"Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore...

>"Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

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nice poem. glad you feel that way. when shall we evacuate your prison islands?

That was added to the statue later you left wing leaning parasite

That was said by some frenchie. The guy who said that doesn't set our immigration policy, and neither should the UN.

>Poetry should dictate policy.

They were talking about white people

Some commie jew's poem is not legal policy.

>poem written by a Jewish immigrant over 100 years still after the founding of America

Only white immigrants are welcome here.

It was written by a foreign kike.

Wow, what a poem. Guess we should just let them all in then.

Nonwhites weren't allowed in until the 1960s. It is not a part of American culture to let in nonwhites.

>veterans and homeless still dying on our street
>while Shaynaynay gets my taxpayer dollars to feed her 12 bastard children

one can of worms at a time

I always like the spoken word more than the written.

We should take it down, the statue looks awful anyway.


Wow, that cute poem written by a Jewish immigrant truly represents the USA and the Constitution as a whole

Yeah, we got enough of them now, thanks.

>Comparing migrants when that poem was made (hardworking europeans) to actual migrants today (niggers from 3rd world shitholes)

It was written by a Zionist Jewess, and, as such, should be immediately discarded.

so I'm all for separating church and state. to me, this poem is just as bad as putting the 10 commandments in a courthouse. It's an ideology that's not shared by everyone, so it shouldn't be on federal property.

>quoting a poem written by a kike

god bless this man, as a half jew, he is what I strive to be.

A nationalistic American who hates shitskins and feminists.

That takedown was fucking hilarious. I have no doubt he visits here


beautiful XD

>by some frenchie

Yeah, we don't care. Arabs Africans and spics can fuck off.

Chinks too.

fuck off were full

>some little feelgood plaque somewhere should dictate laws instead of common sense
And this is why we want to throw you all out of helicopters.

This country was NEVER meant for non-whites. The founding fathers said it. The voters said it. Our ancestors said it. The United States was meant for those of European descent, and no one else.

just some poem written by a random (((poet))) long after the statue of liberty was built

Cute. You found that scrawled on a role of toilet tissue?

We take a 100k+ a year and it fucked the middleclass. How about Europe, Canada, and China embrace some huddled masses for a few decades?

No more god damn shitskins, thank you were much!

Nobody in the world has any obligation to house these shits. Imprison them if you want, but do not put them in society.

White Americans learned the hard way that freedom was wasted on the "huddled masses."

In the United States, nobody at all benefits from Third World immigration but a few thousand Merchants.

An american did not write that


>kill em all, let god sort em out

That poem never should have been added to the statue. The statue was supposed to honor our fight for independence and belief in liberty. It was a gift from the people of France, the nation that helped us achieve freedom, to the people of our country, so the friendship between our nations should be remembered too. Instead, that poem was thrown on like graffiti, and now people use it to say everyone in the world is entitled to be here, no matter what the cost (and I don't mean just monetary value) to American citizens.

See the part about the "yearning to breathe free" is the important part.
They come here and vote commie shit. We don't want them.

Amen, OP
America has forgotten who she is: a home for immigrants. All of your ancestors were immigrants once

I wonder if immigrants will eventually go to China instead of the West once China finally takes over economically. I've always hoped that India & China get their shit together and start building actual first world societies so that immigrants will go there instead. Though, I don't know why China or India would need immigrants, I suppose for slave-tier labor?

I'm still amazed that Acosta still has the audacity to go to those press conferences after being so thoroughly raped and destroyed on national TV. I'd be too embarrassed and humbled to ever show my face anywhere ever again.
I guess libshits really have no shame.

I love him

He's a pathetic soyboy like the rest of them. The only testosterone on CNN is from Van Jones, a nigger


Fun fact: that poem was written by a jewess and forced in the statue by a small group of people. Didn’t come with the statue. Didn’t get voted on by congress or anything.

I would personally use the guns to cause these peoples expiration and have no shame about it. Let me in germany i'll do it all for them.

It was part of a fundraiser to help repair the statue



Dont send us your
>child sex traffickers
>drug lords
>race baiters
>self entitled niggers
>the lazy



Dont send us your
>child sex traffickers
>drug lords
>race baiters
>self entitled niggers
>the lazy
>truck of peace drivers

>"No Drumpf don't you dare walk away from me. Get back here and answer my stupid ass questions that are obviously meant to spread an agenda and twist the truth."
That level of entitlement is nauseating.

No matter many times it happens and no matter how many times you've even seen a particular example of it, sometimes you just gotta step back in awe of how many times (((it's true))).

>one of your statues has a poem carved into it so obviously you are morally required to take in every unskilled sub 80 iq foreigner that manages to float in on a door

Was a poem added later.

Also in a time with zero fucking welfare and when we rejected unfit immigrants

Pattern recognition is anti-semitic

LEGAL immigrants motherfucker

It said "give me your tired, your poor" not "give me your suicide bombers" you absolute fucking cretin.


That's not a law faggot

Funny how leftists and globalists say that the Constitution (you know, the founding document that is responsible for our nation's existence) is outdated and should be completely ignored because it was written by old wipipo in powdered wigs, but a fucking 100+ year old poem quote on a statue should be enshrined as a major pillar of American identity, laws, culture, etc.

Actually by a Communist jewess.

Checked for truth.

Because they have no real morals or standards. They're all about the ends justifying the means. That's why there's never any coherent argument from them, and when you do paint them into a corner with their own logic they just respond with a gif and act smug.


>we take 100k a year
We take 1.5 million per year, 90% of which are from the Third World, and that’s only the LEGAL immigrants.

They were referring to Europeans.

Written by a Jew, right?


This was before they realized they could abuse this statement to ruin a nation and rape all the pretty foreigners in the name of a false religion designed to brainwash and disempower the masses who follow it whilst giving the """PROPHET""" power and absolute authority.

Here's to hoping that RAISE act passes in 2018.
We need to go back to the days when we only accepted white Europeans.
And seeing how shitty things are in some European countries now, it looks like the perfect time to start opening up America to whites across the ocean once again.

Reminder that the concept of America as a "multicultural meltingpot" was started by Israel Zangwill in the early 1900's. A Russian jew, who developed plays and performances attended by the elite in Americia, to convince them to open the doors to jewish immigration. He advertised America as a safe place for jews

The inscription on the statue of Liberty was written by Emma Lazarus, a jew living in New York. She was a strong proponent of Jewish nationalism, even before the foundation of the Zionist movement.

Even from the very beginning, this open-borders America was a jewish concept

>A poem is as good as federal law
Okay kike in emu clothing

They can read and understand a poem.

what if i just dont like non-whites and non-Christians?

god helps those who help themselves


Get the hell out of here with your commie kike poem

>Le BASED brown people
Illegal, legal, who cares? It's all the same "Would you like your nation to die from open borders or slight open borders?"
You don't even see statisticians ask Americans 'would you like to see immigration end completely' anymore it's always 'would you like less, more, and are you comfortable with the level of immigration?' Never do they ask if we want it to end. It's always "Would you like to die quicker or slower?"

Its all Russia's fault, it was her turn