisticated civilization before the Arabs arrived, which the Arabs then took credit for the accomplishments of thereafter.
They may have some Arab admixture and inherited elements of their conquerors' culture, but they are not Arab in the same way the invaders from the peninsula were.
Mexicans lol are u serious?