All memes aside, Are Black people really stupid irl???
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You are so lucky to even be asking this question.
Like a bird in a palace garden. You do not see beyond the walls of your own innocence.
I wish I was like you again.
I don't have chance to meet black
>I don't have chance to meet black
ask your wife
Shut up lucky cunt
I don't have a chance to meet rabies dog. But I don't stay awake at night to wonder the pain when it bites me.
Niggers are stupid IRL, ask a black person, Even blacks feel shame of nigger-like mentality.
Almost all people are stupid from psychological and physiological conditioning of the kikes. People just notice it in other "tribes" and talk about it so they can ignore it in their own.
You have no idea. Most of them are barely smarter than retards and they're much more violent.
So if you google "IQ by Race" you'll get a lot of Vox.com propaganda. But if you search "IQ by Race pdf" or "IQ by Race journal" you'll start getting more useful information. Also read "The Bell Curve" by Charles Murray.
a friend in my circle is a nigger adopted by rich hite people. he is failing geometry at a community college
most are, some aren't. If i had to put a number on it, i'd say 3/10 blacks are of normie intellect, that said from experience blacks are more confident then whites, nobody will admit it but its the truth.
Yes. Yes they are.
Like many things, it's a distribution.
You'll meet a few smart blacks, a few normal ones, and a whole lot of very stupid ones.
I know their IQ. But i personally think IQ isn't intelligence
The majority are below average intelligence. There are a few average ones and a very few rare intelligent ones. The stupid ones are far below any other race's stupid. They are so dumb it's almost unbelievable that they could survive in the modern world at all.
Yes. Just spend one day in Oakland.
This nigger came up to me once and said
>Man, I'm sick of all you white people, always calling black people black, or negro!
I said
>negro is spanish for black.
A chimpout ensued. Yes, they're very stupid.
>blacks are more confident then whites
Total lack of self-awareness is a result of low IQ. Have you ever met a dog that wasn't confident?
Black women are the smart ones. Black guys are dumb as shit when it comes to school
i worked with south sudos
decent guys not muzzie
but they were pretty dumb
one was reasonably smart
5/6 were dumb though
Generally, yes. They are more likely to attend poor schools and come from troubled backgrounds. Some studies reflect there is a nature issue as well, but muh racism means this isn't particularly well understood because nobody in a position to find out wants to know the answer.
Anecdotally, I've met some very smart black people and some very stupid black people, just like I've met some very smart white people and some very stupid white people. Whatever collective differences exist, there's still a big range within both populations.
Yes, they actually are. All of them? No. Most of them? Yes.
You insulted his intelligence because he didn’t know what “Spanish” meant.
roughly one in 20 blacks is at the european average. one in 1000 is above average (under 115) and one in a million is gifted (under 130)
roughly one in a billion is genius level or above, by the numbers. roughly every one in a thousand asians or euros is at the same level
I've noticed niggers straight outta Africa seem to be smart when i meet therm. Some are my engineering profs. Then again that's probably the best of the best.
I grew up with a lot of blacks and most of them were dumb but seemed just as dumb as most people of any other race. The problem was that while being depressed was glorified for whites for example being in a gang was glorified for blacks in the media.
>i personally think IQ isn't intelligence
You're personally wrong, then.
Blacks especially feel shame for nigger like mentality, it's the equivalent of a white dude praising cuckoldry and communism to us whites
>average IQ
So it means East Asian are smarter than white????
>Are Black people really stupid irl???
nearly every single black on that chart above 110 is going to be a mulatto or uadroon (3/4 euro blood)
hence the long right tail distribution. long right tails dont happen in polygenic traits in homogenous populations
I'm smart, nigga
No because all of the most intelligent people in the world are white. People with 200 IQs. Meanwhile Africans have IQs in the 80s.
>They are more likely to attend poor schools
School is school. You don't need a whole lot to teach kids things. Even a school without a whole lot of money could teach kids things. If only they would pay attention, and stop horsing around. Funny, I'm not sure more money to the schools would solve that issue.
Could this be why the African countries never built a proper civilization with excellent infrastructure?
Enough said.
65 is roughly above average gorilla tier
65 intelligence implies genetic breakage in other races, as it falls outside of a normal distribution. 65 is healthy for blacks. the regions of the brain they depend on to run from lions is functional
>People with 200 IQs
There's only one person in history with a 200 IQ user. [spoiler]But he is still white[/spoiler]
I meant poor quality, not underfunded. But the socialization issues are admittedly independent.
>So it means East Asian are smarter than white????
On average, yes, BUT there is a narrower field of distribution among East Asians. For Whites, we have a larger percentage of geniuses and total retards, but for East Asians, you have a lower percentage of above-average and below-average. White women are the same--- a narrow field of distribution means they're all closer to average, and outliers are more rare.
>intelligent dog-tier
pretty sure that is an insult to my dogs
That's a very Korean face. So round, such flat nose and tiny eyes. Even has the Korean double chin.
This is also why I'd recommend reading The Bell Curve.
While IQ isn't an exact measure of general intelligence (g), it does correlate with nearly every measure of what makes a person successful in society . Having a higher IQ makes you more likely to be wealthy, have a stable job, be married, live longer, stay out of jail, stay out of debt, avoid drug use, have no criminal record, and raise your kids in a two parent home.
The american niggers don't wash their asses because they think that would be gay.
Make your own conclusion.
I know a good amount of fully functioning black people, actually my favorite co-worker is black. But they're outnumbered because blacks do have a higher retardation and rate than any other race. The smart ones are usually vocal about the problem, leading to them being rejected and disrespected by the majority of blacks.
Most are straight up thick as concussed pig shit, some are swarthy and clever like the velociraptors from jurassic park
This is true. And the funny thing is they are faggots but they are scared to admit it.
school uality has 0, read it NO effect on standard test, intelligence test, or even competence tests for basic tasks.
even for middle class people life outcomes do NOT improve if they go to private school. you've been lied to
They aren't known for being smart.
You’re a faggot in the closet. How many times have you drank that nigger cum and asked for more?
I meant average... . Why are you so stupid my mutt friend??
you're also more likely to have higher sperm counts and a symmetical face, more or less proving it is entirely genetic
sperm count is literally a measure of genetic fitness
Unbelievably so. I work with many and they always need help or a leg up or unfair ratings. They can hardly even type and lie about all of their capabilities. You have to double check everything they do. They are the greediest people you will ever meet, and have no concept of planning 5 minutes from now. They never take advantage of employer matching on 401k, they never save up, they spend everything they earn and never invest. They want everything for free. They are violent but easily scared. They try to outnumber people in fights or only pick them when they think they are sure to win. they stab first then look at what's in your pockets. They utterly lack compassion and they always support their own group while teaming up on non-blacks. They have problems with everyone they live near. They trash their property, play music loud everywhere they go, and are the worst people to have a conversation with.
No matter how we dress them or how well some of them succeed, the bottom line is, the vast majority of them act like you just brought them out of an African tribe. They can't even speak right. I lived in Atlanta, not even the liberals will mingle with them. They rate stores and hangout places based on how white it is. Maybe they have another excuse but everything a hipster/liberal considers a nice place is miles away from the hoard. They won't even go shopping at the same places even if it means spending a fortune on groceries. Liberals just virtue signal that there is nothing wrong with the group they themselves spend every waking moment avoiding like the plague.
No, really, we all hate them and we all want them gone even if we pretend to have other values. None of us like being around them because they are uncivilized monsters that dig up plague corpses to dance with, rape babies to cure their STD's, and shoot people that bump into them. They are horrible people in real life.
If anything the memes aren't brutal enough.
and remember the stormfags...they are the scapegoat of the SJW critique of the right winger.
When you get in an argument with a nigger online they do this thing where they'll try tonsound very smart.
they make long posts with the most fancy language they can think of. The posts don't actually mean anything. It's called nigger babble.
it's an attempt to emulate intelligent whites.
Go read Ca$h's Book, "Thugs Cry" he talks about black life in Atlanta. It's basically a documentary from his point of view.
Yes! They live in the now, lie, scared of s fucking bee, loud as fuck, and only care about themselves.
Never, fat ass, but if you would rather deal with a retarded white person than a black with functional intelligence be my guest. Have fun wiping up puddles of retard drool every ten minutes.
I knew it, nigger lover. You probably have that small nigger cock up your ass right now. Sticking up for your faggot love, how cute
>how does a group of people even function like that?
Pic related is how they function. Africans are stone-age hunter/gatherers. They survive by walking around and eating whatever they can find or kill.
They are genetically incapable of functioning in a first-world civilization, and quite frankly it's unethical to expect them to be able to. Their place is in the jungle, left alone, like a wild animal.
>Black people
That's where you fucked up.
blacks also have higher rates of retardation and autism
the somalis in america have a severe autism rate for boys of roughly 25%. every fourth somali boy costs the state roughly 80k PER YEaR for life.
>the memes aren't brutal enough.
No one could say it better
It’s true, love knows no bounds, even if it is interracial faggot love.
the plausible account for the origin of the lip plates is that their tribe is poor at fighting, so they discourage raids by making their omen hideous
there are a couple other tribes that do this around the globe and the circumstances are similar
also, they need to be phased out. that jungle is valuable
ya I already said that
They function in the first world with the support of leftist, welfare and nigger lovers like and
Oh stop it.
Heres an easy answer for you OP black people are not stupid, but niggers are.
You have no idea just how stupid and arrogant.
Milo just married his black boyfriend and all of us magapedes loved it. Don't be afraid my guy, just admit your love.
did african men make their women put plates in their mouths so they can't nag them?
interesting theory of mine.
What's the difference between nigger and black people senpai..??
Think of them as trailer trash but for black people.
What is the Dunning-Kruger effect?
How so?
t. PhD in education, I assume.
if i ever came across a nigger this hideous in an isolated area i would beat the shit out of him
holy fuck that is one ugly nigger
Founder effect. Only the 1 in 10,000 comes to the US of A.
Don't talk to me with that embarrasing meme flag, faggot
Wrong post, I’m a fag for making that error.
That's not functioning; that's parasitism. They only survive by leeching off a host.
no difference
Just come on over to The_Donald. We won't hate on your rainbow jungle love.
>t. African-American with just enough European DNA to know blacks are shit