Aus/pol/ - 再见山姆 EDITION

Don’t assume it’s not being investigated, says PM of Sam Dastyari’s China links -

Barnaby Joyce celebrates historic New England by-election swing

Second Time Shorten Slaps Dastyari On Wrist For Alleged Treason -

Slow news day, cunts. What are you doin' this arvo?!? Anyone garn servo?? (funny australia reference)

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Daily reminder that boomers are scum and everything wrong with Australia.

Bring on the Day of the Nursing home.

>What are you doin' this arvo?!?

Also trying to set up my switch so I can live stream Xenoblade 2

Traitors should be hanged.


howard first, then every boomer we can round up

and then we start on greens members and antifa cucks we can mass-arrest after baiting them into a "protest" ?

hey dumb cunts

They will die alone in a nursing home taken care of by a Nigerian who would happily watch them die.
This is a fitting end - unfortunately we will have to clean up the fucking mess

We have none of /ourguys/ in government. How do you propose that would turn out?

I despise the watermelons. I like nature, but I hate how the political aims of those who wish to conserve our environment has been coopted by marxists and sodomites.

I say we take them out first, then plant a tree on their graves.