Um, guys
those fucking Jews got us again huh guys
i like how the title is just clickbaity enough to make a retard think it did that by itself
spacekikes...I like it
the ayys are fucking with us again
Let me guess, someone made a mistake and set the time delay on the thrusters to go off using Imperial seconds instead of glorious metric seconds.
I like Carl Sagan and everything, but that pothead doomed us all by sending detailed instructions to find earth on a sattelite
Sagan is going to make independence day real
How do you transmit radio signal through van Allen’s belt. A highly charged plasma
On the bright side, at least he had us depicted as righteous spiderpeople.
Jews are phoning home.
voyager 1 is going increadibly slow we will catch up to it likely in a couple thousand years
It took billions of years for life to evolve on earth.
it's absurdly unlikely that there is anything else synced up with us within the local group. They're either farther along than us and probably extinct as a result, or they're not even crawling out of their oceans yet.
Them's the brakes.
1 minute = 1 kilosecond
shut up
any civilization that manages to travel among the stars can't be leftist. it needs to be a strong right civilization where merit and the strong are cherished. lefties are too lazy, entitled and fearful to conquer space and another worlds.
we should cherish any alien invasion as the day where the left will be exterminated.
No, it's in orbit around the sun, it's just a fucking huge orbit.
>This comes up right after theres a bunch of loud echoes in space
great perspective here
By the time that thing reaches anything that can read it, we will be ready.
>It took billions of years for life to evolve on earth
prove it
we found fossil evidence of life ago in rock strata that could only have been from about that long ago. do you deny geology or evolution?
Sounds like someone is sending our junk back home.
Ok cuckboy, who the fuck is we in your we
Life on Earth first appeared as early as 4.28 billion years ago, soon after ocean formation 4.41 billion years ago, and not long after the formation of the Earth 4.54 billion years ago.
The mechanism by which life began on Earth is unknown, though many hypotheses have been formulated and are often based on the Miller–Urey experiment. The earliest known life forms are microfossils of bacteria. In July 2016, scientists reported identifying a set of 355 genes thought to be present in the last universal common ancestor (LUCA) of all living organisms.
You're the kind of shit head that spams NASA's Facebook page with pooping gifs and #fake hashtags, aren't you?
This was never well thought out. If there is anything out there that has the technology to come visit us, then we should be doing anything we can to hide from it.
1 billion
This guy gets it.
The Fermi Paradox strongly implies this.
spacewaifus when?
I'm lumping in the time it took the solar system to accrete and cool once the sun stopped being a protostar, since that's also a requirement.
What threat would we pose? What would we have that they couldn't get easily and in abundance?
You dont need to see a stupid satellite to find earth, you just have to find the planet that's recently started emmitting massive amounts of radio waves.
We're lit up like a christmas tree in the woods if anyone cares to look
jews are aliens confirmed
>What would we have that they couldn't get easily and in abundance?
About 7 billion new slaves maybe?
if we ever light up an antimatter rocket then we're a direct existential threat to anything we choose, given enough time.
Relativistic weapons might be the true cause of the great silence. But most likely it's because nothing else exists at our industrial level.
No, its orbit is hyperbolic meaning Voyagers trajectory is taking out of the solar system never to return.
Easy, scientists actually know science, unlike flatearth morons who think observation with their own eyeballs trumps thousands of years of math and scientific discovery
he knows
The signal that they had fired/instruction to fire would take weeks, why? Most of its instruments are shut down as its plutonium cake is nearly spent.
Could someone fill me in? This thread is full of the genetically unfortunate.
>believing the round Earth meme in 2017
reddit, everybody
I've never seen any evidence that it achieved the delta v needed for that. 50km/s is the sun's escape velocity, i've never heard anyone say voyager went faster than 35km/s or so.
>What would we have that they couldn't get easily and in abundance?
Have you ever considered the fact that we might be delicious?
>civilization capable of interstellar travel needs slaves
For what? Odds are that if you've managed FTL travel then you've managed automation of industry too.
Only if they're within a few light years, most of the signals were aimed for terrestrial use, not extraterrestrial use, they also degrade very quickly.
or just plain cloning. Robotics are a dead end compared to the potential of reverse engineering biology for our machines.
So aliens are like helpful strangers who will jumpstart your dead battery?
>BlueBeam intensifies
"We ask that you try just one more thought experiment. Imagine yourself taking a stroll through Manhattan, somewhere north of 68th street, deep inside Central Park, late at night. It would be nice to meet someone friendly, but you know that the park is dangerous at night. That's when the monsters come out. There's always a strong undercurrent of drug dealings, muggings, and occasional homicides.
It is not easy to distinguish the good guys from the bad guys. They dress alike, and the weapons are concealed. The only difference is intent, and you can't read minds.
Stay in the dark long enough and you may hear an occasional distance shriek or blunder across a body.
How do you survive the night? The last thing you want to do is shout, "I'm here!" The next to last thing you want to do is reply to someone who shouts, "I'm a friend!"
What you would like to do is find a policeman, or get out of the park. But you don't want to make noise or move towards a light where you might be spotted, and it is difficult to find either a policeman or your way out without making yourself known. Your safest option is to hunker down and wait for daylight, then safely walk out.
There are, of course, a few obvious differences between Central Park and the universe.
There is no policeman.
There is no way out.
And the night never ends."
Not to mention any time here on earth whenever a voyaging civilization has encountered a local and remote civilization it has always ended pretty badly for home team. Could you imagine that 90-99.99% of us get wiped out by some kind of space pox?
this. inverse square law is a bitch.
>taking the flatearth idea seriously when it only existed as a counter-argument for the church to keep power against science and reason
Digits confirm
We're a sweet meat treat that can't be beat.
I wonder if this has anything to do with the strange objects in the sky lately, or the night a few nights ago I woke up paralyzed and was being raped by a female grey alien.
Great, we're gonna get more refugees.
that is assuming the ayys have not built counter measures to ftl ballistic weaponry
i was counting from the formation of earth to the first single cell organism
Aliens cant come soon enough.
We need to get the nastiest "starship troopers"-tier aliens the galaxy has to offer.
When genocidal space bugs threaten earth is the time when mankind will rally behind one strong militaristic leader to fend off the filthy xenos. It will be a white man bevause we know a thing or two about extermination.
Society will become überfashy and militarized and we send all the commie scum to the front rows, sacrificing them to the space bugs before whiping the bugs out with newly developed weapons and ushering in a new state of world peace and a global.ethnostate
Hello Arthur.
Double confirmation.
Just a sim
i dont know about bugs but the grey are real i was raped by one in my sleep a few nights ago. I couldn't move or speak, just watch until i reluctantly came
Okayyy, not funny anymore...
Triple confirmation
Pretty much impossible
Rkvs method of operation makes them unstoppable.
As long as the Africans, Indians, and Chinese are used as canon fodder first.
>humanity would unite
>many races come together
>global ethnostate
What the fuck????
Kill yourself you literal retard...
More bullshit from ASSA for the goyim to slurp up
They must want more money
You know what else is impossible? FTL
getting spoopy
there are exactly none. You cannot easily deflect something that is "almost" as fast as electromagnetism is capable of propagating. You cannot see it any sooner than "too late". Make it a basic MIRV design and you can take out every decent settlement in an entire solar system with no warning or possible countermeasure.
"formation of the earth" being a rather vague time by both our accounts.
The odds of anyone other than humans with an exact copy of voyager's orbital trajectory and knowledge of our star's current orbit ever finding voyager, ever, for the rest of the universe's extensive history, is fucking infinitesimal. Even by the chance someone/thing does find it; voyager won't matter anymore. We're talking dozens of billions of years at least. Our star won't be where it is right now, those pulsars might be - not sure, but they still wouldn't tell you anything other than where our star was, not where it IS.
The earth is not emitting "massive amounts of radio waves"
Go to wikipedia, read about the inverse square law. If you're up to the task, do the math and figure out how powerful a radio transmission has to be, in order to reach just 200ly.
I can save you time: If you aren't within ~90 - 150ly of Earth, you can't hear/see us apart from the background noise of the universe. Stars are NOISY in the radio spectrum, and Earth is not anywhere NEAR the power of a star. Even with solar-system sized radio antenna listening for radio signals, you would struggle to pick out earth, and as the distance increases, the amount of time it takes to actually mosey on over to earth increases as well.
Suppose there is life 250ly away and they do detect us. If they sent a relativistic kill vehicle at us immediately (and that's already difficult to do - good luck figuring out earth's exact orbit from 250ly away...) we would still have a further 250 years of active development on this planet before it hit. If we've self-sustainably colonized anywhere off-planet within that timeframe, then not only will the RKV have only destroyed earth, these aliens will have announced exactly where they are and that they are hostile to us. Humanity's survivors in the rest of the solar system could easily shut up on radio traffic and plot revenge.
Or, we just tell them that Jews have a mineral inside their brains that can be used as an infinite source of energy.
just invent a magic material immune to kinetic energies, and shield every colony with it. I assume the same sort of material would have to be used to make the weapons in the first place
They used breeder reactors in those vessels which essentially use their own spent fuel as fuel and so on. They are also in uncharted territory as far as the reactor age goes. Perhaps something is going on with the reactor that is making it seem to "turn on" from energetic decay. Just a guess.
Lay off the weed, hippie!
First the lefties then the minorities. When everyone is kill we bring out the new guns and baaaaaam we got ourselves a paradise. On earth. And a lifetime of xeno steaks.
Fuck off leaflet. You are too cucked to understand any of this
>Tfw "District 9" was actually about alien refugees that manage to make the worst place on the planet even worse
not if you change the trajectory of one by using gravity weapons.
Even humans finding it is going to be quite the miracle. That RTG doesn't emit nearly enough heat and it's only getting worse.
>Um, guys...
>tfw it wasn't a movie, it was a documentary
Um, guys............................
yeah i knew what you originally meant
just some light shit posting tonight
but its carzy
it took a billion years after the cooling of the earth for chemical evolution to make the first single celled organism
Build The Dome!!!
>I assume the same sort of material would have to be used to make the weapons in the first place
It could be a 2,800 tons of feathers it literally does not matter to how energy scales with velocity. It'll dump a petawatt into the atmosphere the attosecond it makes contact.
There is no one there. Humans are first, the precursor civilization.
the material converts that petowatt into a warm breeze that wafts over the colonists, making their day all that more pleasant
I can make up bullshit too
the earth is flat, my man
are you drunk or something?
there's very narrow bands of temperature and pressure where proper chemical reactions can occur in any great frequency. It's right around what we consider normal. it couldn't have happened any other way.
S-stop it.
warm breeze, plasma, same thing really.
Bob Ballard or James Cameron might survive, dunno about everyone else. having that first two kilometers of ocean flash boil really does a number on the weather.
wtf is a pedowatt?
It sure is incredible that these satellites can survive for years in the thermosphere, where temperatures reach up to 2,000 degree C, hotter than a blast furnace, without damage. NASA claims that solar heat does not transfer well without an atmosphere, which is obvious bullshit (how is radiative heat transferring to the exposed satellite any different than transferring to air molecules?).
And these satellites, upon which we are apparently so dependent for our GPS, satellite TV, etc. are somehow never damaged by the ever-expanding space debris, or by cosmic rays, and are able to maintain operation and stay in position for decades without maintenance or human intervention. Incredible!
Why are there so few photographs from space of these supposed satellites? Would it not be much easier to use high-altitude balloons or drones to accomplish the same purpose?
That the moon landings were faked should be obvious to anyone who has looked into both sides of the issue and is not retarded. If you accept that as true, then it follows that NASA has absolutely zero credibility. I don't believe a word of what these astronot clowns say.
Aliens have as much interest in coming to Earth and helping us as you do taking a plane to the Congo and helping niggers build huts from banana leaves and elephant shit.
a magnitude more than a terawatt. humans produce about 20 terawatts each year, +~2% each year.