Redpill me on everything about cigarettes and tobacco.
What are cigarette taxes in place for? Are cigarettes a Jewish scheme to extract money from us? How unhealthy are they for smokers really?
Redpill me on everything about cigarettes and tobacco.
What are cigarette taxes in place for? Are cigarettes a Jewish scheme to extract money from us? How unhealthy are they for smokers really?
fuck off JIDF.
Raise test, but also give you cancer. But so does sitting in the sun. Smoke pipe tobacco through a bong and you'll be fine just water vapor. Add onion skins for extra flavor and test boosting
I am anything but JIDF my dude.
>why taxed
Because what isn't taxed?
>Jewish Scheme
In Israel Jews smoke quite a lot...
>How unhealthy
Idk they kill 500,000 anually. Main cause for lung cancer, have tar which is a known substance to clog lungs, and overall if you don't die from cigaretts you will live a shitty life when you're old.
>Are cigarettes a Jewish scheme to extract money from us?
Who do you think would market actual poison for human consumption? Who do you think put out the propaganda that it's the manly thing to do?
>What are cigarette taxes in place for?
It's basic economics that when sales will not decline no matter the price hike(because your customers are addicts) there's no reason not to hike the price and bleed those dumb addicts for all they've got.
>How unhealthy are they for smokers really?
How does asking about cigarettes make you JIDF? Haha user not even shilling one way or the other he's straight up neutral
>Who do you think put out the propaganda that it's the manly thing to do?
Murray S. Kessler. was he a Jew?
Can someone post the study about filters being more unhealthy then non filters
>you should smoke onion skins
I don't know anything about the chemical composition of onions or what happens when they're combusted; and this still seems like a bad idea.
Why pay a corporation to kill you slowly when there are plenty of people willing to kill you for free?
1. Hefty cigarette taxes are in place both to discourage people from purchasing them, while allowing the government to extort those who use them. Occasionally when taxes on them increase, it is due to a sizeable decrease in the amount of smokers, leading to a decrease in the tax revenue generated from them.
In Australia, the government stands by its position on the taxes as a means of discouraging smokers, and that the tax revenue goes towards organisations to help people quit, however, only a small fraction of the revenue is put towards them.
2. No, they don't benefit from them considering they use them a lot too. They weren't invented by Jews either, but by Alexandrian Greeks.
3. Increase the likelihood of lung and throat cancer. They don't boost testosterone per se, rather, they block oestrogen. One of the few benefits is the nicotine within them allows for the neurons to stay better connected and fire at a constant rate, thus warding off Alzheimers and Dementia.
1. Discourage new smokers while keeping profits from current smokers
2. No
3. Not good but the occasional few isn't going to hurt you any more than the occasional drink to your liver.
I am making serious effort to move to the mouth fedora, cig prices are insane.
If you can be fucked, rolling your own is generally cheaper, the skill itself is also good for coordination.
Oh and rolled cigarettes are also better for you, pre-rolled ones are treated with chemicals to make them burn easier (not that ones you roll aren't easy to lite).
I usually do, a pound of it costs like 16 bucks plus papers, just getting tired of spending the money to cough and having to step outside and sheeeit. Plus though I can't smell it, I know to others it smells like shit
This. I got chest hair after a couple of months.
>, cig prices are insane.
Learn to roll then. You can get enough tobacco to roll two packs for less than $2 here in Idaho
roll your own cigarettes. its cheaper.
Yeah, fair enough.
yea and we have some of the lowst prices in the western world
Smoking is great and it also sucks. Just like every other drug its great until you get used to it, then its boring and you just feel compelled to do it.
Wish I had never started, then I never would have had to gone through the horrible process of quitting.