4 years later and there still hasn't been an anime thats topped Kill la Kill

4 years later and there still hasn't been an anime thats topped Kill la Kill.

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Attack on Titan, Sword Art Online, Kill la Kill, and Re:Zero are my favorite anime of all time

Ok. So keep rewatching it over and over then.

For (you)

Stay happy with what you're happy with, user. it isn't hurting anyone after all. Hope you're not hurting while watching it though

Thats because jojos bizzare adventure already topped it long ago

I never watched SAO, but I agree with the rest, user!


Objective and irrefutable TV top 10 of the decade:

1, Kill la Kill
2.Tatami Galaxy
3. Mawaru Penguindrum
4. Space Dandy
5. Uchouten Kazoku
6. Ping Pong
7. Mushishi Zoku Shou
8. Yurikuma Arashi
9. Mob Psycho 100
10. Luluco

Luluco should be higher

10 years later and there still hasn't been an anime thats topped Gurren Lagann

I agree with everything except Tatami Galaxy

But Kill la Kill wasn't out 4 years ago

Shin Mazinger did 2 years after.

>no Non Non Biyori
Garbage list.

>shounen list 2010-16
>no hxh fullmetal or durrararr
at least be consistent with your meme tastes

>shonen list
Back to Sup Forums, moron.

>klk #1
>not the epitome of shounenshit
who needs to go back where?

>no SamFlam

>60% of the list is arthouse 2deep4u shit
You need to go back.

evaluating shounenshit this highly tells me everything i need to know famalam. did i insult your taste, bud?

That's not how you make bait lists, you need to put at least some good show in your baits to make it more believable. E.g.

>it's been 4 years

So much time lost :'(

SamFlam was airing right along side KLK and was vastly better then it.

Mein negger, trips confirm

>literally too dumb for KLK


obvious bait but

sad indeed my fellow retard

>it's a "the only KlK thread up is an ironic one but you still want to talk about it" episode

>tfw to intligent for anything besieds KLK and people give me a hard time

KLK hasn't topped anything 10 years before it.

>people still pretending KLK is bad

It's been 4 years, you concede it's great now

Kill la Kill really was a mess.

Its not bad, just overrated and overhyped. Samurai Flamenco was better and it ran in the same season as KLK.

>it's a meme to hate every popular anime
Im a jojofag and re:zero is my personal anime of 2016. DiU 2nd place.

>proving my point
Kill la Kill has spoiled me, it's hard to find something else as stimulating on the intellectual level in the modern anime industry.

Has it seriously been 4 years? What the fuck.

Not until October

I'm here fampai, what do you want to talk about?

Yes and no.

2017 - 2013 is 4, so yes.

But it started at the end of 2013, and were at the start of 2017, so no.

I know that feels fellow KLK fan, anything is so shalow and childish in comparison.

it wasn't bad, but it wasn't great. i watched it the whole way through, some episodes are well made and you can tell the authors put in effort but taken as a whole the show doesn't bring anything new to the table nor does it tell an old story exceptionally well.

I suddenly feel old.

And sad.

It had good style and good characters but everything after episode 7 was below average. Also they chose the wrong MC. It should have been Satsuki.

How cute Ryuuko is!

But really, does anyone know why the second half was rushed and felt less coherent than the first half?

MC should've been a guy and slowly conquered the antagonist-heroine.

The first arc wasn't even remotely the best, the rebellion arc was.
And episodes like 12, 15, 21, 24 and the OVA easily top it as well.

Because we deserved the true Imaishi experience

4 years? Don't you think you're embellishing that a b
>2013 was 4 years ago

The director has a habbit of sucked at the second half of the show

hey you
did you just call me stupid


It was rushed between episodes 19 and 20, that were also the worst animated, worst directed in the series, but it wasn't incoherent.

I really enjoy the second half

>second half
Middle third, the last seven/eight episodes are great but feel lackluster thanks to the huge wastes of time that were the tournament and osaka arcs

>4 years
>still no girls as cute or sexy as Ryuuko

Episode 13 was literally done in flash

>implying that meduca isnt the AOTD

I mean as a whole it wasnt bad, I liked the Osaka arc and 21-23 and episode 18 is my favorite of the entire show, but the rest felt a little lackluster because its just set up for explaining things

>no jojo
>no hero academia
>no panty and stocking
Go away.

Re Zero was better than KLK, Re Zero Episode 15 completely shits on everything KLK did.


If you want to prove your point at least post a better art

No JoJo?
No Hunter x Hunter?

But it had a good storyboard, done by Imaishi himself, like episode 4.
19 and 20 just looked like trash.

Why is she so perfect?

Tatsumaki> Ryuuko.

"The subtle bait is the one that gets eaten" - moot, (the art of war).

Should have been first post
Because it is best post

Kill La Grill's problem was that it was a simple and plain story. I don't hate that, multiple times better than melodrama but simple stories never stay in your mind for long.

There wasn't enough plot to go with the PLOT. It was a 25episode series of defeat the bad guy, lacking Gurren Lagan's charm of character complexity and unfolding narrative. Kill La Bill is fun to watch, though some edge lords can't let others have fun.

Kill La Bill is the type of anime I would watch while eating or before sleeping.

As an anime pro, I rate KLK highly, it's hard to hate.

But Satsuki is hotter than her and Nonon is cuter


>whats rezero

Rakugo from this year was better.

Do you have any other rare Ryuuko's I can add to my collection, user?

>Satsuki is hotter
>Nonon is cuter
Gap moe > Tryhard moe

>Gurren Lagann
>characters complexity
>unfolding narrative
Jesus christ.

Somehow Ryuuko's hair reminds me of roosters. Because of the colors and shape

wasnt there something about an abandoned script?

But Satsuki has better tits and a better ass. Also dem eyebrows

SNK more like SN are you gay

Only correct answer


>bigger tits

canonically wrong

Mako is an unreliable source, Satsuki clearly has bigger tits.

Size isn't everything and I prefer Ryuuko's tight, perfectly proportioned little body.

Bushy eyebrows are a male feature.

Her knee is a dick.

>the shows literal voice of reason doesnt count because I said so

>characters complexity

Yea, the ups and downs, the twists and turns. The betrayals and redemption. The character growth and character roadblocks. Realizations and revelations. It had very complex characters, up there with edgy anime like Death Note, Code Geass and Cowboy Bebop. Everyone loves Cowboy Bebop, it had a simple story with complex characters and I don't see anyone complain that it was 2deep or 2edgy.

>unfolding narrative

One act or character leading into another. Kill la Kill had next to none of that, there was very little reason for why shit was happening other than, shit had to happen or else there was nothing to do. Cowboy Bebop and Samurai Champloo would turn these do nothing interludes, into magical episodes we can all recall fondly. Kill La Kill couldn't pull it off, their efforts felt like killing time.

Also, all of my text is to distract you from my trump hats. That's really the only reason why I'm posting. Did it work?

>4 years
What are you talking about, I swear KlK came out last year

Kill la Kill should be higher

Personal fav



Theres not enough senketsu x ryuuko doujins. they're the only lewd ryuuko stuff I can fap to

It could be 400 years and there still won't be. She is perfect in every way.

It's funny how conflicted I feel about the subject in the OP. On one hand, I take pride in knowing mai waifu's show is the best, and I don't want anything to top that. But on the other hand, I want to experience that hype all over again.

If only she could come back in a different animu.

>we're ending on a happy note
>oh btw the evil clothes will be back and are currently spreading across the galaxy

So...season 2 when?

>not this masterpiece.

The 5th year anniversary will have 2 recap movies announced with new content just like ttgl.

This. It seems like that stupid strawpoll was only a year ago

its called Luluco