What makes white people special? I don't get it, it's just skin color.
What makes white people special? I don't get it, it's just skin color
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Its not actually about skin color. I can prove it by simply pointing to hot black girls that Sup Forums universally likes but hates liking.
Its about facial structure and IQ.
This structure and IQ tends to show up almost entirely in whites and white admixtures.
name another race that has stepped foot on the moon
It's total bullshit. IQ has nothing to do with skin color.
it must be the genetics
IQ just tells you how good you are taking tests and facial structure is beneficial how?
Do non-white nations ever voluntarily commit aid to nations that need it?
Do non-white nations form agreements with their populations that guarantee certain aspects of life are inherent and should be sacred?
Whether it is a good thing or a bad thing, whites are the only population with empathy.
it is heavily correlated
t. never seen a shitskin in their life
would you rather live in a city full of niggers or a city full of whites?
Stop it please, races normalize over centuries. Look at the Mediterraneans as an example. Simple mutt mix
Groid detected. You may be one smart nigger, but you are still more dumb on average than a white. If you are white, now you know why ebonics is a thing.
I don't know maybe
>the telephone
>space flight
>modern medicine
>the fucking car
Go fuck yourself you shitskin
this and even a smart nigger's offspring will regress to the mean which is 75 or some such
Technically, you're right.
But we do know that IQ is heritable, just like skin color, facial structure, height, etc.
People with white skin have made all contribution to civilization, people with dark skin have ruined every civilization they touch.
Its basic survival instinct to recognize threats to your livelihood
You see, when God (Odin) created the world, he created Aryans to populate it. He shaped their bodies out of clay and pulled stars out of the heavens to form their eyes. (This is why Aryans have blue eyes) This was a perfect world and was free of all Degeneracy. But then Satan (who was a Jew) tried to imitate god and also create humans, but he used a mixture of mud and shit instead of clay and didn't have the authority to pull stars from heaven. He also couldn't fill his creations with a real soul, only an imitation of one. Satan also created Jews but Thor recognized them and killed them (Except for one who hid in satan's anus and would later re-emerge as Abraham)
The mud people that Satan created generally caused havoc in the perfect world, and when God(Odin) saw this he set about to partition them. He raised a continent(Africa) out of the water and sent all the mud people to live there, cursing them with AIDS and suffering for eternity. He also raised a new continent called Atlantis for the Aryans and they peacefully lived there until a Jewish plot destroyed it so they sailed in their longships to Norway and became Vikings, giving rise to the German people. This is why Germanics are favored over all other races.
Dragging the hebrew satan myth into nordic ásatrú is beyond retarded.
"mud races" is the best insult for all coloreds. So degrading yet not vulgar. Its perfect. If a mud takes offense to it ask them why.
The most important possesion a human has is his own people - Adolf Hitler
Humans are tribal animals. Since the beginning of humanity we always lived with our own groups. The western culture stands on the pillars of it's people , the white people. When white people die , the western civilization dies.
Same goes for all other cultures and races.
asatru is a corruption of the earlier pan-germanic wisdom, which isn't afraid to name the jew
I forgot to mention that being created out of shit/mud is the reason that muds have dark skin/mud eyes(because Eyes are windows to the soul)
electricity planes trains and automobiles computers rockets to the stars did i forget something
>What makes white people special?
Everyone wants to be special.
Satan is the original jew though
Each code of law is also derived from other older versions, but watering them down would be just as antithetical to keeping local cultures and identity intact.
uhhhhhhh, well:
1) i would say asatru is extremely watered down already
but more to the point
2) a creation story where odin creates satan as the first jew is pretty obviously meant to be a joke
>What makes white people special?
They're my people, that's what.
"what makes white people so special?" he asks with great irony as he uses technology invented by white people
You've got it the wrong way around fucker satan created the first jew and then Thor went to kill him and he succeeded but was paralyzed in the process (erectile dysfunction) Fortunately Odin later cured him.