What is there to live for for the average working class male?
Beer, masturbation, and drugs?
What is there to live for for the average working class male?
Beer, masturbation, and drugs?
Sounds good to me!
Fill her up johnny
Kids, extended family, friends, etc.
Kids? With whom? All women are now facebook addicted prostitutes who are useless and will divorce rape you if it's raining.
you can always tell yourself that you are a republican and let the GOP elite trick you into thinking you are one of them and that they are watching out for you and post the pictures of the frog
I've never had a job before, 26yr old NEET scum – those guys in that picture seem like something close to supermen.
The love of a good women and the smiles of their children.
What is there to live for for the average working class male anywhere?
With the erosion of religion and national identity there doesn't seem to be much giving meaning to people.
Allah and raising a wholesome family.
That's for each man himself to decide. Find what makes them content in life and stick to it.
Good luck finding one. Women are never satisfied. Literally never met a guy who left his girl unless she was certifiably insane.
Men find ~80% of women to be acceptable mates.
Women find ~30% of men to be acceptable mates.
>Kids? With whom? All women are now facebook addicted prostitutes who are useless and will divorce rape you if it's raining.
Obligatory 'not all women'; just make sure she listens to you, respects you, and is not the product of a broken home (but you must do these things in return; if you are the product of a broken home, you have to realize you are not a catch because you are less capable of a happy marriage, as you do not know what one looks like).
If your wife respects you, and the sanctity of marriage, she will not stray. Most women do not understand the concept of loyalty, but then most men do not understand the concept of honor anymore either, so it's a push on who is more responsible for the failure of traditional families.
Convert to the true White religion, white man! Welcome home!
Are you in a major city? If so you can get a job at Amazon for around 11 an hour in an instant... I was in your boat until i did that. The job isn't as bad as media makes it seem. Especially if you know how to work the system and not let it work you (schedule, hours, etc.)
/r9k is that way friend —>
I live for my white wife, my white kids, and the satisfaction of hard work well done.
LOL! Do you live in real life? Are you an hasidic jew?
Literally 99.99% of women are useless entitled twats--who NEVER OBEY MEN! EVER.
Won't make fuck all of a difference when society and courts encourage women to screw their husbands over.
Consider suicide.
Sell beer after hours and to minors, pimp whores and sell drugs to rich white people with first world problems like the ones you describe on your post
honestly not much. been having dark thoughts lately.
Not in the country
I don't really understand the point of marriage. What is the point of marrying for a working Joe?
Pic related and fapping to rekt threads.
No, I'm an Aryan 29 year old with a son who is the product of a happy marriage, and a wife whose parents are still together, as my parents are.
I'm sorry you are not worthy of a loyal woman. But that doesn't mean all women are broken.
>If you run into an asshole in the morning, you ran into an asshole. If you run into assholes all day, you're the asshole.
Pfffft fuck off--the country? STDs are surprisingly more common in the country than cities. Welfare leech paradise, the country.
Fuck off.
what the fuck is a steak pie
My man
Working class from red states will be hit the hardest with Trump's tax cuts (By 2027 the rich blue folks will keep their tax cuts while working class republicans will see tax increase).
This is what those retards get for voting republican, always having to learn a lesson each time.
I'm sorry you intend to live such a shallow, unfulfilled life and allow your family's blood line to end with you. Your father must be so proud of the degenerate loser he's raised.
>It's you're fault you didn't find a unicorn that doesn't exist, now man up and find yourself a used up roastie--it'll be the best descision you'll ever make, which is what I keep telling myself every day so that I know it's true.
I get we're on Sup Forums and all, and we all hate women, but women aren't this bad. Alot of them nowadays are vapid, insecure, and entitled, but to say that all women live to fuck men, get abortions, and exploit men for divorce $ is an r9k tier delusion
Bits of pig clit mixed with gravy
>but women aren't this bad
But the literally are.
Shaming language, cute. You're acting like a roastie.
Puttin up a dispenser
Whys the jerry can got a flame on it?
How did you apply and what do you do? Pack items that get ordered into boxes, then place boxes w/ addresses to be shipped?
I was thinking that or working at a Publix.
frankly, not much. but I owe it to my ancestors not to just give up. they sure as hell didn't. the rules of the game are always changing; the only constant is the white man's victory.
if you don't believe me, just watch and see. this thread's existance is proof enough you know I'm correct.
When did I say she had to be used up or a roastie? Women with sordid sexual pasts are often the product of broken homes or some form of abuse (sexual, physical, emotional, doesn't matter; with woken it all trends to manifest as feminist nihilism that "celebrates the liberation of the spirit" by attempting to wear down the flesh as quickly as possible).
Why don't you try going to church? It's a great place to meet good women with strong values and loyal family ties.
Canada must truly be a complete moral shithole if that’s your prescribed thinking. Good luck, you nigger tiered cocksucker.
>Why don't you try going to church?
This fucken meme.
The church is no place to find a woman--all you'll find is a hypocritical hysterical cunt.
I'm acting like a man who is a middle class American who was like you 6 years ago and managed to move past it to build a happy family. I'm calling you out because you're "too enlightened" to look inward and correct yourself before expecting to be able to support a healthy relationship.
You're looking on the shallowest of social media platforms and hoping to find depth of character; you're looking for an ideal you don't match up to; you ate the problem, amid if you're assuming that I say this to shame you, you're no better than three sjws you hate.
Shame is a tool; it is intended to motivate. If you are not motivated by it, you are too lost in your self pity to be saved, and you're not worth the effort to converse with.
It's hard to imagine trusting a woman enough to marry with today's culture and laws that promote entitled duplicitous whorishness at every turn desu. I don't blame women themselves for the situation per se, they are just fertile ground for the soul rot in modern society.
Fuck off roastie--you're larping is so fucken obvious.
Right, but will you be this smug when your wife gets bored and takes everything in the divorce? (Eventually she will need to "find herself")
What other places allow you to seek out white, Christian women from a similar background to yours in a non confrontational setting that helps to shape values and drive home the ideas of loyalty and the strength of a relationship supported by shared experience and faith?
The library.
Divorce rate is actually higher in JewSA.
That's a whole lot of assumptions, projection much? Shaming is a means of control, self aware man that accepts reality as it is becomes immune to shaming language and sees it for what it is.
>Beer, masturbation and drugs
Yes. Be a good goy.
Sure, if it comes to that. I have accepted the possibility that my wife may not always be happy with our life; however, I am also doing everything in my power to ensure our shared life is a happy one for both of us.
Will you be happy dying without having experienced the joy of holding a son in your arms?
Will you be happy having been so closed off to risk that you choose not to seek out the positive experiences life has to offer?
Will you be happy lying on your death bed a bitter, lonely man who has no legacy to speak of and having been a net drain on society?
Tou che.
Do you have your library card, user? I have mine. What was the last book you read?
No idea. I served in the military. Fought in a few wars. Got married, had a kid, got divorced. Started working in law enforcement. Haven't touched a girl in months. Subsist on a diet that is primarily composed of protein powder and Yukon Jack. I have shit genes aesthetically-- 5 ft 8 in tall, brown hair/eyes, Mediterranean heritage but not facially aesthetic.
I'm still relatively young and in excellent shape, hoping for another Global War on Terrorism to kick off so I can deploy again I guess?
>What is there to live for for the average working class male?
wouldn't know.
t. stay-at-home-dad master race
>Hoping to die for ZOG
you have a shitload of asians to drag your divorce numbers down though
A lot of guys start their own businesses and buy land out in the boonies with a diesel heavy duty and a bunch of man toys.
Ever thought about not being the governments bitch?
Children, you degenerate bigger.
Women who hate them, minorities who want to steal from them, and a boss that wants to work them to the bone.
>implying getting paid to shoot guns, blow shit up, jump out of airplanes, and scuba dive is a bad thing.
No Canada was a very conservative christian country until your leftist degeneracy infected us about 20 years ago.
And at this point we still have less chinks than you have niggers.
Don't get your knowledge of other countries from Sup Forums memes.
You sound like an sjw or body acceptance gash.
Shaming is a social tool used to fix bad behaviors; calling it out does nothing but lay bare the fact that you're aware there is something you could be doing to improve your life, but are actively choosing not to. Thus, rather than just lacking self awareness, you are demonstrating the desire to remain broken in the face of social pursue to the contrary, which is fine if your goal state is actively antithetical to the state you are being pushed toward woth shaming.
If you dislike my conservatism shaming because you like your life of degeneracy and treating women like whores and look forward to shying without having birthed offspring or experienced the joy of passing on your legacy, well, good for you.
But you are in a thread actively disparaging all women, and lamenting that they're lacking in morals, which smacks of someone who wishes the world would be different so he could take part as a happy participant in a more traditional lifestyle. So my question to you is, do you embody the lifestyle you want to foster in an ideal world? If not, why not?
Stimulation. Extended Existence.
Every single western woman is a complete cunt who feels the need to do battle with every white male on every subject in every situation becuase she's strong, independent, and just as good at everything ever that anyone ever tried to do ever.
She'll strongly and independently go to college, strongly and independently ride every cock she can get her hands on, strongly and independently move out, never find a job, ask for money, move back in with a mountain of debt, a useless stronk independent wimminz studies degree and be a worthless slob who can't even cook until the next man sniffs after he pussy long enough to realize western women are garbage and dump her back at home again. If you're lucky she'll abort/use contraceptive enough not to drop a half-brown bastard troll into your family to take care of too!
The age of single mothers truly is a blessing upon humanity, far better than those problematic nuclear families.
Stop larping Stacy.
No way that's a roastie. Just a basement dweller larping as the American dream.
A roastie would not be able to come up with such elaborate insults. She would just call you a loser virgin creep and tell you how she can't even.
Compared to the left who maje you believe they're for the people and social rights while fucking everyone just like the right. Seriously the left is worse because they tricked have the nation into thinking they have the moral high ground.
>You sound like an sjw or body acceptance gash.
Right, because I'm totally demanding that everyone do as I say or else I'll cry. I made my stance on that clear in my first post in this thread. Incidentally, I'm calling you out on more projection. Pretty much every post you make contains shaming language and the message 'you're pathetic if you don't do what i do'. You say I'm being like an SJW and body acceptance crowd, I'm saying 'projection'.
>Shaming is a social tool used to fix bad behaviors
In this context you view 'bad behavior' as saying society and courts encourage women to screw men over (which is factually proven over tens of years of court cases and decline of marriage). And because I disagree I'm somehow broken (surprise, more shaming).
Right, I'm pretty sure you're a roastie LARPING here. All you have is shaming language and fuck all facts and reason.
A family that raises its position, being part of the American machine and the contentment a labor job brings.
I applied online and yes the basic role is simply to take numbered boxes and stack them onto their assigned pallet. Search amazon seasonal employment and whatever city your near. The app is literally the easiest ever and you will receive a "continent offer" within a day prob.
The packing boxes full of grocery items is a separate gig from what I do. The two are separated. If you're at a facility that does the grocery gig I think you just pack the boxes and throw them on a conveyor belt and repeat. My role is about sorting boxes onto pallets and you can have the managers place you in other tasks like moving the pallets themselves to the areas where they wait for trucks, or wrapping the pallets with saran wrap to keep them stable.
You won't be able to afford the beer with all the drugs you'll be buying.
What is there to live for? That’s the question I avoid so I don’t kill myself. I guess I live in the hopes of a shtf scenario big enough to kill or cripple the status quo enough for a more traditional life. I’d rather die doing the primitive stuff my genes are primed for than have to keep adapting to the alienating fuckfest modern life has become. Everything else is just property taxes and untrustworthy exploitative cunts.
See you in 10-20 years with all your income spent and with 40% of the remnants going to lawyers and 30% going to the wife.
Just replace drugs with video games.
give me reasonable hours (max 6 per day), reasonable paycheck to support myself and my family with basic shit and I'll be super happy.
this is one extra pathetic leaf
Everyone but me gotta learn
Beer sex and drugs, you need to spend less time online and less time with people that mostly spend their time online.
Pls just try it for like a year or so, you won't get this time back and the titties still joyously point at the sky for you.
Don't curl up and atrophy because before you know it, the titties will be staring dejectedly at the floor.
Unless you're not white, then by all means stay inside forever.
>max 6 per day
Damn lazy Caribbeans. Disabled and elderly have those hours here and they can't ask for reasonable pay.
Something wrong with being working class? I thought workers were the lifeblood of the communists.
>i smell a poo.
We obviously disagree on man's ability to get and keep a woman faithful; the only difference between us is that you've decided the odds are stacked against you so took your balls and went home, while I chose to seek out a specific person to try to fight the odds with. I'm not going to argue with you anymore on your position; you are correct about general odds, but chose to ignore methods that stack odds in your favor (marrying a virgin, marrying a modest Christian, presenting yourself as a moral upstanding mate to meet the desires of said women). That's on you.
Honest question: If you don't believe in the power of traditional marriage and healthy relationships, why are you still alive? Why not just kill yourself and end your suffering? Life is pain and you're the proof, so why not just end your pain? It's not like you'll get to know the joy of fatherhood, the pride in your heritage, the love of a true partner. You've shut yourself off to all of it. So why are you still walking this earth? Some nihilistic desire to notch your bed post? The selfish pursuit of experiences and consumerist trinkets that you will never be able to share with anyone else in a meaningful way? The accumulation of money that will serve no beneficial purpose while you're alive, and will be co opted by the state when you die?
If you're choosing not to preserve your genes, are you at last attempting to leave a positive legacy in some other manner?
I dunno why you so proud about working 8-12 hours a day, hunter/gatherer cultures spend only 4 hours per day working and the rest is chilling around camp shooting shits, I have 80 years to live, maybe and I am not looking kindly spending best years of my life stuck working for the jew for a shit pay. btw I am White from very large White nation moved to Caribbean side to escape clutches of the (((working man)))
Have you talked to women?
Nothing proud about it, ideal situation would be becoming NEET and living like king. Hunter-gatherers lived like shit. You can barely have a decent modern life with so little work, or at least you have to have very important job to achieve that.
I don't know this meme. Rundown?
>Sure, I'm aware that the state has given my wife power to take everything away from me if she's in a bad mood.
>But it's worth the risk.
>Being this much of a cuck.
I'll probably die a lot happier than you, to be honest.
Big arms. You can also make a shit ton of money really fast by getting off your computer and just talking with your co-workers more to find side work.
This, just look at his bone structure. How can I even compete?
The hard work cult has taken the fun out of life. You have to compete with the brainwashed slaves at every turn.
Fucking leafs you must have a shit life if you really think that
Don't worry... he'll have an extra $1200 a year to purchase a toaster while his boss laughs all the way to the bank.
>being this delusional
Can't be saved. Oh well, I tried. I have lots of 30-something male friends who look at me, my wife and son with envy. The same guys I used to party with and were great because they taught a lot about what you avoid in women. Now, they're well off (not that I'm poor) and have lots of nice things, but it's mostly a front to attract sluts and play at accomplishment so they can brag to their friends. Theyre very lonely, and no car or tv out me piece of furniture can distract from that sorrow. But no matter; you believe what you want to believe. Keep stacking up the gash count, I'm sure it will totally make up for your lack of meaningful legacy.
Not even once.
Western women are a shit deal for marriage. It's not entirely their fault, they are taught to behave this way by the government. But, more importantly, idiots like you give them no incentive to change.
You know what normal people do when they are offered a shit deal? They walk away. Then, when enough people walk away, those offering the deal will make changes, and make the deal better. Unfortunately, when it comes to our marriage rules, there are always suckers like you who are willing to take the gamble (and usually pay the price). Idiots like you keep it rolling and destroy any chance of fixing up the divorce-court nightmare.
Basically, you are also contributing to the destruction of the West. Only difference is, you feel smug about it, as though you are doing the right thing.