Welcome home, master. Do you need anything?

>Welcome home, master. Do you need anything?

is mugi plus niggers still a meme

I hope so, I always enjoyed that one.

Is Mugi a lesbian?

Feel it's been getting more negative reception lately. Was always kind of forced.

Wakamezake on a Miobowl, please.

I think it's implied she's bi.

Yes, Azusa should leave and never return.


No, it's canon.

More K-On

Yes. Azusa has a thing for Mio too, though KyoAni downplayed that heavily to the point where you can argue they retconned it in S2.

Why is the guy from Barbershop there?

mugi confirmed absolute worst

>a scat doujin

Azusa go away, Mugi, sit down and take your shoes off.

It's pretty great

i'd like a wedding with mio

I don't understand these cat images with Azusa.

Yes, I need Mugi to leave so I can have some precious time with my beautiful wife.


I wonder what the K-on's socks smell like.

Yes, Mio and Ritsu.

Azusa, put on tea. Mugi, prepare for lunch. I think I'll be having ass today

A package deal of two pussy

Balls drained now.

Mugi's smell like nigger semen

unpack rachel and get out the puncture repair kit