So my sister is talking to a black guy how do I stop her from ruining your life pol?
So my sister is talking to a black guy how do I stop her from ruining your life pol?
Kill her and hide her body in a shallow grave.
Honor kill her
>Kill her and hide her body in a shallow grave.
Stone her.
Rape her with your glorious white cock and she'll never even think about niggers again. Also, record it and post it here.
Stop trying to control things. It's her life, and she'll only resent you for trying to control it. She'll think that you think she's an idiot who can't think for herself and it will only strain your relationship. Let her make mistakes and when she falls, give her a hand and THAN red pill her
she'll end up dead.
you tell her if she touches him then you'll never speak to her again. if she does anything, then never speak to her again. why does everyone make this so hard?
You can't, women use fifis to make their decisions and they will constantly make the worst possible ones.
just show her this
How does she want to die?
just don't do anything
if she even smells racism she'll fuck him just to spite you
>letting your women talk to men like that
Wew feels good to not be cucked so hard kek. After the nog is done with her, I have a few friends she might want to rebound to. Kek
No offense but your sister looks like a cat
I would just laugh at her.
Really how much lower can a white woman go? There's a good reason blacks only get with the lowest (fattest) white women unless the women are being paid. Nobody wants a nigger.
Beat the nigger to the chase.
Impregnate your sister.
show her this
maybe even this
Remove the 1488 from the top panel and the retarded text about killing jews/blacks/whatever and this would be pretty good for redpilling normies. It's just a masturbatory circlejerk pic as it is now, no white females will take it seriously with blatantly radical bullshit on it. The jews used subtlety to control the masses for centuries, why can't the right do the same?
I would just beat him up 2bh.
top fucking kek
They will only learn when they pay the toll. And maybe not even then.
not my graphic
Obviously, I'm just venting frustrations
Rape your sister. All girls are into rape fantasies and taboo. Incest will turn her on. Fuck her shit up senpai.
ah ok
Do nothing. Fate will teach her more effectively than you ever can. Does that mean that her life will be ruined? Probably yes but hey, you burn the coal you most assuredly pay the toll.
Yeah, wait until she becomes a coalburning roastie and THEN save her.
That's like letting someone set themselves on fire and then lecturing them on fire safety as they're slowly burning to death.
How is he supposed to redpill her once she looks like this?
tell her it will ruin her life
Hire black men off of craigslist to mug her outside your house.
Then pretend to scare them off and save her.
>And then there's this fag
>THAN red pill her
women probably think this horse shit about you because you don't even know how to spell.
If you were genuinely intelligent and you siblings weren't blinded by your idiocy, they might actually take what you say at face value every once in awhile.
Don't project. It stifles discussion
Convert to Islam and spank her?
Honor kill her if she already went to bed with him, you'll be ok since you'll be part of the religion of peace.
>don't find rape hot
>don't get aroused to cartoons
>see this
>penis instant diamonds
Is that dog Alfred? Is this a Youcis?
Convert to Islam and always accompany your sister whenever she goes outside until she marry her life-long WHITE husband
>>don't find rape hot
What are you, a faggot?
flag checks out