My wife's son loved this anime. Why does Sup Forums hate anything that is popular?

My wife's son loved this anime. Why does Sup Forums hate anything that is popular?

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Ah, I see you too are a fan of the thinking man's anime. I also recommend Honey and Clover.

Sup Forums loved it for the fact that it generated a fuckton of shitposts

>My wife's son

Is your wifes son also mixed race?

>wanting beta self insert MC to win instead of based Morita
Stereotypical thinking man right there.


> thinking man's anime
For the man with the thinking mans fetish.

I thought that kid was a trap wtf. I bet they will have mad threesomes with the MC now that he is out of hospital and the MC will claim his virgin boipucci. That shit would be lit.

>my wifes son
>every damn time