White Privilege exists! Prove me wrong

How can you look around and not see white privilege? Are you delusional?

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Indians make the most money out of any demographic in the US. Kill yourself faggot.

Blessed be the shit posting baiter.

>saging with a picture

What if I live in Zimbabwe
What if I live in China
What if you suck my white balls

Can't defeat me in debate

true sheeeeiiiittt muh nigga

Just because indians make some cash doesn't mean Whites aren't privileged.

actually fucking giggled at this, nice fuckin sage man, did you remember to noko with your image too?

(((liberals))) always use their bullshit concept of "white privilege" to attack white people, and attempt to sabotage us with 3rd world immigration and discriminatory policies in the name of "diversity". There is only thing holding black people back in America these days: The failed social programs of the Democrats. Give them school choice and stop paying them welfare when they have kids out of wedlock, everything will be just fine.

*Citation needed on the existance of white privilege despite a person of color standing more chance to be hired for the same job a white person applies for solely based on their skin color rather than their skills for the job, again solely because "WE NEED TO HAVE THIS CERTAIN COLOR OF SKIN, TOTALLY NOT RACIST LOL" and this narrative being a socially acceptable thing because people feel bad for things their ancestors did, and thus entirely seperate people being blamed by people who just so happen to be the same skin color of the actual oppressed group in order to achieve ACTUAL FUCKING PRIVILEGE, such as being able to be racist without being called racist and being able to do a huge amount of crime (despite being a minority in the nation) and this being, instead, attributed to MUH RACISM despite WHITE OFFICERS being more likely to shoot WHITE MALES, and despite the black culture in music being SHOOT COPS DO DRUGS FUCK THE LAW that this is somehow unreasonable for police to assume blacks are more violent despite their VERY FUCKING CULTURE encouraging violence, illegal activities such as prostitution, drug dealing, gang violence, ETC...
Open your fucking eyes you delusional soyboy.

white privilege exists.
there is no problem with that especially in white countries

So you 100% deny the existence of White Privilege?

PS: Are you white?

The fact that the majority race and culture in any given country is the norm for that country is not privilege.

just imagine the political power them natives could wield with all that cash if they could just quit gambling, drinkin, druggin, and thuggin.

There is white privilege. And it fucking rocks. I love feeling safe around the police, around women, and being able to be trusted around everyone. It's literally the best thing ever. If it were an option I'd re-up white every year, fuck it.

Is white privilege the new original sin or something?

I know right, I can't believe Morons don't believe in White Privilege, do they have no pride in their race?

I'm still waiting for my privilege to come

>How can you look around and not see white privilege?
What is the dollar value of white privilege, unless you can put a precise dollar value on it it doesn't exist. Prove me wrong. You can't.

Why shouldn't white people have white privilege in their own country that they built along with their own technology that they invented? Other races have the privilege of being allowed to use technology we invented for them. It's not our fault we were smarter and more productive and wanted to build nice countries with cool technology while the rest of you preferred to dance naked around fires throwing spears at eachother.

>citation needed for proof
Tallest countries in the world: White
White average IQ: 100
Strongest race: White (strongman contestants)
Most desired race: White (social media studies)


White Privilege is supposed to make you feel guilty about being white so blacks can rake in that sweet sweet guilt reparation and be subject to being free of consequence because "YO GRANDADDY'S GRANDADDY'S GRANDADDY OWNED MY GRANDADDY'S GRANDADDY'S NEPHEW" and other stupid shit.

It's a way for SJW's to eliminate an argument without having to use the very things they despise.
Facts and evidence.
It's a way to discredit someone's arguments, points, logic, etc solely because of their skin color being white, which is in and of itself complete fucking racism, but SJW's are such weakminded fucking beta soyboys that they don't care about this, they only care about the fucking power they think they possess.

"White privilege" is just the excuse they give to miority inferiority.

Think about it, white people save money and afford a nice home? Privilege. White family marries before having kids? Privilege. Dad raises kid? Mom isn't a horrible influence that spends her welfare check on herself? Privilege.

but that doesn't give me any privilege in the workforce
where i'm currently employed, a tribal casino, because I am not indian, I can be fired for no reason whatsoever in order to make room for a native american


The burden of proof false on you, fucking goon.

This is examples of white excellence and people's desire to mimic it

Of course White Privilege exists.

But privileges are and always have been something to be earned and whites earned every single one of their privileges through generations of hard work.

So yeah. They exist and they prove white superiority more than anything else.

I've been wanting to make a thread about this for a while so I may as well just say it now.

White privilege exists and that's an undeniable fact. But it's not what the left wants you to think. White privilege ain't "oh you just got that job cuz you white." No, instead, white privilege is owning 3 mansions, paying less in taxes than Trump, and being deluded enough to think your retarded social policies are good for the people. White privilege is having to create affirmative action shit because you think that's the only way minorities and "marginalized groups" can get jobs/into college. Hell, "marginalized groups" in itself is white privilege. Are they not regular people like you and me? Not just average Americans? Who cares if they're poor or why they're not. Do you consider yourself so above "these poor people" you have to create a whole movement to mark how different you are? White privilege is being so ignorant and retarded about the world you lump people in together that don't belong together. This triggers me as a bean. I fucking hate Colombians, Salvadorans, and other Mexicans. I don't care about "hispanics" as a collective entity, because I'm not a part of the hivemind of retards that choose to follow these leftist cultists. Sikhs, Indians, Pakistanis and muslims all hate each other. Yet the left lumps them together as "POC". And then there's shit like pic related. White Privilege is being deluded enough that you think your opposition consists entirely of "them white inbred hicks." White privilege is being so privileged and lucky to have to been born in the US, as an American, that you're so far removed from real violence that you think banning private ownership of ANY arms is a good idea. Or that you're so deluded you think any sort of socialism, communism, what have you is a good idea. Honestly fuck these people.

This is the simplest way I can think to explain it. Privlege isn't real. If there were no non-whites then white privlege would cease. Given that, it cannot be intrinsic to me, as it can apparently disappear without me changing. So it is not something that I have.

>Just because white people don't make the most money, can legally be discriminated against, are being replaced, demonized, etc DOESN'T MEAN THEY DON'T HAVE PRIVILIGE
White people keep failing the shit test, wake up cracka

>false on you
What the fuck? Retard.

People are privledged based on how much money they have. Race is arbitrary

I disagree. Rich Privilege exists.

>1 post by this ID

Seems legit.

The majority almost always has it better than the minority in most countries and the USA isn't special in regards to racism

Jews own banks
Jew own media
Jews dominate banking jobs
Jews dominate media jobs
Jews make up 90%of the top 1%of earners
Jews are less than 2% of world population. If privilege exists it is a Jewish one. Ever tried to 'make it' in Korea or Japan? White privilege doesn't exist there I assure you. Now explain why you think it's an exclusively white problem.

White Privilege IS real. I've never denied it.

>Whites create the best and safest societies. >High average IQ's and low time preferences. >Set beauty standards for the world / every race prefers whites.

The list could go on and on, white privilege exists, I'm so fucking lucky and actually just excited to be white every day waking up. It's truly THE race to be.

>niggers are retards prove me wrong?

Have a song.

Yep. You look at some of these second generation Americans though and they buy into the shit, even though their family grew up dirt poor in a third world country, and as a whole, Americans born to foreign families identify with each other more than they identify with their native ethnicity and culture. Many of them are insecure about their cultural identity, because they don't feel like they truly belong to either their family's culture or at-large American culture, which allows them to be exploited by leftists. They go to their parent's native country, and people view them as spoiled American brats, which many times they are. They are a means to an end, easily exploited if the leftists can convince them that they need to fight for their vision of America. It's sad honestly, this country robs people of their identity and community, and reduces them to their base parts as just a cog in a wheel, because you are right, it's not 'white vs non-white', but because of the dynamic many people have been convinced otherwise.

Daily reminder other "underprivileged" races simply want white privilege to themselves at your expense.

Donate all your assets and inheritence to the underpriviliged, no one is stopping you.


Fuck you Raciss Asshole, the tide is turning and were taking away your EBT and free phones soon, as well as your safe spaces no more tests graded on a curve anymore to prop up dumb asses like you.
We built these countries and invented virtually everthing which now encompasses the term, modern civilized society. Bringing shitskins and more women lib shit and spics and mongos spelled the destruction and moral decay of societies. And you fkin blame us? Go back to your third world countries and or learn to use a set of tools for once in your life to fuckin fix something and while your at it fix your life before trying to tell is how to run our lives fuckin retard!!!

>blaming your skin color for being a loser is no excuse you dumb nigger.

I'm 14, why are you trying to sexualize me?


>*knifehands internally*

Post it, bitch

Stop being a faggot OP

No one asked your aged OP

Higher IQ privilege exists, that's why whites are privileged compared to blacks. So what should we do? Try to give whites brain damage to make IQ equal? Should we use socialism to have whites just give more to blacks constantly forever? What's the answer?

There is no White Privilege if everyone around you White.

It's not white privilege, it's middle class American white privilege.

And there's nothing inherently wrong with it.

It's not 'white privilege', it's majority privilege. When I was in Vietnam and taking a bus to a different part of the country, they didn't have enough busses for all the trips booked. Guess what, the Viets got priority in boarding while all the white kids had to wait for the next one to come through. Obviously this wouldn't be allowed in America, but that was majority privilege. White people are the majority, they occupy the positions of power and like associating with people of shared cultural background, like every human does, whether they admit it or not. White people do the same shit every other culture does, and until they can admit that I will never take them seriously.


Obviously means to say
>the burden of proof falls on you
That's a phrase you should recognize retard

In any environment, the group that holds power is privileged. Why shouldn't they be?

Where is this privilege I am supposedly getting?
Everywhere I look there are special interest groups for non-whites of all backgrounds.
There are special exceptions made for non-whites.
The media blatantly cover up non-white on white crime.
Whites are demonised for shit they had no part in.
Non-whites are given favouritism in job placements to ensure quotas are met.
Non-whites are allowed to be as racist as they want without reprisal.
Non-whites are often let off of crimes because of 'cultural difference'.

We are privileged to have higher average IQs than everyone but Japs and Jews. IQ Privilege is real.

That's what you want me to say, right?

for us to prove you wrong you need to prove yourself right.

>the burden of proof is on you.

White legal privilege does not exist
White biological privilege does exist and it's fabulous. I'm grateful for it every day.

These fucking white privileged guys are all over the place stinking up the city

Even if it did exist, why would anyone pay special attention to that other than race baiting? Class priviledge, wealth priviledge and even occupation privilede affect your life way more or are you telling me people like Opra have it worse than a white hobo on the streets?

whites create, nigger want gibz


and chinks and gooks and pakis LUL


White people are privileged because they have beauty and brains.
So the obvious solution to white privilege is to tattoo all white people skin and face black, and to preform neurosurgery that removes 20% of their brain, especially in the prefrontal cortex, and they should be given daily supplements of testosterone to make them equally aggressive as blacks. Only when this is done will white people be able to escape their privilege.

Ps. Jew Theodore Allen invented the term 'white privilege'.

Really makes you think, Goy


>Prove me wrong,
Here, idiot troll, watch this. youtube.com/watch?v=N5MjlBkHOAg
Also, GTFO this board. Also, saged.

Just another example of how "racism" is a word that in today's world means, "Looks objectively at the truth." Fucking hilarious. The absolute state.

Whites don't have privilege they just lack racial disadvantages. The way they are treated in society should not be seen as being treated superior to other races it should be seen as the standard, everyone should be treated that way A lack of disadvantage should not be seen as an advantage in itself.

Instead of trying to figure out how to treat white people like shit to bring them down to the standard of other people, which results in just a shitty world where EVERYONE is getting guns pulled on them by the cops all the time and beaten and turned down for jobs and imprisoned more frequently Who'd want to live in a world like that? Instead everyone should be treated with courtesy by the police.

The secret? Blacks need to rebuild their communities and their morals and stop committing so much crime, stop assaulting people thinking thug life is okay, and especially stop assaulting cops and getting shot.

You know Irish used to be treated like shit too, but now they're integrated into American society. They did that by working hard jobs and being good decent people. Now they're treated the same as WASPs most the time.

Let's ask the Boers in South Africa how fucking privileged they feel, you trolling kike. And, still saging.

Why wouldnt and shouldnt white privelege exist in a white country? Just like japanese are privileged in their own country. FUCKING KILL YOURSELF

>White Privilege is supposed to make you feel guilty about being white
Fuck 'em.
>It's a way to discredit someone's arguments, points, logic, etc
For the weak minded who won't tell them to go fuck themselves, sure.