Imagine living in a country where everyone is a Shinka
Imagine living in a country where everyone is a Shinka
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Would I be a shinka too?
No user, you are the shinka.
i want to increase that country's birth rate
Imagine browsing a board where this shitty cunt wasn't in the catalog 24/7.
You would be a Shinka (male).
but wouldn't that actually be a male (shinka)?
> Imagine living in a country where everyone is a Shinka
A country destroyed by civil war because everyone is a bitch?
I want to take part in that civil war.
A country collectively trying to hide a chuuni past, until it bursts out uncontrollably, shattering the whole world in a glorious magical battle?
I guess there wouldn't be anymore stay dogs around then.
So by implication, half the population is Shinka (male) right?
Yeah, you all will still be a Shinka but you would just have shorter hair and a big cock.
What if you need to call someone by name?
How do you check IDs?
How do you find a criminal suspect?
What if your choir needs a baritone?
I am proud to identify myself as a Shinka, have you done yet?
>Imagine living in a country where everyone is a Shinka
So imagine living on Sup Forums for all eternity?
I'd call everyone Mori Summer and get crucified.
But you would be a Shinka as well and unless you tell other countries about that dirty secret, you won't be charged with treason.
I'd gladly defect to a country full of Kumins.
You can defect all you want but at the end of the day, you would still be and forever be a Shinka.
Defecting to Kumin country isn't really a good idea. It will all be rosy at first until you realize that Kumins don't actually work and just sleep all day. You as a Shinka are naturally very busy people, you are used to working 3 jobs with long shifts whilst also volunteering during the weekend. You will never get used to not doing anything, it's just not in your nature.
Not enough dogs to go around
Why can't it be real?
Can I be a Shinka (female) instead?
Given that everyone is a whore, it would be a civil fuck.
When it comes down to it, we're all Shinka's really.
What does that even mean? What are you implying with this post? Did you even think it through or are just desperate for attention?
I'd rather live in a country where every girl is Tawawa.
>and zero dekomori
50% chance, depending on this your post number ending. Even = girl, odd = boy
Given that average life expectancy is ~75-80, and I have divided the population into 5 sets of 15.
1 3 5 7 9 =
What's important is the integrity of inner Shinka. One day, you and I will transcend and achieve the true Shinkahood in the promisded Shinkaland where there is not you or me as we are one true Shinka