Waifu Wednesday Thread

You're waifu is very special, be sure to stick to your New Years resolutions for them!

Let's get things rolling!

How open is your loved one regarding discussing intimacy? Are they reserved about it? Or are they blunt or playful about talking about it with you?

Why would you're waifu love you? No I don't knows either, something your loved one might see in you that maybe you don't even see sometimes!

What's your loved ones biggest dream or aspiration?

In an ideal world, how do you see your future together?

Remember to compliment a waifu today! Yours are all really, truly, amazing!

Other urls found in this thread:


Have an awesome week and an awesome year waifufriends!

Why so dead?

Happy New Year to you and Mint!
>How open is your loved one regarding discussing intimacy?
My waifu is definitely playful about it, rarely feeling much embarrassment except when I catch him off guard with something.
>Why would you're waifu love you?
My dedication to bettering myself and my willingness to spoil and provide for him.
>What's your loved ones biggest dream or aspiration?
To be the leader of the most popular band of MIDI City, and to claim his rightful place at the top of the Center Tower.
>In an ideal world, how do you see your future together?
Happily married, living a life of luxury.
>Remember to compliment a waifu today!
Yukari's passion for tanks is adorable
Miia is a magnificent lady
Rika's dedication to her friends is moving
Miku has a cute voice

I recently moved into a new apartment with my beautiful princess waifu and it had me wondering how moving with your waifu would go.

Would she be sad to leave your old home or just excited to move on to something new?
Would she be able to lift many boxes on her own or would you often have to help?
At the end of the day who would have done more work, you or her?
Is she the type to meticulously plan a move or throw things into a box and go?

>What's your loved ones biggest dream or aspiration?
Having a family with her OTP
>In an ideal world, how do you see your future together?


why so cute?

>Would she be able to lift many boxes on her own or would you often have to help?
She's quite strong so no help needed from me. I would help regardless.
>At the end of the day who would have done more work, you or her?
We'd probably compete. She's competitive.
>Is she the type to meticulously plan a move or throw things into a box and go?
Both but leaning more toward the latter.

Kill yourself, cuckfag.

Good evening waifu thread! I hope this year brings you yet more happiness with your beloved!

Happy New Year, Mintbro!

When discussing that sort of thing, she can be fairly open and teasing about it, but when we're alone she's far more shy~

I'm afraid I don't know why she would love me, but I love her more than anything, and will continue to love her and better myself for her as long as I can!

Yukari's dream is probably to be surrounded by tanks all day, and I'd love to make that come true!

In an ideal world, she and I would own our own businesses, right next to one another. She'd fix up tanks and sell parts, and I'd make pastries. We'd get annoyed at one another for walking into the other's shop with flour/engine oil on their hands! maybe one day

>compli-Mint a waifu.husbando

Miku a super cute!
Miia a wonderful snek!
Crona is adorable and needs to be loved gently!
Kyousuke is an amazing person and deserves all the best!
Hibiki is the cutest! Her smile is wonderful!
Konata is the sweetest, and her husbando is pretty cool too!
Luka is very cute indeed and her husband gives the most wonderful presents! Thanks again for the tank kit and the tea!

You too, Kagurafriend! Enjoy this year with your adorable wife!

Thanks Shuzodude! Your beloved always looks amazing, and you're a very cute couple!

I think Yukari would be sad to move, but she'd put a brave face on regardless!

We'd do an equal share of work, unpacking all of our meticulously wrapped boxes, then collapse together and sleep!

Question time!

Would your beloved prefer the Army, Navy or Air Force, and why?

Are they the type to play it cool on a first date, or not hide their feelings and be enthusiastic?

What do you think would be their ideal first date?

Have an amazing week, and a great new year, waifufriends!

Greetings to one and all.

-She's actually quite reserved in regards to discussing it publicly. As far as just me and her go, it's still pretty subtle.
-I wonder the same thing myself sometimes, though I've always had issues in that regard. She'd probably be better at answering this one. Though I've been told that I can be quite witty, and I'm pretty good with kids.
-To be the best she can be in her musical career.
-For us both to be well off and able to support our future family. I'm sure she'd strive for a fancier environment, though.

-Definitely the latter. The old place is nice, but I'm sure she'd be fascinated with this little excursion into the unknown.
-I'd definitely be the heavy lifter of the two of us.
-I'd win in terms of physical labor, while she'd be the one with the planning and social aspects.
-The former. Only because we have things we can't afford to just chuck away.

-For some reason, Navy, if only because of the seafaring aspect.
-The former. She's good at keeping mum about how she really feels. ...as long as nobody is looking.
-Fancy, candlelit dinner in a nice, extravagant setting. I'd go for a yacht setting, but that could have some unfortunate implications.

Thanks OP, and happy new year everyone.

>How open is your loved one regarding discussing intimacy? Are they reserved about it? Or are they blunt or playful about talking about it with you?
When it comes to truly intimate issues, Erza has shown some bashfulness. Even when she heard her guildmates getting married she went bright red. She's the kind that would get embarrassed by PDA, but I love her blushes.

>Why would you're waifu love you?
Hard to say. You'd have to ask her! All I know is that I'm trying to be someone that she can be proud of.

>What's your loved ones biggest dream or aspiration?
I don't think she has any big dreams, aside from becoming a bride! She just wants to be able to live her life with her friends and loved ones.

>In an ideal world, how do you see your future together?
Living in our own house in the countryside, but not too far from the city. We'd maybe have one or two children that we'd care for and cherish. We'd both be working at the guild and we'd take on missions together.

- I think it'd be a mixture of bittersweet and excitement.
- She can definitely lift more than me in one go.
- Her
- The latter I think, she's pretty carefree

- Army I think. She's been shown in those clothes before.
- I think she would be surprisingly shy and bashful.
- A picnic underneath a sakura blossom tree.

How is your waifu with money? Would she be a big spender or would she save up every little she can?

First WW thread of the year! Woohoo!!!

Over the holidays, your waifu has found out she has gained a couple pounds. How would she react? How would you react?

What would your waifu's New Years Resolution be? What would yours be?

What would you guys do on a snow day?