With a 21.3x multiplier on its opening weekend too. Really amazing legs.
In This Corner of the World earns 1 billion yen
Anthony Adams
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Carson Ward
I refuse to feel guilty for the nukes.
Matthew Barnes
Of course the Japs would go watch a movie where they paint themselves as the victims of war. Should've sent them more nukes back then.
Ayden Hall
Colton Sanders
BDs when? I can't even find much of the translated manga.
Connor Robinson
Are you stupid?
Aaron Parker
Do you want to say me something?
1 billion yen = $100.000.000
Samuel Smith
A billion yen is ten million dollars dumbass
Asher Gonzalez
That's great. BD when.
I thought Madokami have the translated manga?
Elijah Anderson
This is not a huge success, then.