Maddox's letter to his ex-girlfriend is read.

Other urls found in this thread:

Is this 1999, user?
nobody fucking cares

This might be the first case of an internet beef's ratings being so low that they had to move the show to live studio theatre.

>lawsuits intensify



In b4 Ally McBeal dancing baby gif

context please


Literally nobody cares about this has-been faggot.

dick masterson, a parody character, and a comic co hosted a podcast with maddox called the biggest problem in the universe. dick masterson was already sort of internet famous like maddox for trolling doctor phil and writing a book called "men are better than women". dick masterson ended up being liked and much more likable than maddox on the podcast and maddox iced him out and did a bunch of shady shit. he then went full SJW and accused dick masterson of holding a rape list and got him banned from places in L.A. dick masterson continued to grow (his patreon is at like 25,000 dollars a month) while maddox succumbed to SJW withering and desperation. followed by lawsuits and trying to get dick masterson's girlfriend fired from her school job (sjw job hit squad).

dick masterson now hold theatre shows for his podcast fans and gives out prizes of maddox serious mental issues and emails as prizes and content because maddox is suing him for like 400 million dollars or some shit.

dick masterson is a legend

this is why the talentless shouldn't surround themselves with real talent.

this crowd is abysmal. this guy has really hit rock bottom.

thanks user

No, They shouldn't get dellusional about themselves. Maddox played a great straight man to Dick Masterson.

This looks almost as cringy as the current Patton Oswalt vs. Greg Gutfeld Twitter cockfight currently going on.

Who is maddox? Never heard,of,him

I think he was a pitcher for the Braves in the 90s.

you fucked that post up. it's not hip to pretend to not know maddox. the correct canned response is

everyone loser over 25 who lurked on the internet during their formative years should know maddox

Maddox was proto-pol

So why do we care. Looks like some numale comedians making some unfunny lame jokes off some poor guys love letters

I seriously dont know who he is.

Reported, underage newfag

He is a confirmed, literal cuck though now (and looks gross), so dont worry about it. Hes noone



take a trip back into the year 2000 of internet. he was one of the first e-celebs, as kids call them today. his writing was a fucking riot back then. doesn't really hold up to the context of today's time but back then he was up there with stickdeath's hilarity.

>That fucking tracksuit on Dick

Dick was right: Madcucks was already dropping the act (minus the book) of playing the parody until the lawsuit. Madcucks is just funny again. The fact that Dick pulled the nuclear option just goes to show that he really is the 400 million dollar man we deserve.

And who's stickdeath

Ssying you report someone is against the rules. At least that is what r/Sup Forums told me

I first learned about Dick from when he had Sam Hyde on his new show. Bretty kewl guy desu.

What a fucking fall from grace.

You're fucking pathetic Maddox.

yes and let all of this shit be a distraction from dick's true talent of oratory and fucking awesome poetry of rants on the current state of fucking idiocy int he world. he is america's wingman, a man of the people and the newly titled 400 million dollar man.

also, did you know dick masterson is more qualified to talk about science than bill nye the science guy? his meritocratic document of higher education would indicate this. who would have thought.

Then - Maddox

Now - Maalox

>Haven't heard that name since.....Bush was still in office?

the internet used to be so pure

I thought he was awesome in highschool in around 2002. I checked his page religiously for updates. That and Something Awful, which lead me to this cess pit that I've been wallowing in for 13 years.

It's sad to see him fall from grace.
He practically created internet counter culture and now he's just a normie cuck.

i think that's a lot of people's story. something awful also led me to find which was like the yachtclub, paid subscription version of Sup Forums.

He's Caltech alumni isn't he? I remember a while ago Maddox mentioning something about Dick going there, and Dick had abruptly changed the subject on Maddox. I had figured he did music at CalTech because of all the little tunes he crafted for BPITU.

But if he was mathematics or something of that nature. That's just embarrassing for Maddox.

Pretty sure dick does something in tech and has some sort of degree for it.

PROTIP: Portal of Evil was superior 90s lulz

So basically Dick tried to blackmail Maddox into not suing them?
Maddox still lost

I miss stickdeath...



a-are we all the same, bros? was religiously waiting for maddox to finally submit a new piece the foundation to becoming a fascist? was his critique of children's drawings the path to realizing that Hitler did nothing wrong?

Yes. I've followed the same path

You guys never knew about #politics on undernet

That was proto pol....

And honestly, pol still isn't as edgy or NatSoc....

Back then it was debate in real time chat... Like discord. In the 90s

o/ o/ o/ o/

I still think it'll be years before we get that advanced again.


can someone please post what the FUCK 80s girl looks like?


I still use IRC

I care about laughing at him

Dick and Madcucks are far from nu-males. They’re Sup Forumsocks

mIRC was the first non-vidya piece of software that I paid for

He’s got an engineering degree

When will Maddox kill himself. Not even his hair wants anything to do with him anymore. Perfect example of a has been that didnt get the memo to let it go.

I read Maddox too when I was a kid. I think it was because it was kind of hard to set up your own website back then. He basically had no competition.

Mirc was free, agent

lol. Maddox. So funny back in the day.

Didn't translate to video well. And then he thought he could take the word of the day "Cuck" and shit all over it because he's so edgy but that backfired hard.

Just a sad situation overall.

will maddox be the first eceleb to kill himself?

Dick is a software engineer I think, he has some sort of engineering degree and Maddox's lawsuit says he works for a search engine optimization company

This. I was half expecting an ooga chucka baby dance meme followed by a hamster song.

Reminder: Kilroy was here.

>low-energy Twitter fight
Wow. That's so interesting.


Remember JoeCartoon? Good times.

i knew that Maddox and Dick would never mesh well from the start. Maddox tries to act like an alpha but when you hear and listen to what he says and how he says it, as well as his demeanor, you can tell this is merely a projection of what he wants to be when he's really actually insecure. Masterson on the otherhand is an actual alpha and Maddox felt too threatened to deal with him

God damn Joe Cartoon was great.

watching this dynamic slowly become more and more toxic was what made the show so completely legendary, a slow cooking intense rivalry that literally started over losing internet voting contests a handful of times lol and a few times when he sounded like an idiot and could not let it go... he could not deal to such a degree that he kept overcompensating harder and harder until it destroyed the show, his life, and now with this lawsuit... the show didn't end, it just went meta and now it's a chris chan level horror story of the internet, and it's almost impossible for this to not end in complete tragedy.