How come sex is so unsatisfying?

How come sex is so unsatisfying?

youre probably wearing a condom that's why

sex is a race to the finish and i never finish last

you're doing it wrong

How come everything on Earth is so unsatisfying

Unsatisfying for you but Jamal happy

>It's phenomenal with someone you really care about.
>It's great with someone you have good sexual chemistry with
>it's just okay otherwise, and I hate when they want to spend the night afterwards, so I kick them out

Low testosterone

jews tricked our parents into cutting off part of our penis

You probably had unrealistic expectations. Sex with someone you love makes it more satisfying.

fapping > sex

This unironically. Ran into an early 20s hottie who wanted condomless sex and I didn't even care if it's babytrapping because I want my kids to look more like her and I'm doing well enough to raise them well.

You need a buttplug :3

>tfw 20 year old virgin
Is this normal?

>How come sex is so unsatisfying?

mind control grid doesn't want you orgasming to what you are orgasming to.

you shouldnt be paying attention to when you are going to finish. just enjoy the experience and try to make her feel good (degradation, putting them in their place, etc) while making your dick feel better

This. Also being cut.

It's kind of frustrating.

You have to do it with a person you love/care deeply about. It's an emotional and passionate experience. You're having sex with them because you want to enjoy each other, not just satisfy your urges, even if that is a part of sex too.
Get a life, user. Then get a gf you may actually want to marry/ live with for the rest of your life.

I ate a girl out for 20 min and made her cum but I didnt

Tfw i dont know what it feels like

You're probably fapping too much.


i feel your pain, Pajet.

get a girlfriend to sex more than 10 times. sometimes it's shitty.

get a hooker.
you need to get it over with and quick.

because it's one of those things no one ever tells you.

Tv/media tells you sex with multiple people is amazing, be a slut, be a homo, be everything!

I was a virgin at 26, had never touched a boob, met a likeminded christian traditional girl that was also a virgin at 22, we got married, she supported me through college with kind words, packing my lunch, ironing my clothing. Now I make 168k after tax, she doesn't have to work, and we're on our third little blonde one.

I bought 22 acres of land near Leipzig in Germany, with lots of old trees and undeveloped land. I'm currently sitting on it and making plans. Next year, I'm listed for job transfer to leipzig, so I'm going to be getting my citizenship everything. Then I'm going to build my own house, with my own hands and live with the family in it.

You don't need sex to be happy. You need inner happiness to be happy. This morning, and almost every single week, my wife runs her hand across my hair in bed and tells me I'm the best thing that ever happened to her.

Your sex probably isnt violent enough. Find a SJW feminist slut. They love the rough stuff.

Yeah but how is the sex though.