Got this shit as an ad on youtube, the state of SA.
"We need to teach them a lesson, a very hard lesson, soon"
What did they mean by this?
Anti-white Ad
Other urls found in this thread:
Race war soon.
I can feel it coming. EFF will likely win next election. Then it starts.
When is the election and wouldn't it be more a of genocide than war though? You don't exactly have the numbers.
>When white people move in and make things objectively better
>"Fucking racists!"
thread theme
God, I hope you lads are armed to the teeth and have an escape plan. Godspeed, brothers.
Godspeed lads. Consider sending your children and wives abroad if things get hard though. We both know that niggers are not above slaughtering innocents.
>some white people owned businesses
>some white people owned govt and land
wow where did all their money come from, its like white people sweat money or something haha
2019. There will be attempts at genocide and many white people will die in the beginning but then we will organize.
We don't have numbers but we have brains.
Jesus Christ. Are you at least near the border?
2:38 'The gall to claim colonialism brought certain advantages'
Hey man be careful down there where you are user, i been reading about the situation over there and things seems pretty bleak, prepare your anus user because things gonna come raw.
I hate living in the land of the burgers and the home of the 56%. If I fight with you guys and we win, I get citizenship in Boerland right?
Will you have ways if we want to volunteer to come fight with you to arm yourselves and let us join you?
My brother.
I'm in Cape Town. When things get bad I'll send my mom and sister to the farm in the Northern Cape, but I'm going nowhere.
>we don't have numbers but we have brains
Keep access to the internet at all costs so outside help can be organized. SA whites have support around the world. I know for a fact many would go to SA to fight for an ethno-state
Why not? Doesn't it make sense to group in countryside instead of in a city where you will be able to mitigate the numbers factor?
We didn't start the fire...
We are in one of the worst spots geographically for when things get bad. We should establish something on the mountain
Yes, your people are the ones you fight for. I presume there will be quite a few Europeans coming to fight with us.
I feel like the South African Navy wouldn't be well equipped enough to intercept boats during a Civil War situation. We would be able to smuggle in arms that way easily if we could get someone with a big enough boat to haul over a bunch of armed Americans. Lots of us have 20-30 guns.
A lot of us are armed already. We have the guns and the infrastructure.
>not letting the women fight
come on user it's [THE CURRENT YEAR]
I'm willing to fight for the whites in South Africa. And I'll be bringing this with me.
I meant as in I will not run and hide. I can not see into the future but it seems like a logical idea. When the time comes we will see what happens.
Be Safe SA Brothers. We will torch nigger mass graves soon
SA Navy thinks we have subs for shark spotting. Don't worry lol.
not only guns, but ourselves too. The government of SA will probably ban foreigners from flying into the country if they don't shut down the airports entirely, so we'd have to establish a base in Namibia or Botswana and sneak our guys in.
Who are the current SA leaders for creating an ethnostate?
This would be the benefit of fighting in Africa. It's so disorganized and poverty stricken it would be incredibly easy to smuggle supplies or even raise black fighting forces to take care of the SA blacks themselves.
Got a way to get them there magically so they don't get car jacked and murder-raped at a makeshift barricade?
Fuck, I wish I lived in south Africa, I've got nothing better to do than fight in Race Wars.
All the niggers and none of the whites
I agree with the first point, but
>raise black fighting forces to take care of the SA blacks themselves
Wouldn't they have demands afterwards for risking their lives? and if we don't give in to their demands (whatever they are) we risk having a bunch of armed, trained nogs running loose, terrorizing people.
Travelling up the West Coast is safe. Blacks haven't discovered it exists yet and coloreds are too drunk on box wine too care about doing anything. My cousin is a long distance trucker driving with a shotgun, they'll be fine.
Buy a plane ticket and fight. Your compensation will be a farm.
(((white))) owned media
Awesome. I didn't know how well the gun situation is for you guys.
Understood. I would abandon the cities myself. You won't be able to blend in like the insurgencies in the Middle East have been able to do, so I'd be mentally prepared to abandon my house.
Holy shit, I'm getting excited now.
I have a family and I'll still considering coming there. If we let whites get genocided in South Africa we deserve whatever happens to us here. We're like 8% of the world's population. We literally can't win if we don't all stick together.
The 4th Reich will be in South Africa. It will be the only European ethnostate. When RaHoWa breaks out many whites from around the world will come fight. It will be the biggest slaughter of blacks ever as they can't organize. We have always been extremely outnumbered and it has never stopped us. When we are done we will automate everything to become an autarky. Due to our location we will keep to ourselves and leave Europe to her own fate. Those that came to fight will receive compensation in the form of farms. We will make Afrikaans the official language. We will reclaim Namibia. We will educate the youth to uphold traditional values and there will be compulsory conscription. We won't let Marxism ever destroy us again.
>I have a family and I'll still considering coming there. If we let whites get genocided in South Africa we deserve whatever happens to us here. We're like 8% of the world's population. We literally can't win if we don't all stick together.
I get so fucking frustrated when I see "[insert European country here] isn't white" or "lol, the Amerimutt is only 95% European", I mean, really? are (((they))) really going to care?
I don't care when it's just banter but yeah, when the poster is serious it's kinda crazy. Especially when they're arguing over who is the least fucked currently. We're all in a pretty sad state right now.
What would the new country be called?
How do you keep (((European))) governments from siding with the Niggers?
Well, at least Trump won't, I'm fairly confident of that, so they need to get started while he's still in office. The European part, that's a good question. We're really, really going to need to spread memes and knowledge. Any white European soldier who picks up arms against whites in South Africa deserves a slow death.
You may have to ally with Israel.
This, it isn't only the Africans you have to worry about but all the international support they will most likely have. Normies do not care about white South Africans, whenever I bring it up they just say "Apartheid!" "Africa is black land!" like I've never heard those talking points.
Stay safe, get organised.
What a fucking disgusting video. Full of lies and retardation. Typical though for blacks. They can't see they are their own destruction. Always wanting to blame someone else.
>What did they mean by this?
That means they'll keep killing you.
I haven't thought about that. Maybe as a poster above said (jokingly or not) Boerland, much like Deutschland and Nederland.
Hopefully your problems get worse so that you are preoccupied lol
Where do they fall within the racial tensions of SA? Also why are they so autistic about being called Indian or whatever?
No you faggots. We better not abandon them this time. They need our help.
>Africa is black land
Black people are not native to South Africa. They stole land from the natives in the bantu expansion. White people actually landed in the Western half of the country before black people were there.
real question why the fuck have every single white south african not gotten the hell out of there already? Go to some shithole country with really low standards for who they accept
>Serbia is the only red spot on the Rape map in Europe
No wonder we get all the anti rape commercials here
Coloureds are just a big group of people without tradition or fraternity. You could kind of compare them to amerindians. Many are natives, many are mixed. If they aren't white, asian or black they fall into coloured, which leaves you with a very unorganised mess of people living together.
Depends. The cape malay types who go to UCT are the most marxist so they'll side against whites. The small town ones who are more bushman looking actually seem to care about Afrikaans and hate blacks a lot. My gardener who was in the numbers gang hates them with a passion. He couldn't stop talking about how fucked up kaffirs are when the one threw her newborn against the hospital wall recently. so they will side with us.
Sounds like the USA
The UCT ones are definitely going to side against us, but blacks and coloureds don't really like eachother, so I'm sure we can find an ally in them if we each keep to ourselves in the end.
((Merry Christmas))
I'm too proud.
Or we can get them to fight against each other and do our dirty work for us. Either way. I don't want any of them here.
Proud of South Africa? Go to Europe and warn them. You guys could be an incredible asset
Yeah I'm not fully read into it but I had heard something like this in the past.
Are there any good SA youtubers I can follow apart from 'not shadowbanned yet'? I'd be interested in learning more so I can counter normies when they diss Afrikaaners. Obviously I can learn about the history from a lot of places but I'm more interested in direct sources from people that live there and are red pilled.
I volunteer too.
Fuck that shit, why should they have to abandon their homes? Nigs are the foreigners in SA. Sheeeit, after the war we should declare white people to be indigenous to SA.
Is there a group to contact or a place where people can come to fight if things get tough? I would come. Also any good churches to donate to?
Your best bet is the interviews of Simon Roche, Steve Hofmyer, Dan Roodt and that Jan guy.
There are a lot more on youtube.
Well it's either that or starting a coup but they cannot just sit back and die
duh, stupid, this whole thread is about how to win the civil war when it breaks out. You in?
Not that I am aware of. You can try Suidlanders but they are just "doomsday preppers" who some don't trust.
What's shocking is even our media is saying you're on your way to turning into Zimbabwe, yet you motherfuckers sit here and post on Sup Forums when you already have an army training in the Bush, but you don't help, you don't help your fellow whites in the slums, you don't help anyone or do anything. You post on here and whine
This makes me root against you, truly pathetic.
Would you run out of America? I know i wouldnt flee from my country
rollback feminism past suffrage and you've got a conscript
I would. I plan on going to either Poland or Iceland in the future. (I'm not 100% on Iceland yet, as much as I like it I don't wanna stain their society ((but at the same time it's better me than a nigger))
It's much different. Making this comparison is insane. When they voted in Mandela they denounced any claim they had on the country, tricked or not it doesn't matter. If they're singing songs about killing you, and did just literally kill you up North in Zimbabwe, and you still vote for that, you deserve what you get. You cannot claim you were tricked.
Why not Finland yankbro
>I'm fairly confident of that
Well he used to shit talk SA all the time, basically acknowledging that the niggers 'we wuz kangz' broke yet another country. So you're probably right.
Did you know there is a baby-rape epidemic going on there? This was a first world country just 2 decades ago... Niggers are literally useless
You're not as isolated as Iceland or as right wing as Poland (as far as I know)
Ontop of that my moms side is all Polish so I've already got some type of ancestral ties to the land
I am 1/16th Finnish though...
>My cousin is a long distance trucker driving with a shotgun, they'll be fine.
My grandfather's brother drove a truck between South Africa and Mozambique, with a sterling submachine gun in the cab. The locals must be savages.
We do help our own... There are a lot of individuals who go out of there way to help poor whites. Despite the fact that you can barely sustain yourself with an average salary in this country. Everywhere you go there are neighborhood watches and farm patrols done by people who get absolutely nothing in return.
I'm sorry you feel that way and understand it. A lot of us get angry at our own people for being this way, but you need to understand that marxism has a firm grip on a lot of people. It is only when they become victims themselves that they snap out of it, or some even still not. Unfortunately it needs to get a lot worse before people truly get fed up.
>We will reclaim Namibia.
Namibia seems to be much better run as a country. It has smartly accepted thousands of White farmers fleeing from Rhodesia. Why attack a country that treats Whites fairly?
No one has officially called for our help yet like in the Rhodesian wars, until then we aren't coming.
Saying ''get a plane ticket and come find us'' is ridiculous
My cousin has told me stories of "cops" trying to pull him over in the middle of the night and he just keeps driving till he get to the nearest police station. They follow for a while then give up. That's how they hijack you.
>Well, at least Trump won't,
he shit talked the apartheid all the time and always wanted the whites to fuck off from africa. if anything he would be happy to cleanse africa from whites so the blacks can solve their problems themselves without pinning the blame on anyone.
As sympathetic as I am to this whole situation, I find the parallels of this board and Islamic radicalisation boards hilarious.
Muslims get radicalised online and fight in Syria for the establishment of a caliphate, whites get radicalised online and fight in SA for the 4th Reich.
I started following that Twitter account that posts a bunch of screenshots of the islamic TV station Memri and I often find myself unironically agreeing with alot of what they say on there. Too bad they aren't white
Oh hush retard, I'm not fighting for anyone and you know it. I play World of Warcraft all day.
Namibia isn't that great mate... and it only has a population of 2 million. They didn't take in farmers... The farmers went to places like Mozambique, Zambia and SA. Namibia doesn't have that much arable land and their president actually went to Zimbabwe to consult with Mugabe about how they can take the farms from whites..
We have claim to Namibia because of the Dorsland Trekkers.. Who were there even before the germans.
>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.
You actually think any of us will go there and fight? Others will but we'd sit here and meme about it.
Some don't have a choice. They've been Affirmative action'd out of the workforce, and no country will accept them as refugees.
Tl;Dr many have no money, and no one want's them
It fucking pisses me off to watch our governments look the other way, when they were so vocal about the blacks getting their gibs.
I heard Poland instantly accepts white immigrants so why cant all the white africans fuck off there? They'll even provide the whites with homes, theres shitloads of empty commieblocks in poland.
Surely they could make their way to some place like Argentina, right? Somewhere with hardly any border laws and shit infrastructure, temporarily if anything
One of the most crucial factors in war is timing, even for a nation as powerful as ours. Timing can contribute in affecting how your actions are viewed by other nations. It can be the difference between, "Those racist Afrikaans are terrorising the legitimate black government!" and, "Farmers on the defense as government cracks down with senseless oppressive policies".
Unless there is something to gain from the chaos, most nations will back the existing government, because the "sure thing" is also the one least likely to lead to humanitarian crises that other leaders then have to contribute money and resources to alleviate. Unstable regions also become good places for terrorists to make some money off of and even operate out of.
It has to be obvious to the world that they are fighting in their defense as a last resort and that they are organized enough to stabilize the region once they win. Especially with the history of the West backing the powers that they will be fighting. They have to show that they are a better alternative. Foreign governments don't give a shit about how just your cause is, even if it's the closest thing to an objectively good cause, they care about stability and power.
Daily reminder that South Africa is the only country in the world so pozzed they pardoned a mass shooter who then went on to rob a bank, where he was again acquitted of his crimes.