Daily reminder that boomers are scum and everything wrong with Australia.
Bring on the Day of the Nursing home.
Nolan Lewis
>What are you doin' this arvo?!?
Also trying to set up my switch so I can live stream Xenoblade 2
Aiden Perry
Traitors should be hanged.
Wyatt Gutierrez
Aaron Ward
howard first, then every boomer we can round up
and then we start on greens members and antifa cucks we can mass-arrest after baiting them into a "protest" ?
Jackson Sullivan
hey dumb cunts
Logan Young
They will die alone in a nursing home taken care of by a Nigerian who would happily watch them die. This is a fitting end - unfortunately we will have to clean up the fucking mess
Caleb Perry
We have none of /ourguys/ in government. How do you propose that would turn out?
Connor Miller
I despise the watermelons. I like nature, but I hate how the political aims of those who wish to conserve our environment has been coopted by marxists and sodomites.
I say we take them out first, then plant a tree on their graves.