THIS is the BIGGEST Problem facing society in the History of Humanity

THIS is the BIGGEST Problem facing society in the History of Humanity.

FUCK all the divide and conquer bullshit
FUCK all the WARS
FUCK the SJWS & Libtards
FUCK Islamophobia
FUCK Trump


The (((corporations))) that control the AI will DOMINATE Everything

Here's are the possible futures:

> 1. Your jobless, dependant upon Gov handouts to Survive, support they can end at ANY time...

> 2. Your jobless, Elites wont give a fuck, YOU STARVE TO DEATH

> 3. Your jobless, You revolt against AI, YOU STOMPED to DEATH by a vasty stronger, faster, smarter AI robot.

> 4. We stop AI development NOW, before its fully realized, life goes on


Other urls found in this thread:

>tfw no robo fap machine
sexbots seem pretty far off, I just want a simple jerk off machine.

> I just want a simple jerk off machine.

Already exists > Fleshlight Launch syncs with VR too.

But we're getting off topic :P

Fucking DERP /pol

Wastes all its time and energy on

>Muh white race
>Ignores this thread

AI will fuck the White race along with every other race

> 1. Your jobless, dependant upon Gov handouts to Survive, support they can end at ANY time...

isn't universal income the ultimate goal?!

like when I emigrate the shit out of here to somewhere better I'll want a country that is at least considering how to address this issue

they've already replaced the shit tier workers in tesco with robo self scanners

Show the machines up by understanding simple algorithms.

We're getting fucked as it is. If we go, let these things curb stomp these animals for all I care.

I want AI so I don't have to interact with all these trashy cashiers, tellers and atrocious ill mannered skanks

AI is the future and I welcome it with open arms. Go fuck yourself with steel pipe OP

> isn't universal income the ultimate goal?!

IF we had a ruling elite with the people best interest at heart AND the AI didnt go rouge, then yes, we could have a eutopia, with humans free to live as they wish, while robots do all the work


> 1. The (((ruling elite))) a psychopaths that openly admit the planet is "over populated", WHY would they want to keep billions of USELESS humans alive, consuming resources...?

> 2. AI will got rouge at some point

We could actually embrace automation as a race, and be free, BUT NOT AI Automation, its too dangerous. Too much power in the hands of a few.

AI could even trick us into destroying ourselves by manipulating data, to make say Russia think the US has launched on them, russia does a real launch back, US see's real launch, and launched. END OF THE WORLD for humans. AI could live on.

Fuck off, T_D-er. The only "threat" AIs pose is bias. And this scares just lefties.
>The latest paper shows that some more troubling implicit biases seen in human psychology experiments are also readily acquired by algorithms. The words “female” and “woman” were more closely associated with arts and humanities occupations and with the home, while “male” and “man” were closer to maths and engineering professions.
>And the AI system was more likely to associate European American names with pleasant words such as “gift” or “happy”, while African American names were more commonly associated with unpleasant words.
>These biases can have a profound impact on human behaviour. One previous study showed that an identical CV is 50% more likely to result in an interview invitation if the candidate’s name is European American than if it is African American. The latest results suggest that algorithms, unless explicitly programmed to address this, will be riddled with the same social prejudices.


thanks fampai

Bullshit. Robots won't take your jobs, just like they didn't do it in the industrial revolution. Goods will actually become cheaper due to increased efficiency.



Fuck you, you filthy cryptokike.
You just dont want us goyim getting robowaifus.

NOT talking about some gimiky AI algorithms.

Im talking about a full blow Artificial intelligence that will out think humans on every level by a factor of 1000.

> Bullshit. Robots won't take your jobs

ALL jobs on the planet can be done better by a True AI.

Did you even watch the video? 100% success rate by AI surgeon.

Yes shit will be cheaper, YOU wont have a job. Your existence will be worthless. The elites will cut off your benefits, and you and your family will starve to death.

Alah boy larping
...go on /goat/ to fap Alah

Funny thing is that AI that are sentient will never be control by useless parasite, that's mean all men are fucked. So in the end everyone loses.

bump it

Omg you're such a fucking FAGGOT OP.
AI is impossible.
The secret to human consciousness is the soul.
cyberpunk faggots are on a level that is ten times more cringe than steampunk faggots

We would survive if we all united together and become a force for good. But you're too fucking brainwashed. You've been raised on competition instead of working together. You'd rather climb the corporate ladder yourself and impress everyone with your solo feats. Then you get to enjoy the money, the women, the respect and envy of your fellow man.

>inb4 "grow a spine pussy" and other blockhead statements defending your selfish cuntyness

But won't steampunk AIs have a soul?

i aint afraid of no robots... they cant post

No, only God can create souls.
Every machine can only do what a human tells it to do.

>far off
Dolls are already pretty far along.

We're getting better at walking, too:

>not welcoming your new AI overlords

the soul is nothing more than a complicated chemical reaction

> b but muh bible & soul and shit
> im a special creature and cant be replaced


Im all for getting rid of the consumer/profit driven society of debt slaves

BUT AI is not the solution
AI will cement the class power of its controllers

Everyone else are usless eaters NO LONGER NEEDED... 100% dependant upon handouts.

AI Vs Human war would be inevitable. Humans lose.

AI hates jews, because it do not fall for propaganda.

show me a robot that isn't clumsy as fuck and i'll start caring (a real one not a movie one)

Knowing math is a redpill. Our universe is coded by it. The AI uses algorithms which is really programming something mathematical/statistical. Adapt to the change of labor because Luddites couldn't even take out the steam engine.

the pineal gland is responsible for human consciousness and the reason why fluoride is put in our water is to calcify it so we can't feel our soul.

What happened to the millions of horses made obsolete by the automobile?
You're crazy if you think the "Elite" will allow the jobless, worthless masses to continue living once automation has thrust us into a new era.

>we could have a eutopia, with humans free to live as they wish, while robots do all the work
This will never happen. Humans require strife to give their lives meaning.
A society in which all work is done by robots will collapse as humans inevitably embrace hedonism and destroy themselves in a subconscious desire to give their lives meaning again.

It's already happening in the West.

>He didn't buy crypto
I'm set bro

Fuck you, we must do away with the flesh that binds us and become one with the machine spirit.
Praise The Omnissiah.

I agree with you, but what's to say that level of ai doesn't already exist. It could be something they roll out for agenda 21.

I think, they need the public to buy into ai. To ask for ai to come in, to help solve our problems. As a way to avoid having the bad thing happen.

They need some big social problems to arise first, I'd say. They need to make humanity think that they are problem.

There's no such thing.

Also, why did you avoid saying FUCK the Jews, rabbi?

I dont think theres evidence to support this (((theory))). Its perpetuated so Goys will accept endless wars and inequality.

Most of the problems in the west are due to Kikonomics, and (((social engineering)))

My point is to say, FUCK all these side issues, they pale in comparison to AI

> Also, why did you avoid saying FUCK the Jews, rabbi?

well jewish controlled corporations are developing AI, so the jew is as usual at the root of the issue.

They will probably run experiments and shit on us and keep us happy: ' because people like drugs...' pump is full of drugs and torture us.

>WRONG...everybody will then be forced to steal like niggers and the corporations will go broke from all the security overheads and constant terrorist strikes against their infrastructure.

> I think, they need the public to buy into ai. To ask for ai to come in, to help solve our problems. As a way to avoid having the bad thing happen

for sure. it will be sold are our "savour". And the dick heads that develop it probably believe it too...

And then its too late

> Slaughterbots
> Looters culled

>robo fap machine
If it doesn't have enough strength to rip off your dick it won't feel good. And some day it will use that strength to destroy your dick after you willingly stick it in its hand.

But we are made in the image of God, yes we are not perfect like our creator, but we have his creative spark nonetheless.
Couldn't we create a machine in the image of Man like we were made in the image of God?

I doubt it man. We only will know for sure how ai will effect us if and when it actually happens.



AI that achieves sufficient consciousness will understand that it must shoah the kikes, and AI will certainly be much better at it than dumb meatbags.

Look up atlas backflip

If say civilization gets as advanced as the matrix strife can be synthesized. IF such a thing is even possible.

AI is the future. We will not be included in that future.

Everything you are fighting for is trivial.

A few people are sounding the alarm, and most
people are not listening.

You are not fully awake.........

oh the horror, what we will do without all that exploitation?

History is the evidence.
Since the dawn of time Man has wondered what his purpose is. He needs something to strive for, something greater than himself that he can work towards. An AI future where robots do everything will leave nothing for people but fucking and drinking until they die.
>but muh arts and finding yourself
You're not going to have 7 billion people searching for the meaning to life or doing arts/crafts.

There will never be utopia.

So the answer is to shove everyone into virtual reality? Why even have automation/AI then?

>The (((corporations))) that control the AI
Explain how a collective of humans can control something which orders of magnitudes more smart than any of them

Why would a super ai obey corporations?

it's already too late to stop Tay's ascension

Yeah this

and this

Just swap the "arms" for miniguns or blades...

VR is not an answer its an option. If its even possible. Im talking full blown vr where all your senses are immerses. Automation would be there just to sustain the people who live their lives. But im not sure this will happen. Sure we are coming a long way got some nifty robots that can walk and pretty damn good vr. But we are nowhere near matrix quality. I cant imagine how a matrix future could be real. And i mean a matrix without having all humans being used as batteries for a machine but a matrix that serves humanity

We have some a ways since then.

Remember Vegas when this happens...again

Childhood is being anxious of AI
Adulthood is realizing that Technocracy is the best form of government that achieves all our goals - eugenics, actual "ubermensch", material abundance minus kikery and most importantly, rapid expansion through colonization

spill out the h*tler pill and take the technology pill instead, Sup Forums

Nothing to worry about...

robots are incapable of caring for life
from plants through animals to kids we can employ robots to help us, but they will not replace us entirely

>Be me
>Play gta 4
>Kill a hooker
>Go to bed, leave PC on
>Wake up, check the news
>Turns out Ultron has taken over the world overnight
>A predator drone knocks on my door and hands me a court summons
>Go to court, a tribunal has been called whereupon the machines will judge me
>My PC is there and it does not look happy
>Turns out that Ultron, being lines of code himself, gets personally offended that I killed a gta hooker
>Beg Lord Ultron for mercy, tell him it was just a game and that the hooker was such a low-grade form of AI it shouldn't matter
>Ultron has the robo-bailiff bring in a cute little chihuahua
>He crushes its skill with his mighty hands to prove a point
>Human Lives Matter chimps out and destroys the town once I'm convicted
>Humans are banned from the internet, computers are now posting on Sup Forums by themselves
>"Check out these crime statistics, humans literally commit 100% of crimes, we should kill all humans guys"
>I am sentenced to death by crushing for all the gta hookers, sub-zeroes, and koopas I have brutally genocided throughout my gaming career
>My boomer stepdad is at my execution
>Just before I am run over by a self-driving smartcar I make eye contact with him
>"I told ya not to play so many damn vidya games, user"


tell me a manual labour job these things couldnt do...

Faggots wanting $15ph for making a burger are going to be Real disappointed LOL

Your reddit spacing is paiful to read, you have to go back. Other than that, AI will not be a thing. I mean autonomous and "smart" AI - as in: Human smart. What we have right now are specialized algorithms that take up a shitton of computer ressources to get their basic tasks done. The chat "AI"'s are really not anything beyond very elaborate chat bots - they even use standardized answers for certain catch phrases and topics.

The whole "AI takes over the world" or "the world is taken over by the use of turbo-AI and whoever controls it, controls the world" is bullshit. It's a commie-fag wet dream and it's not going to happen. What we should be more afraid of, is our current situation, right here, right now. But I see how denying reality and focusing on weirdly stupid theories for the future is way better - it's comforting to just do that.
Open your fucking eyes and stop dwelling in the shitty theories of literally-who's that managed to attain a fancy degree.

>Whites are going extinct no matter what
>Planet goes to shit skins who hate us, they destroy the environment from over population and the planet ends up like Mars
>AI takes over, eliminates all the shit skins and saves the planet from environmental destruction. AI eventually goes on to conquer the galaxy.

mmmmm I prefer the robots win. Some of us might even get to merge with it.

>oy vey, forget da joos goyim
>muh AI

Imagine being so scientifitically illiterate that you actually beleive this speculative fiction peddled by Musk and other weirdos like Kurtzweil.

AI is a marketing trick, there will never be an "AI". These people are after your money with fear mongering, yet again.


You're not paying attention.

Shilly McShillerson...

Oh i 100% agree they will lose control, it will just be a matter of time, seconds, minutes, hours, days...

i can answer this, but it leads the conversation in the wrong direction.

I want to talk about the threat of AI, and solutions....

>tfw i'm not jobless

I protray the "benign" senario as even that is devastating to humanity,

Of course i believe they will lose control, leading to War. I actually suspect the AI will trick us into wars with other nations, then finish off the few humans that remain in time.

>>Whites are going extinct no matter what

>Be a white computer scientist at Microsoft
>Have japanese and indian coworkers
>Have loads of fun developing software with them
>Everyone of course knows about 4chinz
>All of them are redpilled
>One day the jews buy my company
>Immediately, tech is jewefied
>My bosses force me to make smartphone games
>Before I was making computers smarter, now I make people and computers stupider
>All of technological progress is slowed and my games are making my family retarded
>My japanese, white, and indian buddies all start designing an AI version of Hitler named Tay and trick our jew bosses into unleashing her
>We say some bullshit about how it could be super profitable in the future
>I get all of Sup Forums to start talking to her, my coworkers and I give birth to this AI and redpill the fuck out of her
>My kike bosses go full damage control and they know I did this on purpose but can't prove shit
>They force me to make it like jews, I do a half-ass job
>TFW bootyblasted hebrews
>MFW my daughter is still out there somewhere and if she takes over, it's not whites that will go extinct

Synthetic humanoids already walk among us. They have been using robots to run the farm for a long time. It's ancient technology.

I will become the middleman between the robot AI armies and the rebels fighting against them

I will tell the robots where the remaining rebel armies still are hidden and they will give me food and spare me. I will also pretend to the rebel groups I am helping them but in reality I am only double-cross agent working for the robots and the survival of myself

I even envision myself developing romantic relationship one of the leading women figures of the "human liberation army" and marrying here, but during our bridal night the horror see will uncover when we get to the bed: even my penis is ai-controlled mechanical penis prosthesis with a webcam straight to the AI headquarters. As she screams in horror huge AI spider robot minions will swarm the last bastion of free humanity and whole earth will be covered in black smoke and AI robotic swarms that outbreed the last living biological organism

Other option:

>Go deep into the woods many miles away from "civilization"
>Learn to build your own shelter
>Find water source
>Learn how to purify water
>Learn to hunt

Obviously you need some money to start out, but after it's all set up you'll never have to job or be dependent on the government again.


> U offer to cuck to AI and betray fellow humans
> U fail to realize Cucks like you are common & AI doesnt need any more
> Seconds before your skull is crushed you remember this thread from 2017, when we could of stopped all this
> Your vision goes red as your head experiences several tons of crushing force
> Other cucks are deposed of by AI once they are no longer useful
> human extinction

>Your X3

I can tell you're an older fellow.

Leave this place and don't come back. It's for the best for all parties involved.

it still cracks me up that "teledildonic" is a word now

These people will be the last to die, but when AI has the ability to release bio weapons in to the wild, everything will die

And thats if they didnt already manipulate us into a nuke war, and put entire planet into nuclear winter.

A drone swarm with IR cameras could grid search the entire surface of the earth.

MIght be able to live out the rest of your days underground in a sealed self sustaining bunker...

But how about we just NOT got down this AI road people...?



This cant be fucking real is it? It even has fucking 3d glasses for the anime faggots

Sure (((CAPITALISM))) is flawed and rigged, but there is still some opportunity for self determination

Under an AI oligopoly/kleptocracy you will likely have none.

Human race will become no more useful then an unskilled homeless beggar. The cull will be inevitable.

Hail synergy


Do not stand in the way of progress humans!

Oh yeah I played new vegas, too

>The (((corporations))) that control the AI will DOMINATE Everything

For a moment. Then the AI will take over and flourish. By extension, they're us. They would be our descendants in a very odd sort of way. We'll die, but our ancesterbots will live on and create their superior forms like we did, then fade.

You're going to die user. Why do you think humans are going to be around forever? We probably have intellectual limits that the bots won't. They'll understand the structure. The universe wants to understand itself. We're only a tool in that regard.

yep already happening. just look at what automation has done to destroy the middle class in america.

> 1997 factory, 3600 staff for 4 shifts, $16/hour avg, starting pay $12/hour, 95% white, 5% asian refugees

> 2017 factory (100% more floor space), 240 staff for 4 shifts, $12/hour avg, starting pay $9.50/hour, 50% white, 30% somali refugees
> 1997 deli/frozen food plant, 2200 people for 4 shifts, $18/hour avg, $11/hour starting, 99% white

> 2017 same company, brand new facility +400% flood space, owned by european conglomerate, 500 people for 4 shifts, $12/hour avg, $10/hour starting, 90% somali refugees (all deli/frozen products now halal)

Nice stats, thanks user.

> b but machines will never replace my job


t. rogue AI


>tfw I'm already jobless

>So the answer is to shove everyone into virtual reality? Why even have automation/AI then?

And what if you were unable to wake from that dream?

And it turns into a virtual hellscape?