Sup Forums loves Concrete Revolutio, right? I think it's a brilliant series. To the untrained eye it might just seem like random madness but when you look closely at it you realize it's intricately crafted like a thousand-piece jigsaw puzzle. Everything is intertwined flawlessly. And on top of that it's chock full of retro mecha throwbacks so if you're into that kind of stuff it's likely that you'll love it even just for that.
Sup Forums loves Concrete Revolutio, right? I think it's a brilliant series...
Other urls found in this thread:
I guess not enough to post about it. Oh well, at least the spammer isn't here.
It fell for the old trap of "Let's do episodic shit for most of the season and then rush the main plot in the last two episodes". It's alright, but could've been so much more. The fact that you think that everything was "intertwined flawlessly" (how about that ski-jumping episode?) shows that you know fuck-all about storytelling or writing.
>good Bones original
No such thing.
Somehow the ss2 plot was suck. Less hyped than what season one can do.
I think if you describe Concrete Revolutio as "episodic" then you already completely missed the point. What you call the "main plot" is merely the end of something that had been threaded throughout the entire show.
I think the current thread on /m/ is quite fine for discussion.
Different boards have different opinions.
I loved Concrete Revolutio.
It was my favorite show that season but it was definitely flawed in it's presentation. There were way too many "self-contained" episodes by guest writers which killed the pacing and more often than not, were shit anyway.
I appreciated the non-linear story-telling but it sure felt clumsy as fuck jumping between timelines (even within the same episode).
It should have just stuck with one writer and cut the filler. If I ever re-watch I'll probably skip them just to see how it improves things.
Downloaded first season's BD a few days ago, too bad the only subs working with the raws are Commie's and they suck. Anyway, ConRevo is awesome, a shame only a few people care about it.
The problem is you would miss out on some important world-building. Lots of characters and concepts pop up in unexpected places and then are reintroduced later on. Off the top of my head, the Strange Power Risk Management guy.
That's really cute.
Commie is such shit that I'm they did not bother subbing it past the first 5 episodes so you're SOL even if you bite the bullet and use them.
I'll admit they are nice for world-building, but ultimately they aren't important and they're about irrelevant characters no one gives a shit about.
Like the band and skiing episodes, which were garbage. There's also the vietnam cyborg one but that was actually fun.
The episodes you named are basically the only two questionable ones in the entire series. And the Vietnam one was important in that it showed America's dog in the game.
There was at least one more but my point still stands.
If you are then your claim that it was "most of the season" absolutely does not stand. There are, at best, a couple fillerish episodes in a series that totals a respectable 24 episodes.
Well, I'm not him.
That's good then.
Well I sure as fuck loved it
Sup Forums didn't give a single fuck though, which is great
Demon Queen Kikko is best girl.
Would worship.
Actually, Sup Forums did have the weekly general while it was airing. It's just they stopped when it was finished, as generals should.
From what I remember, they moved on to the Active Raid threads, since it's a pretty similar show.
Holy shit, is that actual Conrevo fanart? I feel like I've witnessed a miracle.
There is a little.
They are not.
Many would disagree with you.
>the weekly general
>it's weekly so it's not a general
I remember it having pretty good sakuga.
Yeah okay, you obviously have no fucking idea what a general is
Have a last (you) and fuck outta here
Both have talks about justice and feature some mecha action, that's about it, ConRevo is much more ambitious while AR is much more light in tone.
>I know I'm wrong so I'm just going to act like I have the moral high ground without actually explaining my stance.
Yeah, nice job, but it failed.
It was awesome.
It was such a great series but S2 could have used ski-jumping and like half of the Devilo bullshit talk to show us, like dunno, Judas and Earth-chan or other totally-JUSTICE-organization members. And extend Jirou in his red beast of apocalypse mode Equus wrecking his enemies.
And then I still would want s2 to be 24 episodes since it had so much more to tell.
I hope there will be a region B release of the bluray in one or two years.
>02. 小さいグラス -Resentment Ver.-
God, it was such a great song in anime, had so much, well, resentment, sadness, hate and anger.
What we got is nice to hear but it's not the same.
37 episodes total would be too awesome. I would have been satisfied with Last Song being 13 episodes too.
Yeah, it really needed one more episode either way for that 3 episode finale like the S1 had.
I wonder if S2 was shorter than usual for the same reason Chaika was - didn't do as well as projected and so they were forced to cut it down.
But damn, I still remember the first two episodes hype. When they aired the threads were literally filled with "I am cum"-like reactions. Now that was superb type of HYPE.
Not him but
>Being this new
Hi mom.
>Not him but
Who do you think you're fooling?
Earth-chan a best.
The narrative is a complete mess. As expected of a bones original.
Koma's episode was seriously underrated. Too often we idealize the past when the reality is that the past was just as shit as the present is - a lesson that more people could stand to learn. I was impressed to see a series that actually called people out on that.
In general I don't understand why some people think less of S2. Maybe the first couple episodes of the season gave them some expectations that it would head in a completely different direction from what it actually did. But I think it's very consistent with S1.
I agree that there the final villain could have been more developed but I'm not sure if you can call his plot line the main point of the series.
>The narrative is a complete mess.
What you meant to say is "I didn't understand it because it was told out of order and I need things to be spoonfed to me because subtlety is lost on me."
You basically have to be watching the show with your eyes closed to not notice how they tie everything together. Assuming you made it this far, you were probably like "PLOT HOLE! Why was Claude conveniently talking on the phone to Magotake at the exact moment Jiro entered the room?" When if you'd been paying attention you'd have noticed Tozaki watching Jiro arrive and pulling out a walkie talkie. Then while Claude is talking on the phone there's a walkie talkie sitting on the desk next to him, indicating that Tozaki gave Claude the signal to begin the phone call.
I believe Koma-Kage's episode was actually well-received when it aired.
It had a nicely animated fight scene between her and Jirou/Raito, her transformation sequence, herself being quite cute, a deep message about people of bygone ages trying to fight for everlasting peace which is however never within reach (but which the current and future generations must always attempt as well, no matter how futile the struggle).
And of course a bittersweet forbidden love between her and her archrival.
I really enjoyed it, the second half did feel like it fell quite short but it hit all the right buttons from the Showa-Era stuff, the concept of justice and heroism, the History (which probably is why it's so high up for me, that shit made me rock hard as a casual fan of history), and just because I do really like Bones.
It was undoubtedly one of those shows that was improved tenfold while watching with Sup Forums, I wouldn't have been able to catch half the shit on my other 7 lengthy charts without you other faggots.
I felt that Satomi's motivations being somewhat mysterious until the end actually added to the strength of the big reveal. "Did you think I was just some old geezer?!" was a great moment.
I liked the band episode.
I agree. Calling it garbage is a bit much. It gave an outsider's perspective on the superhuman situation.
Only weird thing about it was how nobody seemed to give a fuck that the Jesus-looking guy died.
The only real bad thing about the Mountain Horse was how they reacted toward Dee's death. It just didn't feel right to just walk it off after a dude literally blew up.
I like that we both commented on Dee at basically the same time.
I saw a post on /m/ (side note: do NOT try and discuss Concrete Revolutio on /m/) that speculated it was meant to be consistent with their whole thing about always putting on a smile, but I dunno, they were a LITTLE too lighthearted about it. Probably just needed to be directed a bit differently.
I just hope that we can have occasional threads to talk about it and remember how sweet the weekly threads were.
Kinda like Space Dandy. Just pop up once in a while.
I'm with you. I certainly won't ever forget about this show. Nor will I forget about Space Dandy. They're both good examples of how new anime can still be something truly special. Anime that really gives you faith that the medium has still got it.
I love how Raito just destroyed that Space guy and ripped off his JUSTICE chip all while psycho music was playing. Damn, it was such a good 1st episode.
Earth-chan was the best.
>psycho music
Does this sound like psycho music to you?
ok it kinda does in some places
Reminder that The Man still won, and will forever keep you all down.
Can't win against the Establishment.
I loved it, sadly, it had way too many guest writer episodes, but I liked the S1 way more than the S2, and the threads were great too with anons helping each other to look for the references to real life events and with shows the characters were based on, also Earth-chan a best.
>Reminder that The Man still won
The Man didn't win. Superhumans still exist in my heart.
4 guest writer episodes out of 24 isn't that bad. Also, of those 4 guest writer episodes, 2 were done by one guy. The endless family was of course the better one compared to Ayane Sakura talking constantly about how you should enjoy try to understand each another.
Although the Devilo-episode did have bewbies.
The Devlio and the sky dudes were pretty lame, but the others were nice, also I wish the show would had another episode because the finale felt a little short for everything it was building up.
Superhumans are trash that should be burned at the stake. Then they would be useful for something, like providing enough energy to warm four bowls of ramen.
Yeah, that was really a pity.
I really wish that anime production went away from the outdated TV broadcast model, because that method just doesn't allow the studios enough time to reflect on if the last episodes mesh well enough.
But Mr. Man, you are the superhumans.
I must kill the superhumans.
To kill the superhumans, you need to start with yourself.
>do NOT try and discuss Concrete Revolutio on /m/
Why? I thought they liked it.
Jirou really got punch happy in the end
It was the flip floppers of that season, so no. Shit show overrated by vocal minority.
>FF is overrated by a vocal minority
>so is CR
Not like you are going to prove that shit or anything.
>overrated by vocal minority.
That's where you're wrong. ConRevo threads may as well have been dead when compared to how active Flip Flappers' threads were. If you're going to shitpost, at least put some effort into it.
You have to be at least 18 to post on this website friendo
Its my AOTY 2015, not sure if it will be my AOTY 2016 though.
I really like all the episodes, even the episodic ones.
Except Flip Flappers was one of the most-discussed shows this season. Whereas nobody gave a shit about Concrete Revolutio after how dull the first season was. Pretty much only sakugafags watched it.
But I liked it and I'm not even a sakugafag.
I think a big part of the disappointment in S2 is that S1 left the future parts really vague, like Jirou and Shiba clashing in the future, but then you find out in S2 that they have become "friends", which kinda takes out the impact out of that scene.
It was more like Jirou trying to get him into his side, and Shiba lost their fight after all.
Thats not really my point, but how many future scenes were left vague and the result might have disappointed people.
>MC has amazing powers
>Never actually use them except for one tiny, small fight
>He just fights using his fucking car instead
Dropped like it's hot.
>Dropped like it's hot.
Carlos pls go.
Earth-chan is cute. CUTE.
Koma-Kage a cuter.