Should I buckle my seatbelt?

Should I buckle my seatbelt?

Or is doing so being a cuck to the state?

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Yes you should. Don't listen to lolbertarians

if it makes you feel safe if you like being free dont do it but one thing for sure you gotta keep browsing Sup Forums and buying lots of products

neck yourself

sage and reported

Why are Americans retarded?

>Why are Americans retarded?

a bit redundant eh?

No, seat belts are bad for the enviroment

Go for it dude.

Yes, buckle up, unless you want to die in an otherwise survivable accident if you wore a seat belt. You could end up having your face caved in by the steering wheel or you could end up being ejected from your vehicle and your brains being painted across the road.

Sure, go ahead. If you're a FAG.

No. Break the law as often as possible, until you get caught. A great way to expose white privilege.

The word seat has 4 letters...the word belt has 4 letters...and the word cuck has 4 what do you think ?

I'll tell you what i tell my kids
>Safety first

Only if you like remaining in the vehicle when shit fucks up.

To live free is to act on your own accord and never ask this question. I've never worn a seatbelt in my life and here I am.

And how old are you?
20? thereabouts?

But what do you do when your car flips upside down?

lighten up finn

please buckle up

In your case, leave it unbuckled.

wearing seatbelts is racist. only white supremacists wear seatbelts

Die because the car wasn't equipped with a 5 point harness and a roll cage.

I climb out, retard

Don't fuckle with the state. Buckle your seatbelt.

You in particular? No. Never.

>the Chad accident survivor
>the beta crash fatality


So I have to ask, what's the highest G deceleration you've ever taken in a collision?
What was your worst wipeout?

>be going down the road 45MPH
>hit black ice patch
>jeep does a 180
>now driving 45MPH in reverse

strongly regretted not fixing my broken seatbelt

>not a scratch on the car
>went off the wide, snowy road shoulder
>thank you Fairbanks, AK DOT

when i was in highschool (aol days). i was in a car accident, that most people will never be in or know anyone in. I had someone pull out, and i swerved to miss them (only to have them hit the side of my car) me and put my car into a spin into 2 telephone polls. the irony, had i hit them and not swerved to the center of the road, i'd be fine, they would have both died. this accident occurred in the +50 mph range. I ALWAYS wear a seatbelt.. minutes b4 on my way to my high school job at a family run business.. i had some weird reason to not put it on. long story short, if you hit a telephone pole sideways, at any speed.. and your wearing a seat buckle and the pole splits your car in half.. your probably gonna die. i ended up under the dashboard, first pole ripped the trunk and rear bumper pretty much off, second turned my eurosport into a horseshoe. the people who cased it, walked away. i walked about 8 months later.. and lots of physical therapy. had i just tboned their car for pulling out like most would have. they'd be dead and i'd be fine.

and you break your neck because of the force of the car flipping while you're not harnessed. You'd be upside down.

Well I had bailed out at darlington after this raging cuck I work with named Tony tried to take me on the inside. I put him into the wall and got thrown clear into the RV lot. The sensors in my work uniform suggested I was pulling 5-6 G's at the highest point on the curve

As an EMT I strongly urge you to reconsider. It is the difference between some cracked ribs and being bisected by a tree. Yes it has happened and it was the most horrible thing I've seen in my life.

Not on the maneuver, on the impact.
"how hard was the impact" is what I'm asking, not "how stuck was the traction before everything went to shit".

i was in a sideways pole confrontation that would have turned me into meat loaf. seat belts head on are great.. sideways or flipped over you die.

It was a pretty slick maneuver, sure, but the impact was enough to throw me clear and had I not been wearing my bungie line I would've probably been thrown completely out of the office

The jews tell you to wear a belt so it has to be bad

I feel like you're not taking this seriously.

I gotta say I'm a little perplexed and insulted. I'm a man just like you, I go to work every day, and I put my flame retardant jump suit on one leg/one arm at a time, and I down to that Tarmac, and I don't wear my seatbelt when I do it.

In my country the driver gets fined if the passenger isn't wearing a seatbelt. What a fucking joke.

You should be free to wear or not wear one as you see fit. If you have a brain though you should be wearing one, it costs you all of 5 seconds and is very likely to save your life when a dumb fuck boomer in an SUV crosses the centre line.


New Zealand doesn't have boomers, you didn't fight in WW2.

>You should be free to wear or not wear one as you see fit.
Socialised healthcare, genius.
The captain is always responsible for everything in his vessel.

Europeans just don't understand, Americans are cowboys at heart. The whole foundation of our country is built on rebelling against an overreaching and tyrannical government. Most Americans don't just blindly trust the government and assume they have their best interests in mind like they do over in Europe. It's a totally different mentality over here.

That said, buckle your seat belt OP. Not because some bureaucrat said so, but because it's undeniable that they save lives.

Unless you just want to live dangerously, then don't. Can't say I really care.

>user justifies requiring a cavity search to get into his 8-seater minivan

Do you have the dreams?
Those sounds of glass and metal and rubber?
Do you still smell the burn of asphalt and the sharpness of sodium azide?
Do you jerk awake at night pulling on a wheel that isn't there?

>The whole foundation of our country is built on rebelling against an overreaching and tyrannical government.
No, that's what they want you to think it was. But only a small amount, so as not to turn against your current government.
It was really a merchant rebellion which dragged in the rest of the unaffected colonists.

Nope. But people need to take responsibility for their dumbarse actions.

Only when I'm behind in the Nextel cup chase

t. Retard

We should deny free healthcare to people who aren't wearing seatbelts, their choice but not our responsibility. They can pay their medical bills. Same with motorcycles, man am I sick of my yearly registration cost being astronomical because I have to pay ACC fees for retard squids who ride around in sandals, shorts and t shirts.

I ain't getting no god damn $200 ticket, put that motherfucker on!

>We should deny free healthcare to people who aren't wearing seatbelts
I concur there, but creating additional chaff during an incident can cause collateral damage. Same reason you get fined for not having a secured load in your ute/trailer tray.
People need to stop treating public roads like a right, and understand the obligations. If those become so disagreeable, they can petition the (((government))) for change.

Buckle up bro,last year an illegal wetback tboned me,i only lived thanks to the seatbelt.

>he almost killed me
Did he try to drag you out of your car or something?

and if a cop stops you shoot him in the face.