Should people with Aspergers syndrome be exterminated?
Should people with Aspergers syndrome be exterminated?
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>Should Sup Forums be exterminated?
we will start with you two
The Nazis didn't euthanize those with Asperger syndrome because they found them to be useful as codebreakers.
Its a made up condition to disassociate with people who don't follow all modern day social norms.
If you tested all the young male population for this "condition", i bet half of them would test positive. Whereas a weak, shallow female mind is typically seen as healthy.
People with "aspergers" usually just have social anxiety or are introverts. Someone that truly has aspergers comes off as super blunt and is an obvious high functioning retard.
Only a brainlet would believe aspergers are retards. Boys turn on the furnace to get rid of the real impaired here.
Ding ding ding. Social norms are illogical and arbitrary. Illogical and arbitrary concepts were first attempted to understand and comply with by those with aspergers, but then they eventually do not see any incentive in it through repeated failed results regardless of effort with normies, so they eventually stop giving a fuck about social norms and cues altogether. Modern social norms and cues are the only fucking things in the world where your brain doesn't automatically register other logical connections because there aren't any to register. It's all arbitrary, feelings based bullshit.
it's their parent's fault for lacking responsibility and health knowledge. the parents should be sterilised and the children sold as fertiliser. I can't think of a signle case of autism that isn't environmental (i.e. the preggo bitch thinks she can be a welder or a farmhand or a druggo and have no ill side effects for the child) women are weaker than men and pushing them to be equals will only lead to more retarded babies
Entire families worked on the farm in the 1800s.
But then who would use this board
>e sterilised and the children sold as fertiliser. I can't think of a signle case of autism that isn't environmental (i.e. the preggo bitch thinks she can be a welder or a farmhand or a druggo and have no ill side effects for the child) women are weaker than men and pushing them to be equals will only lead to more retarded babies
So Chris Chan's condition is made up?
You should prolly be exterminated but here you are op.
are you trying to shit down Sup Forums?
>not posting an exemplar
When everone has aspergers, no one does
Neurotypicals should be castrated and put in dresses because they are indistinguishable from women
nice try though.
and those people were dumb as dog shit even with their vastly superior diets and much healthier genetics. remember that the entire decade of the 70s was world-wide nuclear atmospheric testing - people these days are absolutely useless.
aspergers syndrome is a meme and everyone that has it is just a massive faggot so yes
Yes swiftly and efficiently.
t. guy with aspergers
My ex: aspergers, columbia grad, neuroscience, can fn dance circles around just about anyone in a conversation
>aspergers is the high end of spectrum>standard iq
depends, are they even really human?
if we put them all down the only ones left to post here would be the bots and shills.