what does Sup Forums think of dogs?
What does Sup Forums think of dogs?
Joseph Baker
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Jose Morgan
also fuck the E.U.
Luis Baker
Every man should have at least one at some point during his childhood or early adulthood. It teaches you responsibility. Also, any man that even attempts at being the person their dog thinks they are will wind up a much better man.
Thomas King
Their for niggers.
Brody Hernandez
Great as long as they are laying still.
William Reyes
Brandon Smith
I like degs
Jack Jenkins
>Disgusting smell
>Annoying bark
>Annoying in general
>Majority are ugly
>Natural betas
Cats ftw
Nathan Harris
Depends on the dog.
Collies, Shephards, Labradors, etc. are the white man's dog.
Little rat dogs are irrelevant and should be put out of their misery. Pit Bulls are niggers.
Jacob Thompson
good boys