We are proud to announce the formation of Operation Homeland, a new organization dedicated to building a professional identitarian activist movement.
Identitarians around the world are organizing. In planned events and spontaneous actions, we have shifted the political landscape and become players on the world stage, despite our meager resources.
Our positions are clear: we support immigration restriction and free speech, and we resolutely oppose more wars fought in the interest of foreigners. And while Beltway “conservatives” might hem and haw about the desecration of Southern and American national monuments, we take our stand.
Alt-Right groups have been amateur in the best sense of the word. They are composed of dedicated people, who, often anonymously, donate their time and resources to the cause. The Alt-Right is young, talented, energetic, and motivated. But now it is necessary to take activism to the next level.
Operation Homeland will fulfill this critical role.
Our purpose is to plan and carry out bold demonstrations, train and mentor young activists, and foster collaboration among identitarians in America and around the world.
Homeland is not a broad-based membership organization or social club. Rather, it is a core of part- and full-time activists who provide leadership to the movement as a whole.
Camden Johnson
The founders of Homeland are men who have organized dozens of successful events throughout 2017. Whether at the April anti-war rally in DC, in Auburn or Gainesville, or time and again in Charlottesville, we have proven our mettle. But none of these events would have been possible without close collaboration with independent groups and individuals, each of which contributed its own special strengths and expertise.
Homeland is also eager to mentor promising young people. If you have stood shoulder-to-shoulder with us in the past, or want to in the future, get involved: [email protected].
You have one life to live, spend it serving your own self interest or spend it boldly speaking out lawfully and with honor on behalf of you people and your descendants. The choice is no one else's but yours.
>plan and carry out bold demonstrations, So you're a bunch of collectivist pussies, then. Just like the left.
Landon Ward
Individualism is demonic
Brody Young
pic related
Jonathan Edwards
BAMN’s parent organization worked directly with the North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMBLA) in the years just before it founded BAMN, according to NAMBLA documents
Its like a worse IE... Also know that it involves Richard Spencer they will give up and move on to some other way to get sheckles in a week.
Ryder Rodriguez
kys glow-in-the-dark nerkler
go solve some crime ya fuck
Jacob Morris
Forgot to sage
Levi Flores
>poland >white
Brody Barnes
also hello CIA nigger
Nolan Hall
I think Spencer is an okay guy.
Jonathan Hill
Civilization is collectivist and adaptive. If the Left is collected then we must collect ourselves or they will annihilate us with ease.
We form a phalanx, we fight, and we survive.
John Roberts
Do you guys accept mixed race people? (Half Arab and Half White)
Henry Cruz
"I'M FUCKING GAY":the post Go away Glowfags
Adam Powell
good to see based spencerpedes getting organized id love to donate some money to help im little short on time to demonstrate can you point me the donation page
Gabriel Baker
Post economic and social platform
Landon Harris
>tfw the post made by the "leader" of the alt right doesnt even reach 100 replies
Leo Myers
Are you the dude at my work from East Texas?
Jose Parker
Yeah whats is up man
Xavier Clark
Go back to arabland >the weak will perish, in the coming storm
Logan Howard
Smells like another waco to me.
Liam Baker
I can pass as an italian
Thomas Lewis
I'm not an organizer of this but no, I assume (and hope) not with this operation. If you're honestly interested in providing assistance, that's wonderful and much appreciated, but things need to stay simple. Accountability is a lot easier to manage and culpability is clearer when it's all our guys. We can't have any, even potential, racial conflict of interest.
Easton Watson
>we really hated how you anonymously put up those posters, please just dox yourselves by signing up to our non-honeypot
Dominic Scott
Huh. That guy is using a PPSH. Must have snagged it off an Ivan.
Brody Roberts
Noah Brooks
Go back to africa nigger
Brayden Harris
>lel-right >sign here goyim
Jacob Cox
Alright thanks for the clarification
Adrian Perry
Brody Russell
And thank you for wanting to help, I'm serious about that! Stick around and you'll find your part to play.
Nathan Moore
One question we're going to have to deal with is various aligned mixed-race people. I honestly am at a loss for what to do with them. Obviously they're in their situation through no fault of their own. That said - white advocacy should be done only by people who are noticably white. Race is a catagory with inheriently blury edges, but ultimately there need to be edges. It is obvious when someone is of mixed White/Asian or White/Black herritage and I think that should bar their being a public face of a group advocating for a White homeland.
I think that the best option is some sort of "auxilliary" organization that could be joined by various mixed race people (including Jews) that would be exempt from any reimmigration policy. After a few generations in a white ethnostate, any non-white genes would be rendered largely irrelevant. That said, I can understand why that sort of organization would be inheriently unappealing.
Charles Allen
>Southern and American national monuments, we take our stand. >Southern gay. you had me up to that shit
Chase Johnson
Fuck you and Spencer. Go shill elsewhere.
Kevin Powell
Nazis called themselves comrades also, you fucking retard.
Owen Stewart
Sage this faggotry
Nathan Ross
It's so funny to see you leftists this angry at the idea of an all-white society.
Benjamin Stewart
But what is the GOAL of this movement?
Mason Campbell
There will be no peaceful result to this movement, if any fruit is to bear from this it will come from hardship. This problem will be solved with instinct when it's survival, our moral divide on what to do will not be a factor.
If this does not happen this is a dying flame and we'll follow the same route as latin america.
Ian Barnes
>the year is 2050 >McAmerica Corps is overrun by third worlders cannabilizing eachother in the decayed husks of Wal Mart >tfw your daughters will grow up in this >H-heh well at least no one called our daddy a collectivist pussy, r-right?
Logan Wilson
Fuck off, you spencer retards are losers
you do nothing but ruin everything you touch, charlottesville was evidence enough
Charles Martinez
>monuments to the retards who were too lazy to work so imported millions of blacks >monuments to those same retards who claimed superiority over "subhumans" but still raped and bred with them constantly >those same regards who attempted to revolt and did it with the worst government, diplomacy and strategy possible
Sebastian Thompson
Parker Bailey
thats what im saying. any associations with the confederacy should be cut. its crengy as fuck and those monuments were ether put up right after the war cuz "muh feels" or in the 70's by some asshole. put this post on the powerpoint
Zachary Baker
this doesn't even make sense
Henry Bennett
Grayson Williams
is this a honeypot? is this actually true? find out next episode on... kikes make white people look bad