Why are Americans so reluctant to use public transport? Can't they see they're being incredibly wasteful? If you commuted to work by cycling, or by using the public transport:
>there wouldn't be so much traffic jams
>there would be less noise
>you'd get to where you have to go, and you would be calm, instead of being a fucking road rager with anger issues
>you won't truly be alone, just by yourself - you can pick up some useful info by eavesdropping on conversations made by complete strangers
Why are Americans so reluctant to use public transport? Can't they see they're being incredibly wasteful...
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Eurofags can't understand how large and spread out America is. Some people drive farther between home and work every day than Euros travel in a week
Most of the US doesn't even have public transport, and even in some of the cities that do have it, it's barely useful because it doesn't go many places, so you'd still need a car to supplement. Great public transit is one big reason I moved to Chicago. I lived in Dallas previously and though they have a light rail system and a bus system, it could take like three hours to get somewhere that would take 25 minutes to drive to, because you'd need to make like three transfers and the schedules were sparse.
Public transport rarely exists except in very large cities like NYC and LA, and the people there do commonly use it. Most people live in suburban areas or smaller cities that have no or little public transport.
A lot of American cities are seriously designed to be car cities. Even the difference between Canada and the US is huge in this area
Let us be honest. It is the negroids that inhabit the US and the social undertow they created.
I do bike to work, but I'm not convinced it's easily scalable to a big fraction of the population. Too many college kids swerving around in the bike lanes and spandex dudes trying to do 80. At least even shitty drivers respect cars enough to fear them.
Because they're rural and suburban retards.
Ultra high IQ city Americans actually do use public transport.
Hahahahaha. Sounds like uoure poor. Or a faggot. Or a nigger hahahahagahh. Get a job and a real car you fucking dork
Ew I'm not a fucking poor person
public transit sucks balls.
>walk 2-5 miles to the nearest bus stop
>wait 2 hours for next bus
>bus stops every 2 seconds, takes inefficient route
>doesn't get you all the way to your destination, walk another 2 miles
Or I can just drive myself and get there in 15 minutes.
you don't understand. we don't use public transport because we want to stay away from niggers and other brown people...
>public transportation
piss of m8 have you been on public transportation it's nothing but uncomfy shit
Apparantly homeless people masturbate on the bus. I wouldn't use it either.
>being this poor
I'd ride my bike before taking the bus.
Public transport reducing traffic is a myth.
Don't fucking remind me. I have to take the trolley to college every day. In my city the only people that ride it are niggers, poor Mexicans, drug addicts and hobos. Nobody wants to be around that shit, and so everyone that can afford to drives.
It seems that in US public transport is symbol of niggers coming to ruin your place. I remember when you start building bus network in Simcity 3 your adviser will always tell you "make sure it doesn't attract wrong commuters" or something.
How do you avoid not getting shot by niggers?
And your last two green texts proves you are a basement dwelling NEET.
investing in public transportation only makes sense when you have high population density
Not just that but a lot of American cities have deliberately crippled pubic transportation because of Jim Crow-era county by-laws that forbid buses travelling between neighboring counties to make sure the negroids don't leave their segregated area.
>commuted to work by cycling
lol nigga that's impossible. the real problem IS OUR public transportation. my commute to work would be 3 hours instead of just 30 min if it wasn't for my SUV
I live 9 miles from work. Nearest public transport is 50 miles.. not practical to use it.
Public transportation is bad here in the US,if I lived in Europe I would love to take the bus to work everyday instead of driving.
In Scandinavia they have parking lots close to almost all working cities where there are regular buses. So many don't have to drive all the way into the city. Don't you have something like that?
Exactly. For instance, the suburbs of Detroit have been fighting tooth and nail for decades to keep a light rail or rapid buses from being created in the area. They know that the minute they make it easy for niggers to come to their towns, those niggers will end up ruining them and terrorizing the people.
Are you one of those who thinks the US isn't as large as it looks on a map and one can have breakfast in New York, lunch in Chicago, and dinner in Los Angeles? I mean, you could do that, but it would cost a fortune in airfare and you'd be exhausted.
Outside of major cities, even a bus fleet could be considered a waste of money, depending on the size of the smaller city/town. Installing a train system for local commutes would be laughed at.
Non-organic city design and niggers
Park and rides exist in the US but they're few and far between.
bigger cities.. even if we did have parking like you suggest, the buses take hours to cross town. I have drive through town much faster.
1. American public transport is shitty
2. American cities are incredibly spread-out and zoning laws and regulations make it even worse. For example when you see those soulless suburbs - there are no shops there. If you want to go shopping you hop in a car, drive 5 km to mall and then shop.
3. Public transport is filled with all kinds of undesirables everywhere but American ones are special because 56%
4. "Superior American city planning" is unsuited for public transport. It would take 4 times longer to travel from any random A to B with public transport than with your own car.
Because metro is invention of communists. If you build metro network, the communist murals will naturally start appearing on the walls, similar to how lower levels in Diablo 1 have horns growing out of the walls.
Last time I took a bus a black dude with schizophrenia turned around in the seat in front of me to stare at me and repeat the same phrase over and over all the way up to me getting off at my stop
I'd rather drive myself and be slowed down by accidents caused by beaners and arabs truthfully
Spreadable diseases, and viruses.
To say the least.
public transport is fucking communist
A stronk man doesn't depend on others for transportation
Didn't Moscow get that circular metro line because Stalin put his coffee mug on a map?
The majority of American cities weren't build with public transportation in mind, and spread out as cars became available. It just kind of happened due to space and adopting freeways, shit just kept spreading out cause it could. We don't have limited land and high dense populations like you. Cities that do like NYC build up like a European city, but otherwise public transportation and bike riding is not practical.
And at this point, we have such a high car culture, that even if you could feasibly change it in cities like LA or ATL, I doubt anyone would take to it. Much as we bitch about traffic, we like sitting in our cars, listening to music, and not having to sit next to people or be reliant on the schedule of trains.
A lot of words to say:
Funny thing about ex-communist States in which cities were designed to be serviced with dense web of public transport is that when country started being flooded with used cheap cars from the West, it started to emerge that there is too little space to park your automobile because most people are crammed into high density housing projects and 150 families have 60 parking spaces. Administartion in my part of town has been making efforts to carve out a parking space here and there out of everything that doesn't cause urban disaster. So you better come home from work early to secure your spot!
Public transportation is for black people.
Like i'm going to sit on a bus for 50 miles with niggers and junkies. get fucked
What americans are going to do when self-driving electrotaxis will replace personal cars in all developed countries?
I live in Charlotte, NC. Public transit is absolute trash, which is funny because Obama made the mayor of Charlotte the head of the Department of Transportation.
I drive a truck. I keep tons of tools in my truck because I do handyman work as a side business. I also ride a motorcycle as much as I can.
Fuck public transportation, it's for niggers.
Here's a story for you stupid fucking retard that's never taken public transport in America to get a real taste of WHY we avoid it like the plague.
> Have a few job interviews on the West Coast
> Am a poor college student and don't want to ask parents for money as they already helped with college
> So I pay for a bus ticket
> Shouldn't be an issue, I'm sure Grey Hound is alright
> GodWasIWrong.jpg
> Most everyone riding the bus looked poor, but generally kept to themselves
> On walks schizo looking for his next fix, tweaking and shaking and all
> Starts eying everyone as he walks by holding all his worldly possessions inside a black trash bag
> Thank god he sat in the far back and I'm near the front
> Stop at gas station. Fucking salvation, drinks, food, and a rest-stop that doesn't smell like burning shit
> Get my stuff and go back to the bus
> Realize tweaker got off bus
> A larger man who is smoking cigarettes is standing near bus
> Tweaker asks if he could bum one off the dude
> Dude says no
> Tweaker proceeds to attempt to knock the dude out, but miserably fails
> Tweaker pulls knife
> Before Tweaker has a chance to do anything, smoker dude has already landed a solid punch to Tweaker's face
> Smoker disarms tweaker and makes sure he's alright
> Some people crowd around, most others get back on the bus including the bus driver
> We wait for tweaker and smoking dude to get back on
> We proceed to continue on to our destination
Never again will I ever ride public transit. I gave it my one and only "trust before doubt" free-pass and it failed me so I will never let it fail me again. Fuck public transit. Poor people use it. As my grandfather said once on a public train, "This is for the peasants, user. We're not peasants."
Have you ever been on a bus? Sorry bro ill kill the planet over catching some kind of homeless disease
same reason why people in europe are starting to avoid public transportation: it's disgusting and filled with loud smelly niggers and other disgusting foreign scum
I refuse to use the bus or the train after 8pm because of this.
I fucking hate niggers and mudslimes.
That's a weird kind of porn.
I take the train to go into Boston, and I use the subway. But only when I go into Boston, which isn't too often.
Boston is full of niggers and spics. Tons of fucking spics, everywhere. Tons of Jews.
There are probably more Asians than whites.
It's really noticeable and it makes you feel like shit, as a white person.
I would hate to live in Boston, as a white person. I don't blame anyone for not using public transport, if they can afford not to.
I'm an eurofag, and one thing that keeps me out of Public Transport is the fucking smell.
If I really have to use it, like going to city center where there's no parking place or it cost you a full tank of fuel, then I use it outside peak hours.
People should really take a fucking shower every morning when they get out, fucking niggers.
We like our freedom you fucking loser.
What is a downside to driving a car that it is relatively not hard to get yourself killed or seriously injured. And what puzzles me is why are there so many cars on the roads outside of working hours driving around? It's not like these people are going anywhere, my suspicion is they are just driving around to kill time. When there is bank holiday there is 0 people outside and 0 cars because there is nowhere to go.
I like the Skytrain/bus I prefer it to driving. Sometimes I ride a bike also. Nothing to do with the environment I just don't like to be the one sitting in traffic and don't worry about parking. Id rather drive long distances on the weekends. I guess it depends how good your transit system is.
We have private busses, trains, and planes that work better.
Niggers ride public transportation.
Niggers also steal bikes.
The problem is niggers.
if all poo in loos were this qt I would racemix
We have niggers for one, but for two, public transport isn't really all that practical in the US.
by not straying from downtown or numale-ville
We have to have buses in America so the poor are reminded they're poor and don't get all uppity thinking they can actually lift themselves out of poverty and better themselves. That's the way the rich white establishment wants things, and until The People rise up, destroy The Rich, and take back the power in this country, there will be shitty buses and other shitty public transportation, so The Poor are constantly reminded that they're shit, nobody cares about them, and that That's Just The Natural Order Of Things. Also, having a perpetually poverty-striken lower class serves to remind the Middle Class that they can have what little prosperity they're allowed to have by The Rich taken away from them, forcing them to be carted around like cattle along with the rest of The Poor. So you see The Rich Establishment keeps everyone else in line by only allowing shitty public services. Besides which they don't have to give a fuck, because they have private chauffered vehicles, away from the filthy Middle and Lower class people.
or you can say Fuck You to The Man and be The Rebel
thats exactly the same reason that people advocate against the expansion of marta rail systems beyond atlanta.
we need to keep the niggers in containment
It's infested with niggers.
You can thank Big Oil for causing this
Short answer: niggers
Long answer: African Americans
Beat my commute transport, niggers.
Because black people?
>riding the poverty chariot
Cycling? Americans? Top kek.
where are the shops, parks, petrol stations etc wtf man
public transit here is mainly used to demarcate ghettos. the suburbs begin where the bus line ends so if you're driving home you automatically don't live around blacks
"public transport" is full of niggers
too far. and there isn't any public transportation.
Because of brown people. It's bad enough just taking a ten minute bus drive in a small city in Norway. Loud ass 3rd worlders screaming in their phones while their kids run around throwing shit at people.
It's at least 3+ miles away to the nearest Walmart
I wonder how long it took them to figure that out. Apparently theyve never been stuck behind a bus.
Why else would Americans be fat? Use the scooter to get to the car, use car to get to McD's drive-thru, then go to drive-thru pharmacy to pick up more diabetes meds, then stop by the only store in the area, Walmart. Gotta love suburban life
Not Pictured:
Hours of wasted time waiting on public transportation
Being late to work everyday
Sheila and her 5 kids
Taquan had his sticky hands
Persistent smell of sweat and BO
As long as it has green spaces, it's comfy enough.
i live 1.5 miles from work. i can go by bike in summer and 8 min by bus in winter
what about just going on bikes?
I bet they would if they could
Welcome to polMurrica, where the problems are ALWAYS because of the Jews, degenerates and Niggers.
And sometimes the Fuh-dorras.
Who rides the bus?
Scumbags who have lost their license due to DUI or raping kids.
Poor people.
I would rather walk.
your proving his point, its 10 miles each way for work for me and thats really short, last year i was driving an hour and a half each way
Niggers, niggers everywhere
thats retarded
i moved there because its close to work.
comuting is lost time and money
>those tiny feet
how do people let themselves go so much?
arent gym really cheap there?
fuck public transport, enjoy being late, stuck standing and surrounded by niggers.
We would use public transit if we didn't have a huge population of gibsmedats who flood busses and trains. Any infrastructure is not worth the cost due to the inability to fully protect it from vandalism and inability to pay a decent wage to upkeep and progression of advanced transit systems. So we are stuck with old garbage maintained by Mexican unions.
Americans just buy memberships (which isn't cheap at around $30 to $60 a month) to post 'going to the gym' on social media for status points. That and there is an unsustainable fundamental problem with American 'everyone drives their own car everywhere' car culture and urban sprawl
This is such a nonsense argument. The 350m people spread over your country isn't particularly sparse. You still have cities same as anywhere. Christ why do americans always think they're special and different
Only viable for half a year in temperate climate zone.
Bike plus rain and cold is suffering. I bike to work when I can, other times I use a car, faster than public transport and CHEEPER cause fags in magistrate decided to only sell 1 hour tickets when most people needs 15 minutes of travel.
change your housing or workplace faggot. Loosing 3 hours a day for free is 120% wageslaving.
Read history faggot. Car companies bought all public transportation and let it fall to shit. Trams would regularly have live wires break free and thrash around inside around customers. They created a slang word for people who had to dodge them all the time. It became so well known the name is now a baseball team, the dodgers.
They twisted car a wrech stories to blame the pedestrian for not staying where people are suppose to walk to improve the seemingly superior safety of cars.
The reason is American as apple pie:
A bunch of rich assholes did dirty tricks and made peoples' lives worse for money.