About 2 weeks ago my teen brother started dressing up like a girl, wearing makeup, and asking everyone to refer to him as “she”. I MEAN WTF?!!! I don’t want my little bro to be a mentally faggot, lads what should I do??
Little brother transitioning
Other urls found in this thread:
Pic related is him from his Instagram btw
Teach him a cool hobby like skateboarding. He probably lacks any physical exercise thus raising his estrogen levels
Cute af desu
isnt that agatha
thats a girl isnt it?
Just try to get him through that Phase as fast as possible. Do not encourage him just refer to him as male.
Look at that facial and arm hair
>Pic related is him from his Instagram btw
>How to completely trash your bait
You failed him by not kicking his ass. You did this.
Nice bait, maybe you’ll fool one or two of the most retarded newfags
this kid has a youtube do you know this op?
He needs vitamin D. Give him supplements or have him go outside. He isn't getting enough REM sleep and it is ruining his brain
You faggots ruin everything
Post boi pucci then we'll talk
I don't see how that's a problem. Free fresh boipucci right under your roof. It's time to act on those trap incest doujins you read so many time.
Use raoe therapy to show him how hard women have it while getting some hot ass at the same time
as with every other problem of this nature, the only solution is rape, brutal deep buttrape, you have to punish bad behavior
He needs some milk
She’s your sister just love and support her and tell her it’s okay and that nothing she does will ever make you think less of her
Tell him you'll honor kill him if he continues with this degeneracy.
pound his boypussy until he dies
bash him
wtf incest is wrong and more degenerate than any tranny you need to love her platonically and buy her things.
Are you sure that's even a boy though? this is some kind of weird bait thread. that kid has an established internet presence.
it's a girl r9k fell in love with and she got super creeped out, streams on twitch occasionally, i think even mentioning r9k gets you banned in her chat. also use to make YT videos not sure if still does
>yanks are 300% gay.
>tranny thread
Go back >>>/LGBT/
IF he is your real brother, you must suck his dick.
Only way to find out if you are allso gay trap waiting to transition,
allso sage
Remember, sucking dick is not gay, if he is your brother.
Send him over. I’ll change his mind in under 2 hours. You’ll receive back a true man that will never speak about “that night”. My services are $200 per hour cash only.
why are you doxxing your little brother on Sup Forums, you absolute retard
He must have access to previously unknown vocal chord corrective surgery
well actually the only thing is wrong is passing up the opportunity to destroy some fresh boypussy
shock therapy
I will make your new sister's anus look like roast beef. Send me that slut's number, bitch.
it was doom
Your brother was sexually abused. Find out who did it.
transitioning is the ultimate redpill
pic related
Your brother needs to be sexually abused. A good brother would put him over his desk and show him what it means to be a bitch. Stream that shit.
No liking trannies is ok but liking your sister isn’t! If you really must just get with her tranny friends but you can’t fuck her or you’ll both go to tranny hell! Just treat her like a princess ok?!
That's gotta be shopped, right? If that's what HRT does for ugly fat fucks, holy shit. Greatest thing in the world. Turning ugly fat people into hot slim people.
how are you not in prison
no while that’s true for some it’s not for all or even most. A lot had great lives where the only real issue was the terrible dysphoria.
>what should I do?
Fuck him right in the boipucci
What is your bros kik?
That sort of language is not tolerated here.
Kick his ass you faggot.
also saged
Terribly sorry. I was being incredibly discourteous.
>I don’t want my little bro to be a mentally faggot, lads what should I do??
Too late for that, just make sure you tell him that he's part of the 50% that don't kill themselves, or become a prostitute to fund their transition.
In all seriousness tough, replace his pills with tic tacs
Penilely pound his pelvic pores and prostate
no, he needs to comandeer his boipucci as his personal cum receptacle
Be the best damn brother you know how, and it'll just turn into a phase.
>Be the best damn brother you know how, and it'll just turn into a phase.
Flag checks out
So you don't like touching his special parts now that he's a she?
You don’t have to be a whore to survive as long as your family loves and supports you
the suicide thing is for everyone who ever tried so you can’t get off it once your on but you can have a great life that you love and still be on there so its kinda meaningless
Don't insult my waifu like that
Show him this and make him read it out loud. Show him the suicide rate of trannies. Buy him a hooker to get him laid so he knows how awesome it is.
NO you degenerate. She is for platonic love only maybe cuddles if she really needs it.
gross most trannies would never fuck a girl even if they paid them only gross men buy hookers.
that is a fucking girl
tranny here
it depends how hot the girl is and how drunk I am.
>tfw no tranny sister gf to love and give cuddles to and occasionally pound her boypussy
idk I’d rather fuck a jar of nails
The replies in this thread are degenerate. Away with you!!!
You need to accept and love your sister. You can talk to me if you need to. I'm a transgender woman.
boipucci or gtfo
As the older brother it is your right and responsibility to literally beat this phase out of him.
well I had sex with a post op tranny once. I wanted to test it out. But yes I wouldn't normally fuck a hooker. Maybe if I took a shit load of blow and was drunk as shit or she was hella hot. That said my boyfriend and girlfriend would kill me if I slept with anyone but them.
Get a Craigslist account reserve a room in a Motel 6 and PIMP him, lots of $$$$ for you
Put him out of his misery
eggboy is now EGG MAN hanging with Sam Hyde, this shit photo is fake AF (video related)
Oh i'd almost forgot, nice bait btw
Beat him senseless till he fixes his fucking brain
Best case scenario is he quits being a faggot
Worst case scenario is you fuck his face up so bad he cant even attempt to pass as a girl
you must rape that fucking faggot before he becomes a fucking mental and tried to kill himself... the raping will make him straight
everything about you screams basket case.
Seriously I'd just talk with him and find out what the fuck is going on in his head. I'd show him some shit on the internet about what hormones do young bodies, and let them know about the high transgender suicide rates even after transition. If reason and logic aren't enough to snap him out of it very little of anything else probably will either, because beating his ass will probably just make him commit suicide.
and now the triggered spic is blasting his shit can music at 2 am
Anne Frank was a mistake
>what do?
unironically, kick him in his balls. You may save him yet.
You could try talking him into being a feminine gay dude with long hair. That's the approach I'm attempting with my gender dysphoria at least.
Although to be fair I think your brother will make a VVV cute girl.
Bullshit. I lift weights all the time and I'm still a mentally ill tranny. I wish something like that would cure me. I've even heard of Navy Seals transitioning...
>what is pimozide
You're never gonna improve if you think like that. Get a therapist. Talk with family. Make sure they talk you out of it.
If worst comes to worst, you could try test boosters.
oh hey this user has a better idea
Don't talk shit about my honeybunny Agatha you faggot, I'll fucking glass you.
Give him the emperor’s peace, it’s all that can be done for him now.
he needs a good ass kicking.. A few good serious rushes of adrenaline pushes the body to make more test is my theory... atleast he will probably put more thought into being a faggot
I’d fuck it