There were threads on that WW3 is potentially starting amidst the Syrian AA defense hitting the israelies as well as Russian ships firing at the Israelies. What happened was it all just a larp? Why are those threads gone. Is there information being supressed? I feel like WW3 is about to start and noone is talking about it.
What happened with the Syrian/Israel/Iran/Russia battle yesterday?
Israel is about to be so BTFO by every avenue they won't know what hit them.
Happenings just don't happen anymore. In this (((new world order))) all real happenings occur under the table.
So basically we are all about to enter a war and noone will even know until big missles start flying? This is some MAJOR shit. Do people not understand what can arise from this?
Someone post links to the missile shots yesterday. I need to start investigating what is going on.
They are getting backed into a corner and lashing out like a scared animal. That's all.
Do you have any idea how major it is if Israel gets btfo by syria and Russia starts firing at them? This WILL lead to a mass war
No it won't Israel won't do shit without the backing of the US and Trump is aligned with Putin when it comes to middle east interests.
The very fact that slide blacked/kike/"why are women x" threads popping up here left and right yet this just happened, shows that information here is being supressed and shills are out in full force. Sometimes I wonder how many of us there really are, as there seems to be a lot of bots posting standard shill garbage in repeat slide threads. Its getting worrisome, Im starting to think a major conflict is about to drop after this missile attack occured yesterday. Good luck anons, we will need it.
I promise you, it's always, always a LARP.
Fucking goyim.
For real this time, not even memeing. You literally know nothing.
user if you just wanted to call me a nigger just type "nigger fag" without all that mental gymnastics. Do you even get the main point of OP by pointing how people don't panic unless media tells them to?
HAHAHAHAHA You mad faggot? Your world is over.
Well then, (((greatest ally))), maybe you should tell us something
Iran builds military bases in Syria, something that israel doesnt want, so Israel attacks those bases on almost daily basis. the wierd thing is that no one retaliates. Russia said that they dont care about whats going on as long as it doesnt indanger russian soldiers and intrests. now that Trump wants to make Jerusalem israeli capital things starting to stir up.
>Why are those threads gone. Is there information being supressed? I feel like WW3 is about to start and noone is talking about it.
I thought it was just disinfo but who knows. Israel is super butthurt about it's top secret super larpsquad ISIS being tagteamed by USA, Russia and Shiasquad and defunded of it's CIA assets. Not surprised if some missiles got popped off.
Israel will not do anything major in Syria. Russia moved its tactical nuclear weapons into Syria way back in 2015 and been there since with enhanced SAM sites. It's a lost battle, time to move on.
it's not a larp. another final Israeli war boogaloo is very very close; it will involve WMDs and possibly retaliation worldwide
>I feel like WW3 is about to start and noone is talking about it.