KNIM is a 10/10, also why is Rin best girl?
Kimi No Iru Machi - 10/10
>KNIM is a 10/10,
giving it a 4 would be generous
>also why is Rin best girl?
She's a cheap whore with a really good body, and tends to get her tits or ass out every 5 pages
You would honestly rate KNIM a 4? Really? Despite having read plenty of manga I have yet to find a manga that actual makes the romance believable with such amazing side characters as well.
the mc became such a shit head i stopped reading. never before or since has a harem mc practiced such faggaotry. even the passive and bland as fuck mcs from your dime a dozen harem series were less rage inducing.
main girl was also a huge bitch. honestly, they deserved each other. when your 2 mains are the less likable characters in the story, you got a problem. I'd much rather read about supporting cast than them.
It's not really a harem honestly. And he wasn't that bad, he was just indecisive at times. Really recommend you to finish it.
If I didn't know better I could have sworn that it's a mangastream cleaning job that I'm looking at.
>makes the romance believable
>amazing side characters
Are you taking the piss?
She really wasn't, the whole cancer-boy arc you could argue she was a bitch but it hits you right in the feels and it's decently portrayed, afterwards she's so much better and when they end up together it's when the real fun starts.
Most people argue that she's a bitch because after cancer-boy died she wanted to stay away from Haruto but that's just common sense, would you date the girlfriend of your dead best friend right after he died? That's bullshit, if he truly was your friend you wouldn't, let alone she since she was the one who was hurt the most not Haruto
>indecisive at times.
Hello understatement. Are atomic bombs "slightly upsized fireworks"?
>Akari and Takashi not the best side characters ever.
please. Name a few romance/drama manga with better side characters
it's pretty rough, but not that bad. It doesn't look like it's been smothered in vaseline, like some of MS's worse efforts
if i didnt know any better, i'd say the author was intentionally trolling when he had them make it official, then had the girl disappear without a trace and when the mc finally finds her, she's dating someone else. and THEN it gets worse from there.
>KNIM is a 10/10
I don't care if this is bait, you should still kill yourself. KNIM is like 6-7/10 until Eba moves back to Tokyo, and then it becomes a 2-3/10 piece of garbage for the remaining 75% of its run.
He really wasn't that bad, not to mention that it's a common trope on romance/drama manga for the MC to be too kind and indecisive, else it wouldn't have that much drama at all. And he gets much better after he's with Yuzuki
>a manga that actual makes the romance believable
What the fuck? Nigger, she randomly breaks up with him for some unmentioned character who has a fatal disease, it's the most artificial corny melodrama possible.
>Without a trace
He knew she was in her house but it's not like he would barge in and force his way inside.
And it's perfectly understandable for them not to get together after cancer boy died, from a realistic point of view that is.
Ok, now I know I'm being trolled. Grats on getting this many people to bite. Have fun riding this train to bump limit, I'm out.
right in the feels is right. the feel of RAGE! cancer boy was a right faggot too. using cancer for sympathy points to get a girl? if she doesn't actually reciprocate and you're just guilt tripping her, you're a faggot. If she somehow does and you build the relationship up? guess what, you're dead in a few months and getting close to her will hurt her even more. either way, you're a faggot.
god fuck, i hated everyone of them. just thinking about it fills me with unstoppable rage.
Damn, what romance manga do you consider to be 9 or 10/10? Genuinely interested if you rate this an average of 4
I liked Akari, but you could pretty much scoop her out of the series, and wouldn't make much difference to it.
Takashi was OK early on, had one genuinely good moment, then sucked later on. I remember someone once summed him up as basically being a loser who existed to make Haruto look good.
>Name a few romance/drama manga with better side characters
I'm afraid I don't read much in this genre, but some examples:-
Nozaki-Kun, Domestic na kanojo, Ah My Goddess
Seo, more often than not, doesn't seem to know what to do with his supporting cast to prevent them from seeming superfluous
Let's be honest here, almost every manga has over the top unnecessary "artificial corny melodrama".
they wrote cancer boy like he was such a cool guy that you can't help but like him a mary sue but it just fall flat on its face. he was such a smug little shit the entire time.
I'm right and you know it
>Despite having read plenty of manga
Considering that you've only just read KNIM, and are shocked that people dislike it despite it being widely hated for years and years now, I doubt it.
>almost every manga has over the top unnecessary "artificial corny melodrama".
You're just making it fucking clearer that you've barely read any manga, nigger. I doubt you've even read 100, frankly.
I'm probably being successfully baited right now, but I'm too mad to care.
Kill yourself and stop making threads about this shit manga.
>cuts all contact with long distance boyfriend to pity-date some cancerous faggot who's about to die
>no real personality other than being a doormat
She is definitely a terrible person and the worst girl in the series. Haruto is an asshole too though, so all's well that ends well I guess.
>i'd say the author was intentionally trolling when
well, you could say he sort of is, because he tends to introduce plot twists that're aimed more around generating drama & get a reaction from the audience, rather than to develop the characters or advance the story naturally
ive read and watched my share of harem manga and anime and none reach the level of sheer frustration and rage that this one induces and more importantly for this long. cancer arc seemed to go on forever and just when you think its over and mc has moved on, he breaks up with this current girlfriend and goes back to the other one AGAIN!! for like the 3rd time or something at that point.
Don't get me wrong, I absolutely agree with you, I did sympathize with him but he was a piece of shit regardless. He pretty much forced Yuzuki to date him due to his illness, she obviously didn't love him (hence why you never actually see her laugh with him, kiss him or anything else) but she would feel terribly bad not being by his side when she was the only thing that could give him hope and strength through the surgery.
She's still not forgivable but it's certainly understandable for her to help him especially since he was someone who helped her not feel lonely for several years during high school.
No, they fucking don't. Find me the melodrama in Bonnouji, or Itoshi no Kana.
You realize that 4 is just below average right? 10/10 is the highest rating you can give anything, literally one of the best manga ever written. In fact, I'd say 4/10 is generous. KNIM deserves at the very most 3/10, most likely 2/10 for the sheer rage and frustration it induced.
a good author would introduce plot twists that make the audience wonders what happens next and worry about the characters so they keep reading. not make them howl in anger chapter after chapter, week after week and hate the characters so much they stop caring and drop the story altogether.
They're side characters and they weren't his lover of course they wouldn't make much difference, that's not the point, the point is how likeable they are as side characters and their development through the story. KNIM would feel so lackluster without Takashi and Akari.
Not a fan of Nozaki and Goddess, haven't watched Domestic tho
I read the whole thing for years and I barely even remembered who Takashi was, nigger. And Akari existed pretty much for no reason, she was an irrelevant and generic butadmittedly likable character. She contributed very little to either the story or general atmosphere.
I'm actually laughing at the sheer ineptitude of the writer. You know something has gone hilariously wrong when the audience is rooting for Awesome Mccooldude cancer patient to DIE during surgery.
It really isn't widely disliked from what I've mostly seen (although I honestly haven't even seen it being mentioned on Sup Forums) but everywhere else it seems to be enjoyed by the majority of people, besides the usual haters shouting "NTR!". And no I didn't just finish it for the first time, I've read it a year or two ago and finished re reading recently, which made me find my love for Rin.
Also, I don't keep track but I'm pretty sure I'm really close or slightly over 100. Not all of them are manga / drama though since I'm not even a huge fan of romance manga, hard to find a romance story that keeps me hooked.
Which chapter is this?
The side characters are pretty average I'd say. They just seem to be really likable by comparison because the MCs are such faggots.
Hey don't forget "Thanks for dying bro."
>(although I honestly haven't even seen it being mentioned on Sup Forums)
Then you're both new and blind.
>I've read it a year or two ago
Then did you get to Sup Forums last week, or what? People shit on it all the time.
> I'm pretty sure I'm really close or slightly over 100
That's not "plenty of manga," not by any fucking stretch.
You realize he only dated 2 people in the manga right..? He only broke up once with Asuka, he did have another break up closer to the end of the story which in my opinion, you're right it was a retarded move by the author but he didn't actually date anyone else.
>It's not really a harem honestly
eh, most of the characters were hot girls who wanted the MC's dick for various stupid reasons
>but everywhere else it seems to be enjoyed by the majority of people
You are a fucking liar.
Domestic na Kanojo and AMG are also shit, though. Fucking Sasuga Kei is no better than Seo.
You know, if the OP's genuine, I actually feel a bit bad for him, because it seems like we're dog-piling him.
While I hated Kimi Machi, I wouldn't really want to take away someone else's enjoyment of it
I didn't mean what you think I meant. Although I cannot agree with it being under average. It also frustrated me but I'm pretty sure that's exactly what the author wanted, that's why it also feels great when everything is fixed.
>literally breaks up with her soul mate for a terminally ill faggot
m8 it might be believable in terms of sub-70 iq 3d whores but that doesn't make it good
didn't his first love interest actually reciprocated and confessed to him at one point? and then he tried to go out with her while still pining for the main girl.
Where do you think you are?
No, you are wrong. He needs to be told he is living his life incorrectly.
It's for his own good.
Well, it wasn't really ineptitude, isn't that just common? Most people actually wish anyone who's against the MC to die/lose/vanish.
Him die was a bit abrupt but the author fucked himself by writing this arc, if he didnt die how would he justify Yuzuki breaking free from him? That's what you should be looking at when saying he was inept, which he was but it still wasn't that bad of an arc honestly.
AMG never made me rage for months on end every chapter. I looked forward to every chapter and their continuing adventure instead of wondering if the MC will finally get his shit together.
Can't remember but 160-210 between that. Hard to pin point since Rin is always wanting his dick
>Domestic na Kanojo and AMG are also shit, though
I know, I'm just saying they have better characters than Kimi Machi(Domestic's MC sucks, but he's innocuously bad, rather than hatred-inducing like haruto)
It made me rage for years on end with the last chapter.
Even if the whole world wanted his dick it still wouldn't be an harem...
We're on Sup Forums if it's not code geass everything's hated
She told him to wait and 2-3 months later she said "No". She liked him at that point though but at the time he was already too focused on Yuzuki alone that's why she said no. When she realizes that she really did love him he was already completely in love with Yuzuki.
>no real personality other than being a doormat
she was originally a manic-pixie dreamgirl
Of course most people would wish anyone who's against mc to lose or vanish but there have been plenty rivals who became likable in the end and stuck around for the better.
In this one however, the author went out of his way to try to make the guy cool and awesome. He's a fucking racing driver/plucky cancer patient come on! The author put in so much effort so that the audience would find him sympathetic but it was all for naught as everyone just wanted him dead. Not just gone, or withdrawn from the rivalry but fucking DEAD!
Thanks, mate.
Would you recommend them to keep contact while she went and pity dated cancer boy?
"Oh hey Haruto how's it going, you still crying and missing me every day? I also miss you a lot but you know I'm just chillin with my cancerous boy, ya know the drill"
Doesn't seem like a great idea honestly, plus he knew where she lived and studied at.
>No real personality
Please. She's been alpha since chapter 7
Only because it ended suddenly and we wanted more! I know that feel bro. I wanted to read about the continuing relationship and raising a daughter goddess together. There would have been a golden opportunity for an eventual decades long timeskip in which Keiichi is old and finally kicks the bucket and Belldandy goes back to heaven to rejoin him. The feels that would have induced.
Well, he literally had to die though, that was the point of the arc. She wouldn't have dated him to begin with if he wasn't dying.
Yeah, and that construction was a shit idea. That's exactly what he's saying.
yeah but the author expected us to feel bad when he did. we didn't
I agreed with him though. Author fucked up in this arc, there was only 1 available route, either cancer boy dies or Yuzuki doesn't end up with Haruto (without random bullshit plot twists).
I agree it was a "eh" arc but the rest of the manga is pretty good and the last 100 or so chapters really make it better. Especially when he starts living together with Yuzuki
> Especially when he starts living together with Yuzuki
That might be nice if you've literally never read a non-drama romance in your life, I guess. It doesn't hold a candle to stuff like .
Well, at this point everyone just wanted Haruto and Yuzuki to hit it off, I also didn't really feel bad when he dies, later in the manga with some of the flashbacks I did feel bad but I understand what you mean.
You're right, I've never read manga focused solely on romance, I really need to find a story that keeps me hooked and most romance / drama stories have a hard time doing that to me. Will give those 2 a try since I haven't seen them though
By the end of the manga I kinda wished he had lived. Wouldn't have had to deal with the rest of the rage.
Hahaha, you an asuka-fag? Never liked her to begin with honestly
I wanted Haruto to just write off Eba as a lost cause. Doormat types are not girl friend material. She has already proven that she can be guilt tripped into breaking up with him. Will he have to deal with this shit every time someone she knows has a problem. Drop him and cut off all communication to help some random homeless man?
>Hey, let's break up even though i promised you we would never break apart again and i even proposed to you, all because i'm too autistic to talk to you about the issue of distance
>Let me just get out of the job that lead to the break up in the first place even though i wasted a good 3 years i forget in it, all because i saw you again and cried like a faggot
>Now let me do some cooking. Oh wow, i can make money off of this, just like EVERY SINGLE PERSON IN THE ENTIRE MANGA HAS BEEN TELLING ME FROM THE VERY START! Also everyone to got follow their dreams even though everyone talked about how unrealistic it was, and i got up on my feet just because i opened a restaurant
I will never not be mad at this.
That is because you have shit taste.
So we can all agree that Half & Half (oneshot) > Half & Half (series) = Lucia >> Suzuka >>> KNIM = Fuuka, right?
Pretty much. Half &Half is his only decent work.
>tfw 75% of the manga I've read have a romance tag
Fuck my life
No Fuuka>>KNIM only because we can all read it as a comedy now SEO has lost the plot.
You're taking things out of proportions, he was literally the only person that ever spoke to her in school despite how harsh and cold she acted towards him, not to mention that he had a terminally ill disease with a very low chance of survival, he wasn't just a random guy.
I'm not trying to have you forgive her since it's impossible to forgive what she had done but it's still understandable.
I think Lucia is an okay ecchi series, the ending was the only real black mark.
She shouldn't have dated cancer to begin with, it shows that she has no self-respect and no respect for Haruto. She clearly doesn't love cancer so she has no obligation to date him, but instead she just rolls over and lets cancer walk all over her.
Well, her father did put a lot of pressure on him, he said he didn't want her daughter to date an irresponsible guy, plus the huge "job hunting" arc showed how much of a pain in the ass it was for him to find this job, he would be jobless for several months.
And he said it several times through the manga, cooking isn't his dreams, he doesn't even enjoy cooking, he just does it because he's good at it and likes it when he sees people satisfied with his food.
Okay, that's true. It seems Seo has the power to not be a shit when the manga is monthly.
Fuuka>KNIM just barely because instead of retarded characters, it has retarded plot progression.
KNIM > Fuuka (For the comedy) > Suzuka
Don't rate Suzuka above anything else. 0 realistic romance 0 decent side characters and Suzuka was just as much of a bitch as Yuzuki if not worse.
Interesting, suggest me some good ones from the top of your head, the ones you really really liked.
Basically anything you could complain about in Suzuka was worse in KNIM, though. Suzuka just goes overseas for a while, there's no NTR cancer drama. There's that one slut who goes after MC, but no hundred-chapter long side romance "Please break up with me" bullshit, etc. Do you just hate tsundere?
I agree with you. This arc was the worst arc of the manga but it still wasn't as bad as people make it seem.
Are you retarded? He enjoyed cooking, he was just too much of a little bitch to put it into use for money.
The father bullshit is non existent after their arc is over, because after many chapters he himself, out of his own volition asks her if she wants to marry him. Them all the promise of always being together, and it all breaks apart, again because he's too fucking retarded to address the issue at hand and instead just thinks "i'm gonna break both our hearts instead of talking like proper adults because this manga needs just ONE more piece of bullshit drama.
And again, he quit his fucking job. If job hunting was the problem, the ending made it absolutely worthless. He quits his jobs and opens a restaurant, and what do you know? It works flawlessly.
Just fuck Seo.
If you don't get why Fuuka as a comedy is better on the whole compared to KNIM then you just don't get it at all.
>Literally breaks up with the boy she likes withou warning
>All to date cancer dude out of pity because she's weak willed and the dude is a cuck who is fine with knowing it's out of pity
>Make boyfriend get involved in the mess because you didn't explain jack shit to him
>Act like you're the victim all teh fucking time
>Cancer tries to act like a bro but only comes off as a desperate shitter
>"You know dude, i'm really happy that you died hahaha!"
No, it's a pretty shit.
Oh, sorry. When I said "we can all agree," I should have said "except for OP, whose taste is terrible." I guess I thought it was clear that "we" didn't include the retarded newfag.
Not a fan of tsunderes unless really well done, especially Suzuka, she was so exaggerated.
KNIM does everything better, only bad part was the cancer arc (which wasn't NTR... They didn't even have sex, nor have we even seen them kiss, and considering how much of an hard time most characters in KNIM have to even kiss once every 5 months I'd bet they didn't even kiss at all) it has better side characters, better romance (besides cancer boy), more realistic. (once again besides cancer boy which in a way could be considered somewhat realistic in real life)
She obvious gave cancer fags feelings priority over Haruto's. She couldn't even be bothered to explain the situation in person. If she had a brain she would have realized that playing the cancer card to get sympathy for a date is a douche move.
>only bad part was the cancer arc
Just stop posting.
He opened a restaurant a few years after already working, do you seriously think that he would have the money to open a restaurant shortly after he started working?
And he didn't enjoy cooking, he just does it because he's good at it.