With this latest slew of self-incrimination and buffoonery im curious...

with this latest slew of self-incrimination and buffoonery im curious, outside of prepared speeches which weren't his own words

what intelligent things have you heard Trump say?

(no insults or threats)

OP sucks cocks

To understand someone you don't listen to what they say. You watch what they do.

>what is says is important
>what anyone says is important

no. he isn't paid to speak. he is paid to lead. why aren't you following?

I think he said OP is a faggot.

Yes... Pretty sure that is what he said.

I mean, this isn't a serious thread, right? Just a slider trolling thread.

>what intelligent things have you heard Trump say?
Every word from that buffoons mouth drips of manipulation.
I doubt he has approached a situation with an objective other than playing his position.
Kind of ironic that people thought he was "not your usual candidate" when he has exhibited nothing short of political shrewdness at every opportunity.

he told me this was a slide thread

>We need to put America first

>why aren't you following?
The people should not follow, they should instruct.

And yet he is still in office 1 year later. I guess he must be doing something right.

literally middle-school tier. everyone knows that.

i see no one else can think of anything either.

ā€œIā€™m going to win this election.ā€

"what intelligent things have you heard Trump say?"

Idk, he said something like "the potato famine didn't go far enough", and potato niggers waste trips.

Your standards of competence are so laughably low.

Yeah, like delay the inevitable.

no answers yet

kill yourself shill rat

not an answer

>muhahahah I'm so smert because people ignorned me bait

I swear, you're actually so pathetic, it's almost embarrassing to fuck with you because it's akin to beating up the autistic kid at school. For your "example" "build the wall" alone counts for one such intelligent statement.

It's an entirely moot point stating it to someone such as yourself however, as anything not in the realm of a Marx reworded propaganda piece will be deemed "unintelligent." What you're actually asking for is "someone mention something Trump said that I agree with."

not necessarily... although you are displaying your biases by not being able to imagine that someone can say something intelligent you dont agree with.

makes you wonder if that means that if someone says something you agree with you will automatically think its brilliant.

im not even looking for something amazing... just something he said that displays superior understanding and insight

put simply, iv never heard him make a good point

its always slogans, juvenile insults, lies, mistakes or incomprehensible sarah palin speak

Trump speaks like a child because he's a child mentally. Luckily for us, he has at least a few intelligent people in his corner

>not necessarily
No it's quite "necessarily."
>although you are displaying your biases by not being able to imagine that someone can say something intelligent you dont agree with.

You're doing that right now. You're literally discounting an entire political platform as "unintelligent," purely because you don't agree with it. This means that there is no response, anyone could give to you, which you'd deem "intelligent" purely because your definition of "intelligent" is so entirely confined within your world view, that anything one could state would be deemed by you to be "unintelligent" if it exist outside of that view.

Right now I can state three stances Trump has taken, which someone from my view would declare "intelligent," but someone from your view would categorically declare as "unintelligent."

>Import/export imbalance has hurt the US.
>The current tax code has stiffed growth.
>Uncontrolled immigration is harmful to the west.

aaand around and around you go. as i have said im perfectly capable of appreciating an intelligent comment even if i disagree with it.

it doesnt even have to be political.. it could be anything, something about life in general. something that demonstrates he s thoughtful.

but it never happens, because he is not thoughtful

>because he is not thoughtful
Thanks for proving your own biases right there, and why it was entirely pointless to "debate" with one such as yourself to being with.

To add to this, if you define "intelligent" as verbose then you, yourself are clearly not "intelligent."

Trump told me that if I voted for Hillary we would have a President that was under multiple Federal criminal investigations and sure enough, I voted for Hillary and now we have a President that is under multiple Federal criminal investigations. It's like he predicted the future!

Trumpskyovichnya's lawyer claiming he posted the 'sloppy' tweet is a blatant lie, no lawyer could possibly be that dumb, the lawyer knows how bad it looks and is trying to take the hit