To just say alt right things in class and then have everyone get offended at you. Then laugh as they see you as evil? It's the most offensive thing you can do right now.
Do you find it fun to offend people?
>Do you find it fun to offend people
I love being a rude dick in public when i am traveling in Europe. I degrade and yell at people in a texas accent. I scream shit like "in murica". Pretty much every Canadian i know does this when they travel.
Go to bed faggot so you can be fresh tomorrow to learn your cursives
And you - you're not fooling anyone with that faggoty high pitched voice and forgetting to not end every sentence with an inflective eh.
My advice to both of you is pic related
Haahaha it's part of why I joined the alt right. I like triggering the teachers, like triggering society, like triggering the liberal students. It freaks them out and I smile and laugh.
I was on a flight to Nashville several weeks ago and the black flight attendant asked what I wanted to drink. I said " Coffee" black. The subtle answer and thinly veiled order to the darkie was just a perfect setup.
I just hate Jews. That's why I am here.
>Things that never happened
Shut up, kike. No one asked why you're here. And stop using that stupid flag. Use pic related.
Canadian pretending to be American in cucked Europe. Sad!
yes I find It hilarious, I love pretending i'm a literal Nazi. I dunno what it's like elsewhere but in the uk you get called a racist/Nazi/bigot/islamaphobe for anything and everything now, I mean you don't even have to be an actual real racist or say anything offensive people just go around calling everyone names for fun or something. while everyone else gets defensive and acts all cuck about it I just sieg heil and agree that i'm a Nazi. it's so funny how hysterical they get. my dream is for them to see real Nazis and a genuine new hitler in power one day just for the luls
You are now aware of your own breathing.
Generally, no. But when you live in a world where it's offensive to some people to just for peeing standing up or not being ashamed of my ancestors, it's inevitable. So I may as well roll with it.
Your dumb post breathes new life into pic related
What do you think of people who go alt right as a way to rebel and piss people off?
I bet they would react even worse ten years ago.
I could honestly not care any less. ironic shitposting eventually becomes unironic shitposting.
Memetic warfare my horse.
My father does and I get really embarrassed. He calls out fat people, he yelled at a Wall St jew for not having a foreskin, and this one time he asked two black girls at a Brooklyn bar "how are my slaves doing?"
Trust me, be happy your father isn't redpilled. He might get himself killed like mine will.
In the words of my generation: “I do it for the lulz”
Yup. Started back in 2001, the day after 9/11, I made a joke about the Twin Towers and my friends all groaned. That groan made me laugh, so now I'm always saying things to get either in trouble or upset someone.
An old school friend is a teacher now and we were talking about how she's really enjoying her work, and what benefits she has, and I said 'obviously, you've also got all those sexy kids'. She tried to throw a drink at me and then stormed out.
As a Polish Catholic, living in Norway for the moment, I cannot speak without offending anyone, it gets boring.
Because for a brief moment you get something women get their whole lives - attention
>he was a big guy, for me
Ah, the crypto messages from the alt-right.
It's the only life I've ever knowed.
and then that nigga spit in yo coffee LMFAOO
Hotheads need to go back.
>my wife's son
>question mark
You really need to think that one over?
sometimes i exaggerate just to look like a nazi, irl what are your friends gonna do get mad that their life long friend made a camp joke?
pussies get fucked I am always making jokes about sending people to camps
If you mean its fun to make fun of butthurt hurt pussies that need their mommy because they heard someone call them bad name then yes i do.
Wut? Biatch
Yes and no. I only try to upset people that I think deserve it.
partially, yes.
>do you find it fun to have people think you’re a cunt
No not really
>Haahaha it's part of why I joined the alt right. I like triggering the teachers, like triggering society, like triggering the liberal students. It freaks them out and I smile and laugh.
>Velma with thigh highs
The mind of a Sup Forums poster
you do understand that you're the physical embodiment of a cartment character, right? and that his character is written ironically in a way that he thinks he's super cool and always right but in reality he's an insane narcissist that everyone fucking hates? that's you faggot
>ywn sniff her sweaty nerd panties
Is this a leaked photo from the ghostbusters 2 remake?
>Do you find it fun to offend people?
Yes, random Jewish (((researcher))) for MSM, I do.
Yes. My whole life I have been a cunt. I like to watch people get upset over words. It's literally the best way to troll uneducated people . Educated people just walk away. Idiots argue