100 Natsocs

100 Natsocs
100 Anarcho-capitalists
100 Maoists
100 Muslims

Each person is armed with a trench knife, a Glock 18, and nine loaded magazines. Five people in each group possesses two years of military experience. The four sides gather at different corners of an abandoned town and have half an hour before combat begins.

Which side survives the battle?

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The ones that pussy out and become mole people.

>Maoists kill their most experienced members, lose ground early on
>Muslims use Glocknades in suicide bombings, doesn't go too well
>NatSocs and AnCaps team up, become bitter enemies after chants of hail hitler infringe on their allies eardrums
>Steinberg Construction Company shows up a week later and gentrifies the area


The Muslims are from third world countries, or are brought up by parents from those shitholes, and haven't been as feminised by the school system, and most likely live their culture/ideology irl, plus have wives.

The Maoists, NatSocs, and AnCaps are just westernised college aged faggots filled with soy, and probably fap top anime. They only LARP their ideology online.

The Monarchists. :^)

jesus christ give it a rest already.

no one in the real world gives a shit about your ideology war fantasies.

Chill the fuck out faggots

the jews

Ancaps, easy. They're by far the most likely to have prepared for this type of shit and by far the most likely to have extensive experience with weapons and combat training.

can't be feminised by school system if there is no school system