What is your honest opinion of this studio?
Pretentious shit desu my senpai senpaitachi
Still my favorite studio, although they've been pretty boring the last few years.
They're the ones we should blame for death of industry. They are cancer. They make anime about panties and cool poses, and people PAY for that shit, of course, another studios will take the example and do the same.
Reminder their best show is hugely underrated
I like some of their stuff like Madoka and Monogatari but the majority of their stuff is pretentious and shallow. Their signature style gets very annoying as well.
Who has followed SHAFT's example, then?
Made my 2 favorite anime series, Pani Poni Dash and Monogatari.
Yes I watch it just for those few seconds of a panty shots. I sit through all those seasons of almost only dialogue just for that.
Why is it that I haven't seen any hate for queens blade for example but when someone does it only for a moment they are shat upon.
They're ok. A lot of fags do seem to get butthurt by them for whatever reason though and they need to get over it.