>Taxation isn't thef-
Taxation isn't thef-
If you live in a country, you consent to live here and pay taxes just as you can consent to live in a private property and pay the rent.
You have to pay protection money to the gobment
Name one place I can move to on earth that I don't have to pay taxes.
I don't know, I feel like some taxation is wrong (like Social Security and anything else that lowers my paycheck) but not all.
if you walk in an alley, you consent to be there and pay taxes to crackheads just as you consent to paying a toll to drive on a bridge.
Taxation is the will of majority, like requiring consnet to job, sex and transactions are. Just mobilize the people if you think taxation is against their best interest, I'm sure they would agree with you.
Anywhere not densely populated where you can claim land illegitimately without interruption.
>where did all the roads go
If you work in an America/Italian neighborhood you consent to paying for protection from the mafia
But hey, name one place you can move without paying rent in an ancap society where every place is owned by someone.
You see same thing.
Antarctica. You could also try to found your own mini state like sealand.
Just think, if there are no streets, where will Pajeet shit?
Consent is a social construct.
They will begin proggressing as a society once governmental street building intervention that twists their shitting habits is eliminated.
My land down tennessee?
>lives on own property with a well, solar energy, and farm
the ocean
You can always leave or found your own country. You consent to taxation by living in the area owned by the government.
All 3 of these guys live in countries that are relatively recent because people were unhappy with the way things were they founded their own country.
>owned by the government
So what exactly did the government do to own the land?
What makes Rents not theft?
>consent, you don't HAVE to live there
And you don't HAVE to live outside of Somalia.
Many places in Africa and Asia. You won't have to pay taxes if you bribe the right people. They're not taxes though, they're bribes.
What I like about libertarians and ancapistanese is that they are supposed to be resourceful and not whiny. Then they start to talk about taxes and state and they sound like fucking black lives matter activists.
a better analogy is why is self defense is not murder, and the reason is because society accepts it as necessary killing just as tax is necessary. ie the difference in definition is whether or not society deems it acceptable and you are a hyperbolic faggot
You consent by living here faggot
Thats kinda why illegal immigration is a big deal
why are kangaroo fuckers so fucking retarded lately?
It has sovereignty over the area because it's capable of defending it against all other claimants.
I love these
The state defines what is and is not theft, since it is a legal term. The state also defines what is and is not rape and all the rest. All of these terms presume rule of law, and are meaningless in absence of that.
>you can always found your own country
Holy shit you are fucking stupid
>If you live in a country, you consent to live here and pay taxes
Wrong. In the US you have citizenship from birth, that citizenship requires you to pay taxes in the US even if you move to another country, and it will cost you several thousand dollars in paperwork to renounce that citizenship.
>capable of defending it against all other claimants
so the mafia is a legitimate government?
a government is a group that exercises the will of the people in an absolute authority of violence sense
Black markets are the only free markets
Capital punishment for drug dealing, but nice try Satan.
There's a reason why your version of your political ideology doesn't exist anywhere. And it's the same reason commies can't find a good example of their political ideology being applied in history or modern times.
Okay so what makes you an land owner when there is no government?
>I have sovereignty over the area because I'm capable of defending it against all other claimants.
Oh so you're a mafia then?
This. The point is that if the government owns the land then is it all for the ruling body. In a Democratic Republic, thats congress and people who pay them money.
Like honestly taxes do make things better when we have people who allocate funds correctly. Its moral character that every soul is unfoutunatly lacking that causes discrepancy and fraudulent licentious use of funds. Capitalism means capital is freedom. The top. Those who pursue money and power are gods. Everyone else is considered a fool.
Countries get founded all the time
Our Check'em Republic poster comes from a country that has existed only from 1993, which is when the current people took it from the previous rulers.
depends who you ask, legitimacy is after all either defined as "agreed upon" or as "determined by law" but law itself is determined by the sovereign
factor property tax in, low-income NEET
when people say the government owns it they dont mean it literally (unless they are retarded) society owns everything by definition the government just does everything society allows
also the reason libertarians are wrong and stupid is because they blame the government, and fail to realize that america is so at odds with them because it is effectively many societies blended into one government (which is why it will invariably collapse)
why do they act so rarely on the will of the people but mostly on their own
either I have mixed my labor with a previously owned piece of land or I have purchased the land prom the prior owner.
The government has done neither of those things.
you do give consent though. you live in the country and use services paid for by taxes. if you don't want to pay taxes then denounce your citizenship and live off-grid and don't use anything paid for by other peoples taxes otherwise its you who's the thief you morally deficient degenerate.
Government is the ultimate sovereign of all land in under their control.
That means they literally own it, though in cases government itself restricts what it can and can't do with it's power.
African warlord quite literally owns everything
The crown of England owns all British land while individuals can indefinitely use the areas without rent
Finnish constitution allows the government or the cities to claim any and all land they see fit under predetermined laws and payments.
This is how it works everywhere.
that is why I said authority of violence as a caveat, you think the government owes you, but in reality it functions as what they can get away with without being hanged. and the reason they dont get hanged is as I said a result of the blended stake-less societies and decadence
Wouldn't a totally free market just be huge companies forming oligopolies and fucking everyone else over like American internet providers do?
it is semantics you say he owns it because he has some agency in what he does with it, I say society owns it because they determine what amount of agency he has
There are places where the government would shoot or detain you if you walked on its ground or entered. There are hundreds of laws and legislation that dictates how live is lived, how it is portrayed, and how it is "meant to be."
Yes but this is intentional. We want the maximum amount of conflict. We want hundreds poor and a few at the top. Look at our money. Have you not read Plato's Republic? He describes indoctrination, propaganda, a small ruling elite controlling and breeding groups of humans like cows.
This is the struggle. Those who have wealth and power have all the options. Money. Looks. Talent.
This. Once again the Canadian advocated for big brother.
Just look at Toronto.
We will become mongrelized like Rome and bred into castes and dynasties.
pls dont start that debate for the nth time, they will just deny monopolies exist then say the government causes it then say monopolies arent bad
In Romainia as a buissnes man i pay no tax,ibonky have to pay tax men when they come so it costs me less,does that still count as tax!?
Well semantics it may be but by definition government is the sovereign and literally owns what ever lands they have the power to defend.
Just because they don't act on their powers irrationally doesn't mean they don't have those powers.
It is. Anyone who denies that is an idiot.
And the issue isn't whether or not you're willing to pay taxes in exchange for the services rendered by the government, the issue is that you're fine with forcing people who aren't willing to pay those taxes to pay those taxes with a threat of force.
You are free to leave
>what is the social contract
Oh come on tovaraş even the gypos that worked under me when i was in criminal clanbunderstood the concept of protection money.
let me try to explain it another way then, if ownership is who can defend something, how can it belong to the government when they could not defend it from the people?
Authority, if benevolent, just, wise and noble is balancing human avarice and animal lusts.
Unfortunately this is it. If you want power and wealth and not to pay taxes become Trump. Get lucky.
Thats how it works. You do this whoever you are. You just go find a role and play it.
Actually there are alot of places in this world were you can not pay tax if you want.Manny in eastern europe,when the conomic crisis hit nobody paid taxes in Grece and country went ro shit.Ukraine,or go to deserted part of Russia and no tax.
Or uou could try Africa there you dont even need to bribe oficials just be better armed than the local warlord.
The government can defend it from "the people" certainly a portion of them.
Every time government uses it's power to take land to for example construct a new dam or a railroad or something like that it uses the powers it has even if that person refuses.
Sovereignty means that they hold control of the area against all claimants, if "the people" aren't claiming the area then they aren't sovereign.
Just the same as African warlord is taking what ever he wants even though he couldn't hope to defend it against the full might of the united states military.
That's because united states military isn't actually acting to claim the sand niggers areas so it's not a factor but just a purely hypothetical entity, just like "the people" in your example.
Hypothetical situations like that are meaningless to reality that is actually happening
You can't move to Antarctica, there's only one port you can even feasibly land at, and it's under US military control
>what makes sex not rape
>what makes a job not slavery
the fact that you are getting compensated for your time and work, and the fact that you can leave whenever the fuck you want and freely find another job because other people to are looking to commission work and offering competing compensation thus ensuring your freedom on the job market
>what makes a transaction not robbery?
The fact that it is a reciprocal fucking exchange of goods and services for other goods and services, or for bank notes that entitle you to goods and services
I mean, you're fucking kidding right?
plus, you can't leave unless you buy a passport
You can leave without passport, you just can't enter other areas without one
Other locations are DLC? THEFT
Other locations are DLC? THEFT! DAYLIGHT ROBBERY!
Government has the monopoly on violence.
Okay, lets say the ancap comes by with his privately owned tanks and trucks, and his mercenaries. He tells you to pay up to keep your land or btfo. He also offers to protect you from other people like him if you pay up. If you choose not to, you die, he takes your land, and capitalizes on it. What is going to stop this? The NAP? That is retarded.
This is seriously the most bullshit thing ever. Why make people pay that shit. In my country if you buy a piece of shit and renovate it so it becomes not a piece of shit then you have to pay MORE property tax because the value went up. Kek
Here's another fellow from a new country. Lots of people were angry about them soviets and just decided to make their own countries.
+ you can probably just walk into mexico or canada doubt no one will stop you
Not sure why you would want to go to those locations though as they have taxes as well.
Just leave the country you currently inhabit and move to a sparsely populated area of your choosing and live your life as a tax free hermit who doesn't own anything which could be taxed.
Definitely not magic fairy dust.
Actually not part of that country anymore, Sup Forums is thinking about me as one.
Name one country where a woman doesn't have to fear getting raped in the streets
Explain to me how a capitalist organization owning a part of the earth isn't theft?
Crimea or what it's called eastern bits?
Well if you are in those areas Russia would be another new country
If you are in the western bits though if I remember correctly there is one hell of a mess with borders in that area, or was it the next border down towards ex Yugoslavia, not sure
>Sup Forums crimea flag when
Surely you mean Russian flag?
theft from whom?
>implying you don't consent
You go to store, you learn the education, you work, you don't complain, that's all consent for taxation. Society was built that way, if you want change then you need to speak up and of course get majority, like majority today wants to pay tax.
Delet this
If taxation is theft then theft is not necessarily wrong.
Japan, China
You are conflating the people i.e. society with a single person and then you just go off on an irrelevant tangent about the USA. I think you are completely misunderstanding the concept of collectives and only apply it one-sidedly to the government.
No, Crimea have it's own flag which I like more
It's not theft, it's extortion.
So russian but with emphasis on surrender?
Government has the power to do anything until someone challenges them that they can't beat
"The people" isn't challenging government right now any more than USA is challenging Kenya
Both "the people" and USA could challenge government and Kenya but they haven't yet and until they do they aren't relevant to the discussion.
Yes perhaps hypothetically a mass uprising would mean government loses control
But so does any of other hypothetical possibilities be it USA intervention, alien invasion or super volcano.
Until any of that stuff actually happens the government is the defining power in it's area.
If you pay for something taxed you conscent. Stop paying things if you don't want taxe.
What movie is this?
then half of you is surrender, half of you is red, therefore - soviet.
You consider the military part of the government collective then I guess?