When does this shitfest become better?

I'm not even asking for "good", just better than the shitty redundant edgy hybrid of FLCL and Yatterman that it is. It might have been tolerable or even slightly amusing for a couple of episodes, but fuck it being two seasons long with a bunch of movies and shit on top.

God fucking damn it, I thought nothing could top Kill la Kill in the category of series that the whole of Sup Forums was losing their shit over but which turned out to be utter garbage, but this steals the fucking candle.

your opinion is fucking wrong you cunt

>two seasons
You need to learn proper terminology.

I wrote it and it's correct.



It's true though.

Just watch it, it does get really good, better than Kill la Kill in terms of fights and power levels.

You're watching a show that pays homage to classical robottos show while also being completely over the top about it. What the hell are you expecting?

If you don't like it, drop it. If you are asking when it gets good, the answer is "from the first episode". Seems like you don't know this style.

I really regret listening to you idiots and watching this show.

It happens, OP. We can't all like the same thing. What genres do you like?

whatever OP's taste is, i can guarantee its complete shit.

If you don't like kill la kill, why watch a show that's almost the exact same thing?

I tried to watch it a few times and couldn't until after the first arc with lord genome. It gets so fucking over the top after that and I love it.

>Lordgenome walks out of lasengann and punches lagann in the face
Shit was hype.

I loved Kill La kill is was the best. Gurrenn laggen is a dumpster fire.

I don't know. Never really thought about it. I watch all kinds of shows.

The better question is, why does Sup Forums continue to collectively lose their shit over meme shows like ttgl and klk?

Well then, you opinion is noted. Let it be know that we disagree and liked it. Life goes on.

Have a cute picture of Nobledragon Magician.

Because they're more caricatures of existing genres than anything else. They don't take themselves seriously enough for the viewer to feel cringey watching them. The story-lines are okay but the characters and fight scenes are what really carry any show like this.

Like I said, they have the same theme of over-the-topness and it was a snoozefest for me too til around the end of the lord genome arc. If you're not that far and haven't watched it, I believe it genuinely does get better and fulfills its promise of lightning fast pace and epic fight scenes. They start off as cave dwelling nomads to full blown conquerors of all of existence for heavens sake.

>epic fight scenes

No. They recycle the same fight over and over again.

ITT: someone who dislikes thing feels the compelling need to tell people who enjoy thing they are wrong and shouls feel bad about it

I mean, I guess if you're as blind as a bat then every anime probably looks the same to you. Why bother even watching anything?
Not every anime has to be "lmao 2 deep 4 u' to enjoy it.

So anime had entered the age of decadence of the genres then? It takes a self-conscious self-referential deconstructive amalgam of genre tropes get the viewer truly excited?

When will the downfall come? How will anime be after it?

>gurrenn is losing the fight
>oh no, we're losing what do we do?
>they pull more spiral power out of their ass

Repeat every episode until the show is over.

>Protag getting the shit kicked out of him
>oh no im losing what do i do
>they pull more friendship bullshit out of there ass

>goku is losing the fight
>oh no what are we going to do?
>pulls more saiyan power out of his ass
Repeat until the show is over.

>[insert literally any shonen fight ever here]
>oh no we're losing the fight!
>gets mad and pulls more power out of his ass

Repeat until the show is over.

I'm pretty sure you like atleast ONE other series that does this, it's so prevalent in nearly every anime that has power levels or fight scenes in general.

If it's bad in other shows, it's bad in your show. Kill La Kill had her have to use her brain to come up with a strategy to beat them every time. The tennis match? That time she fought naked? Fucking, when she had to deal with that guy with the magic cloth bullets? That weird episode where she had the motorbike?

I repeat: you are missing entirely the point of the show. GL is an open love letter to the super robot genre. If you don't like what's going on here, fine, but you are embarassing yourself now. We fucking get it, you didn't like it.

>it's shit on purpose

Not a very good argument.

That was not my argument and you know it. You are criticizing a super-robot show for being a super-robot show and by comparing it to a show which belongs to a completely different genre and that is only connected to it by the fact it's over-the-top and has fighting in it.

You might not like the genre GL belongs too and that's perfectly fine. But saying it's shit just because you don't like it is retarded. If you want to discuss, please feel free to do so, but as far as it concerns me you are just someone who got frustrated at a show he didn't like, felt "betrayed" by Sup Forums of all the fucking places and now is sperging over this thread just because nobody is licking his ass and begging to his superior opening.

Nobody cares.

I didn't bring up other shows. You did, in a vain attempt to claim that if other shows are trash yours is somehow not trash, and failed miserably.

I don't mind robots fighting at all, but Gurrenn is a garbage show. Keep working your way down the list of nearly arguments, it won't change anything.

Wrong user, I stopped responding because you have stage crippling autism.

Weaker and weaker she gets.

its great until kamina dies

I didn't like Kill la Kill when it aired. It was trying too hard to be like Gurren Lagann plus even more fanservice

>two seasons

>Cute girls are bad

Quoth the homosexual

You don't even know what "edgy" means. It's just meant to be the best superhero show it can be.

You're allowed to like what you like and don't like what you don't like senpai. Anime isn't some goddamn hivemind.

It becomes really good after the timeskip

>if you dont like this shitty show with fanservice in it you are gay

No, it's not liking the fan service is what makes you gay

The fanservice is fine
But the show is shit

What now?

You're still a fag tho

The problem isn't with robot fights, it's boring robot fights that are the problem.

It starts out okay, but gets better until up to the timeskip, which it becomes complete garbage.
However, the best scene in the series is buried in that garbage so its worth finishing.

There were good parts, like the episode where they rip off Shirley Jackson, or the one where he grows up and gets in over his head in bureaucracy, or the one with the teacher one the edge of the world watching the other characters on tv. See what these have in common? They focus on people, instead of spiral asspulls.

But the people are the weakest part of Gurren Lagann.
Viral kicking Simon's ass in the prison showers for being such a pussy was great though.

You don't like stuff directed by Imaishi. Get over it and watch something else.

Hey I have a story about Dave, this hobo, who gets a magic rock that let's him conquer the universe. Super good stuff right?

bait:the thread

I actually liked the anime better after the timeskip. I found the lol politics drama refreshing, i even started rooting for Rossiu

You don't need to count the underground people you massive retard! Let them live there if they want, it defeats the whole point of the census!

>When will the downfall come?
It's already here.
>How will anime be after it?

People actually liked that?
The point was to make Rossiu look like a fool and fuel Yoko-sensei porn
When the fighting started again it was the "about fucking time" moment

Hang yourself OP.

Fighting was shit. Show would be better without it.

And this world would be better without you

Why did she have to go, Sup Forums? Why?

>future of anime
Truly the darkest of times are upon us.

Give it at least 8 episodes, I didn't like the start either.


fuck off moefag and don't watch Manime again