Have you reached a point movies/tv can be "too white"?

>Let's check out the new neogaf foru-

Other urls found in this thread:


thank god marvel will save us

I have discovered that population % is a great first redpill. I asked my friend and his wife what percentage of the US population was black. they were baffled that it was only 13%, most normies think its like 30+%. I then asked them "are only 13% of the actors in these commercials black?". The answer was of course a stunned "no".
Diversity means less white people.

>New Pew study: Europe will be 10-15% muslim (Sweden 31%) by 2050.What will it entail?

>What if we had NeoGAF without the annoying gaming shit, just the Trump asspain and nigger supremacy threads? -Cerium

remember when Evilore say that all he just wanted was to talk about video games?


Vikings isn't worse because the cast is white. It's occasionally bad because of "muh cucking" though.


And then banned everyone in the tread agreeing with him, it was a nice trick to lure out the sane people.
Too bad it was not them he had to watch out for.


Balkanize America now.

reminder: the fat kike that wrote friends was just another jew using white-exploitation to fuel a social justice commentary, i find it funny they were excused from their work, but I think it was intentional, they wanted to produce work that would be burned after they push marxism on all
now, even cunts like... what's that ginger pedophile? joss whedon, he makes the top 10 movies of all time by revenue, 100% white cast - nobody mentions it, then some other nigger gets to make the social justice version of black panther
amazing - weird how this movie didn't come out under obama, eh?

So the question becomes, why aren't we pushing for more white actors in African film? Clearly we have an obligation to them because of muh slavery and etc. We wouldn't want to dumb them down with black media hegemony!


Thank God my favorite games are too autistic for those people to infest.

all the games you play are from 14 years ago dumbfuck

>too autistic
you're talking about based nips, right?

the fuck is this?

nips are already autistic

>harmful generalization
does current year ever stop providing hot new memes?


>(((Friends))) is too white

WTF I love Islam now.


Like what? Some Like It Hot? Bonnie and Clyde? Scarface (1934)? White Christmas (that one actually has a black character or two)? Miracle on 34th Street? It's a Wonderful Life? Heidi? On the Waterfront? Spartacus? Schindler's List?

Like, is just having a movie with whites a hate crime now? Is that where we're at?

>Is that where we're at?

I feel like this photo was taken by a man who, in a moment of weakness and alcohol intoxication, decided to fuck that blod. Post-nut, his head now clear of lust, he realized what he had done and decided to snap a photo of the slumbering beast before running away, both as a reminder never again to put himself in such grave danger of being eaten, to show his friends because they would never believe him otherwise, and as a point of reference for the doctor when they try to identify the diseases that he has inevitably acquired.

wait, is this shit neo-neogaf?

fuck brownies.

old neogaf splitted into neogaf and resetera