Haha retards

Trustfunder here. My parents own a dozen or so local grocery stores in the greater area. They're very successful and my parents are in the 1% income bracket. Today, my father was speaking to me about the tax code reform and said the voters in this country really are "useful idiots" and that because of this, he would rather put off retirement another ten years because of how much we will profit off it, even after Trump is gone.

It's hilarious that you all voted against your own interests desu.

Other urls found in this thread:


You and your dad pay the kosher tax


Man that user was a fucking faggot. I love those carts. So much easier to maneuver and I don't overbuy

>raised taxes on blue state cunts who keep voting for higher taxes

who's voting against their interests again?

I thought the tweet was funny but the responses to it were even funnier. They seemed incapable of realising that we had a sense of humour about ourselves and instead we were 100% serious about cuck carts

Why is your dad staying in the workforce for another decade and continuing to run an obviously successful enterprise that undoubtedly employs dozens, if not hundreds, of people bad for us?

U fucking retard. Your pops continuing to make money is good for everyone and will increase our tax revenues.

how cucked are you?

>Today, my father was speaking to me about the tax code reform and said the voters in this country really are "useful idiots"
That's strange, seeing as though he's going to be taxed more

>voted against your own interests desu.
How is giving the Feds more money in my interest?

>he would rather put off retirement
When you own income-generating assets you don't retire, if anything you pass the income generating assets onto your kids, something the tax plan wouldn't affect. OP is larping.
My parents own a dozen or so local dildo stores in the greater area. They're very successful and OP is our top customer.

joke's on you. i didnt vote at all.

hey dipshit the point of the quoted post was that more white people are single and not raising a family of white kids

This why you live in a 3rd world country dumbass

.It's hilarious that you all voted against your own interests desu.

So explain to me which party I should be voting for and how they are working towards my interest.

Your awful businessman father needs to sell and move to an industry with more than 1% profit margin.

Manipulative shilling. Cute.

>the people who make more.... make more
wew who'da thought that there

Here in the south, we started with about 35 of those at my local grocery store, but the majority were stolen. Now there are maybe ten, and they're not in good shape

My country is 47% white. How cucked are you?

Waste of time. Full carts are superior. You'll be going back to the shops every 2 days if you shopped with that cuck-cart.

>implying amazon won't have destroyed the value of his stores in 5 years.

I'm happy your dad has successful businesses and plans to provide more goods to the community for fair prices and will make more money because of these tax cuts.

Maybe you should be more grateful to your father and thank him for providing such a good life for you.

Hey fucko I don't give a shit leave the carts out of it

That makes OP a faggot.

amazon is just outside city limits and is imminently about to bulldoze your liitle stepdaddy's little shoppy poo. i would put in a call to my friend, the president, to rescue you and your whore mother's fourth husband but i despise you. tick tock, niggerfaggot.

They become a problem in the parking lot. The two different sized carts get jumbled in the cart keeper things, and then people start leaving carts everywhere. Two sized carts is retarded, but I prefer the cuck cart. Being that I live alone

I love that pic, you just know that woman is single and triggered as fuck by that pic.

>tfw libcucks come to Sup Forums expecting to mine salt and end up leaving traumatized


Also a trustfunder here. We might be making more money but we are also hiring a lot of people. We are driving around the city looking for homless vets to hire now that we can keep more of our hard earned profits. We are deciding to help vets while at the same time expand. These homeless vets are in tears; theyve beem on the street ever since obamas 2nd term they are in literal tears. One homeless vet just wishes that his family dog he had before being homeless was still alive. Apparently his dog of 10 years got sick and didnt survive the winter.

Anyways cool story OP.

>Choice 1: some billionaires get richer than before with tax cuts while leaving everyone else behind
>Choice 2: We all get replaced by a hordes of mestizos and muslims while some billionaires get richer with all the cheap labor getting imported while leaving everyone else behind

I sure had a lot of options there senpai

Grocery stores are a crowded business these days, your parents are probably going to be 99%'ers soon. Better get a job, faggot

Every time I read some article from some liberal website about the shit that goes on here, I’m just amazed. They don’t seem to understand how shitposting works. We fuck around and joke about eating onions or some dumb shit, and all of a sudden there’s a dozen articles for “All of Sup Forums and every Trump voter ever are eating onions for reasons!!!”


This is by design, desu

Op lives with his dad.

Heres your you faglord
Enjoy your shekels

Yeah but you cant put a full grown adult in one of those small carts and push them around like a baby, its too impractical

That was a good ass thread lol

But in all honesty anyone that uses a cuckcart should be castrated and beaten in town hall.

>Trustfunder here. My parents own a dozen or so local grocery stores in the greater area. They're very successful and my parents are in the 1% income bracket. Today, my father was speaking to me about the tax code reform and said the voters in this country really are "useful idiots" and that because of this, he would rather put off retirement another ten years because of how much we will profit off it, even after Trump is gone.

today on "things that never happened"

hey niggerfaggot, you are a direct contributor to white genocide. way to be a kike controlled shill.

>it is so good for me I feel the need to shill against it
End your life larpfag.

Sounds like your pops just likes to look down on people, brother

>parents loaded
>own all the local grocery stores
>don't have to work
>pretty much kings of the town
>known as 'sogg' (son of grocery guy)
>turn 18
>parents buy me lexus
>go upstairs (2 story house) to bedroom (queen bed, no single bed here)
>open double wardrobe and put on favorite shirt (has cool flames rising from the waist)
>put on ironed jeans
>put on white sunglasses, wooden bead necklace
>as I leave the house (2 story) tell the maid to feed the dog (well, left a note, she comes twice a week)
>make sure iphone in pocket
>drive to one of big dogs grocery stores
>wind down window and turn up 'numb' by Linkin Park (prog rock)
>pull into disabled car spot (its cool, dad owns the store)
>sit with engine idling for a minute, turn music up, check iphone (no messages)
>step from car, pause at automatic doors, swagger through
>lock car as double doors close behind me
>Cindy checking me out (new employee)
>Give her a wink, tell her she's doing a great job
>Walk past her, hope she gets a smell of the Blue Stratos aftershave (havent started shaving yet but makes chicks wild)
>Walk into office, say hello to daddy
>sit down and tell him how Cindy was checking me out
>Tells me she's 14 years old and what am I talking about
>kek, old man getting dementia
>jokes on him Ill own this empire one day
>help Cindy take out the garbage

Nigga l work at home depot, we have 5 different types of carts, don't get me started on cart organization and logistics.

My dad will buy your dads foreclosed grocery stores when amazon puts them out of business.

The points going right the fuck over your head, dipshit. You shouldn't like little cuckcarts because they should be an inconvenience for you, but you're not shopping for a family, all you're getting is your cheetos and mountain dew.


>I work at home depot

Checks out


Oh yeah?
Well, My uncle works at Nintendo and he said Raiden will be a playable character in the next Super Smash Brothers.

Shitty LARP, kill yourself liberal faggot.

big if true

That gif just gave me a seizure


Sage this shit. For the record my dad's worth about 20 million and has a seven figure income but he's not really going to see all that much from the tax reform. I on the other hand will with my 100k/yr salary so the moral of the story is OP is a faggot.

What are you doing here, Eichenwald!
Aren't you supposed to be enjoying some tentacle porn?

you need to go fucking hang yourself real bad dumbfuck

>retarded leftypol banking shill thinks he's fooling anyone with his LARPing

In my ideal society, not returning your cart to a designated corral would result in heavy fines, imprisonment, sterilization, and even death for repeat offenders.

Sure Alah boy, you must pay the nigger welfare

I dont know guys, with the obesity epidemic maybe those carts are a good idea. Plus those little carts are easier to use. Families shop at costco where they have carts like this.

>cuck carts
I've only seen these at CVS.
What the fuck? The ones at walmart weight a ton and are fucking gigantic.

Walmart wins again.

Forget that, execution first time offense. People are so fucking lazy and trash these days, can't be bothered to walk back two fucking feet to return it after unpacking.


Why so upset?

My taxes are cut nearly 50%. Guess I'm a big dumbass right

It’s sad how that whole cart of supplies is only going to last one weekend.

Amazon is crap. Can't believe I ever fell for the hype. They need to just sell books and leave it at that.


How do I check my tax plan???

>January 30 2017


This will make the system collapse even quicker...

when are we gonna gas the cuck carts?

Well I just want to let your dad know, Im coming for him. Im going to kill your dads business and take everything you ever thought you had, until daddy cant get a nickel to suck on a whore's titty.
Pass that on to your dad will ya. Tell him it was from me,
Amazon Fresh

>Things that didn't happen the post
Can you explain how it is in any way against a country's self-interest to make it easier for corporations to do business? I remember when Pfiezer and Allergen merged and moved to Ireland to reduce their corporate tax the netted billions overnight and we lost out. Think about the thousands of other companies that will no longer need to hide money offshore or move headquarters to other countries to stay alive. Think about how much money will stay in the US. Its a lot. Its hundreds of billions. How does helping our economy hurt?

Also... i live in WA with no state tax.

My tax return got bigger. So I objectively voted in my interests.

>This is going to be the best thing ever for me, now let me tell you why it's bad and you should oppose it.

Almonds officially roasted.

>Thinking this isn't a bait thread.

Pahjeet Singh.. poo in the loo street shitter..
Virat Kholi sucks dicks.

kys cuckboy

>its cuck-cart user himself and his shopping cart autism
>not having your groceries delivered to your door

Wew lad


i remember seeing that thread in the catalog
what the fuck am i doing with my life


None of your fucking carts are the proper size I need for concrete bags and insulation.
Seriously fuck your little flat cart things they are so fucking irritating. They need to be 2ft wider.


Gr8 b8 m8 but the 1% doesn’t even know 4chains exists

>being a degenerate neet fapping to cartoon children getting raped

kay you got me magapede wow

Nice bait, faggot. Regarding people who actually feel this way: Your life is meaningless if you gauge so much of your worth on the achievement of others.

Hey, I like the cuck cart. It's convenient when I just need to go the store and get a couple large items too big for a basket but small for a full sized cart.

>Linkin Park (prog rock)
Reaching levels of b8 previously unheard of


>business owner creating business for another ten years
>bad for people

what are you babbling about you fucking retard

The problems not the cart OP its that lard ass of a wife whose buying that processed shit. Not a single fucking vegetable, fruit or even a can of nuts on there. And no Cliff bars are candy bars they are not health food. Peanut butter isnt either its at best middling on the health scale its oil ratios are all off.

I avoid overbuying by carrying my groceries in my hands. Like a man.

Trust fund riches to rags gen u kno

That or his dad is staying in the game because his son can't run the business and he'd like it to not flop with a bad replacement

Buy a gun, buy ammo, git gud

Nobody cares what a woman thinks.

Especially a communist woman.