I'll just leave this here.
I'll just leave this here
Other urls found in this thread:
Blatant lies. You guys aren't even trying anymore.
>cindy will have to pay the cost of the services she utilizes
cry me a river. the federal government was never intended as a handout machine. believe it or not, it is possible to exist without being an indebted subject of the state.
the only reason student loans and healthcare are fucked up industries is because of the federal government propping them up with ridiculous subsidies. without government involvement, they would actually turn down teenagers wanting a $300,000 loan to study Victims Studies and get a $30k/year job as a social media "expert." healthcare would be cheap if they could let obese idiots with soda-induced diabetes die the death they deserve.
cindy was already paying most of those under obama. she fucked up by being a single mom and her kids are poised to be fuck-ups no matter how much money she gets.
>Oh, hypothetical scenarios are my winning arguments
This roastie mindset is proof women should never be in charge of anything except raising kids, cooking and cleaning the house.
>student loans
desu familia, anyone with a student loan should be gassed this very instant
Go back to Cuba commie. No one wants you here.
Maybe Cindy should have her children taken away?
Then she can focus on being a whore once again. Those 7$ drinks at the club do add up especially if men find out you have two bastard children and no longer buy you drinks
>when a hypothetical scenario was literally used as proof for something you support and that's fine but as soon as the same exact thing is extrapolated to more truthfully support the opposition you throw a shit fit
Are republicans really this retarded?
Oh my god... they are.
>$350/mo student loans
>can't deduct the $15/mo of which is interest
>no longer required to buy useless catastrophic health insurance because no more individual mandate
Why are Americans alwasy whining about student loans? Anuone can pay them off. pic related.
>Paul Ryan
Why do their hypothetical scenarious always include natural disasters or rare diseases?
Having your house catch on fire is a 1 in 500.000 or at least 1 in 100.000 chance
Perhaps Cindy should have realised that she couldn't afford a child because of her student debt. Perhaps Cindy should have had a child with a decent man who would stick around and pay for her child. Perhaps Cindy should have studied something more vocational, instead of pan-African gender studies, so she could get a well paying job.
>single mom
>student loans
>makes only 30k
She sounds like an absolute failure, why should tax dollars go to a lost cause?
Maybe she can find a man, a widower or someone older who can help take care of her kids, but they're probably already rotten
>college graduate making 30,000 per year
My house burned down, and my father was struck by lightining. Feelsbadman
Car accidents will do the trick too
Or injuries
Fuck off shareb lu. This is not how taxes work and you know it
>My made up scenario is better than the facts.
Become an hero.
That's cool how the left is suddenly, inexplicably starting to zero on in the concept of "simplify."
Also take a fucking personal budget workshop or something, Laura Collelouri.
>Paul Ryan
Please primary this fucking leftist faggot, Wisconsin. Single fucking mothers? I don't want them to benefit. kys Paul Ryan!
It baffles me to no end that they just can't see that going to college while having two kids making while single and making 30k a year is totally normal and people should pay up for it.
I didn't know nippon feel was stronger than nippon steel
Your emotions up in a twist there because I'm right and you have nothing more to rebuttal with than "muh facts" without actually posting any statistics whatsoever?
How the fuck do you go to college without having student loans? I'm not black or a tranny so scholarships are out of the window for me.
>I lift to be the man I wanted my father to be
Was not looking for these feels
Both are rare too. My entire country has about 300 car related deaths mostly by drunk drivers.
And where is a woman going to get injured? Injuries were much more common when people did a lot of manual labour.
Nowadays hardly anyone gets seriously injured and most of them are men doing manual labour
I think his point was that she went to university to train for a job that pays her $30k.
The only way she was going to come out of that was if she married someone who could support her -- and she failed at that too.
>How the fuck do you go to college without having student loans?
Community college and state university with in state tuition.
Ryan posted a facr about the tax plan.
Roastie posted a made up scenario to make herself feel good.
If you live paycheck to paycheck, this will fuck you.
Most of the people who bitch about student loans are retards who went to expensive schools in expensive cities and studied useless subjects, and surprisingly enough wound up with student loan bills into six figures. On top of that they insist on continuing to live in cities where a cheap 1 bedroom closet apartment costs at least $1300-1500 a month, while generally working the same shitty retail jobs they had during college because surprise surprise, that's all you can get with a BA in women's studies. I go to community college, my total loans will be around 25k, about what you would spend on a Toyota Camry or something similar, not that big a deal even if I can't find a job right away. Millennial liberals make it sound like everyone over here is drowning in student debt; they're really just whiny retards who don't know how to manage money.
Because Elizabeth Warren became famous by arguing that a huge amount of bankruptcies were caused by medical bills. In reality, she counted every bankruptcy which claimed $1000+ in medical bills. If someone had $17k in credit card bills and a mortgage underwater and lost their job and also had $1k in medical bills, Warren counted that as a "medical-related bankruptcy."
So they made the extraordinary the norm.
Making 30k that woman is already getting raped up the ass by Obama care so that cunt is wrong right out the gate.
This. Single moms are one of the lowest chances for making it out of poverty. Cindy made bad life choices
in their mind, there's no such thing as rare incidents
why wasn't she paying for healthcare before?
why wasn't she paying her student loans before?
(why is she a single mother in the first place)?
why do I have to care?
why am I to blame for other people's wrong choices?
Cindy should find a husband, preferably the dindu that knocked her up and get her - by law - determined and extracted - child support
so Cindy can go fuck off
They also take out the maximum amount, even additional multiple loans, to pay for living expenses while at university. Because "having a job will distract from my studies" but somehow blowing it on weed and going on random vacations to Europe twice a year won't.
Your Jedi mind tricks aren't working anymore.
>marry up faggots
sound advice
No it won`t.
A wast majority of people who get in a car crash are druggies and reckless drivers.
Pretty much everyone i know who has been driving for 20+ years has not been in a single car accident
I only know of one weedlmao person who ran into a lightning pole
Paul Ryan is my favourite libertarian.
>the tax brackets change so now I get bumped up a bracket and see no change in my tax rate
Helping the middle class my ass.
>women should never be in charge of anything except raising kids, cooking and cleaning the house
Didn't you read her story, user? She can't even do those things properly.
what did you study?
if what you studied doesn't end up with a career path, why should I pay for your loans?
imagine you were starting a business - you did your research and decided to make a business making weaved baskets
you take out a loan and start this super business - because your hippie friends tell you it's the best thing since sliced bread
you fail within a year
now you want someone else to pay your loans
this is the exact same thing.
I don't know what a facr is slant eye. You mean fact? Hard to spell I guess when you live in the most depressed country in the world with suicide rates astronomically higher than that of any other country- wait, is that why your first insult for me was "an hero?" Oh you poor thing. But hey, on a serious note, "Roastie" made a good point about student loans, she also forgot to mention the mortgage issue where people won't be able to tax writeoff for that, she also has a good point with the private jet owners which you cannot deny, and finally just because someone is a single mom doesn't mean they aren't a person. Like how autistic can you be to dehumanize someone for having kids? What is the father died? Divorce?
> because we lowered cindy's taxes, she took out student loans 6 years ago
> which she already was required to repay, but now she pays less in taxes and that's bad
Obama fucked Cindy.
>1 post by this ID
>This bullshit has been posted MULTIPLE TIMES in the last 24 hours
>my personal story in my country different to America has relevance to the general population in America
Wow... just wow.
I just told you the truth. Accidents happen for a reason and majority of people involved in them deserve them.
If you drive safe the chances of getting into an accident will be really small and the accidents will not be as major.
>Doesn't know about "an hero."
Holy shit, spot the newfag.
Next time you get your panties in a twist, try typing more. I might even read the whole thing if you do.
if you have to take a student loan to go to college make sure you are learning something that will make you money
think of it like business training - your future employment is your business - would you pay someone that same amount to be making your projected salary as a business?
if the answer is no, don't go to college until it makes financial sense
Because she is a vapid souless whore cunt. Go read that book, and you will find out why.
Why is Cindy a single mom?
>Doesn't understand English sentences
Oh my, it's retarded.
I made a suicide rate joke about your country and said it was funny that the first insult you gave me was "An hero" because it means to kill yourself. Are you actually this fucking retarded? Like, do you understand English sentences Tojo?
Read my last post again, this time really slowly, maybe you'll get the joke.
black father
>>Doesn't know about "an hero."
He did know
Maybe you should lurk more you fucking newfaggot
As a student, Cindys family should be claiming her a dependant. The student loan intrest is like 1,100 a year. Her family would get way more if she was a dependant
isn't the mortgage just a payment like any other? why does you buying a house deserve tax credits for it?
if you need tax credits to afford your house - you can't afford your house
this was done to boost the housing market - we all saw how that went
so fuck off
you don't deserve a tax cut because you spent it on a house
it was cool while it lasted
>I was only pretending to be retarded
Yea, no.
Can I get a tldr? Your typing is all retarded.
Use of the phrase dates back to 2006, lurk more
>thinks it's a good idea to gamble student loan debt on worthless toilet paper.
>doesn't just learn a skill and use it to make a living.
The left is really that useless.
Yet he still fails to do it. What a shame.
>Except, Cindy will have to pay $350 per month toward student loans
What student loans? She makes 30k. She didn't go to college. Or she did and she fucked up.
I'm not complaining, if the real estate market crashes in Cali the majority of my family are buying second/third houses. But since I have empathy for fellow human beings I'm worried for others who can't afford to live anymore because of all the un-deductibles now.
I have to agree that if you don't have the money don't buy a house, but to suddenly rip that was of being away is too harsh. Plus, why the tax writeoffs for private jet owners then? In my opinion if you can't afford a fucking private jet, you shouldn't get writeoffs for it. It's worse than for houses.
I don't understand this audacity to think that corporations steal money and single moms are entitled for endless gibs.
Personal responsibility is dead. Personal mistakes are to be paid by others.
Women marry the government and raise more kids who "know" that their entitled for gibs. It's just natural. Why would I held responsible? Others have to pay. Evil corporations have to pay more, so i can get more benefits.
This kind of thinking can only lead to socialism. Your voters want socialism and you can't do shit about it
Questions; if Cindy has a college degree, what sort of bullshit degree was it that she's only pulling down $30k a year? Also, why did Cindy choose to be single mother? Thanks to medical science, there are ways to avoid pregnancy. Also, premiums skyrocketed under the ACA despite what the CBO said. I doubt repealing the individual mandate will make things worse. It's not my damned fault Cindy has made a string of disastrous life choices and she should seek out charities to help her out.
>given a condo for free that she rented out for extra income while freeloading off her grandmother
See? Paying is student loans is easy! Anyone can do it!
again everytime
>student loans
>only makes 30k
>single mom
your fucking up on nigger levels here
Anybody have that pic of the sexy cultural appropriator?
Then don't go, retard. Your country makes more bachelors than it can sustain, competition is very high. In addition you have more possibilities than any one else in this world. Use your money in other directions.
>When you know you've lost and are an illiterate Tojo so you keep saying "I didn't read it you're retarded" to protect your fragile masculinity
I've won, good game.
And I used it properly and quite hilariously. It's ok if you dislike humor directed at you, it's called being a thin-skinned republicunt.
Probably because Cindy fucked a nigger
'libertarian ass'. Nobody thinks he's libertarian though. He's a slightly more conservative than avg establishment cuck. Rand Paul gets his ribs broken for being libertarian. Confused at the hate of us harmless libertarians. Sad!
Try learning business management, global finance, or any STEM degree on your own.
On a scale of common core to no child left behind, how uneducated are you?
>single mom making 30,000 + alimony
You trump fags are all autistic anime soyboys on neet bux anyway
>"An hero" because it means to kill yourself. Are you actually this fucking retarded? Like, do you understand English sentences Tojo?
After browsing knowyourmeme?
I bet your mother will be so proud of you when you tell her about the time you derailed an argument over a simple typo. She might even give you some extra tendies for dinner.
>1 post by this ID
Congradulations OP...
>30k a year
>living paycheck to paycheck.
If you read you'll see I used it properly before being called out by Hiro Hito. But pfff, I shouldn't expect a right winger to actually read words should I? Of course not, you people barely know what "evidence" even means! I must have forgot.
This, only idiots pay to get brainwashed.
>can't meme
>steals meme
your pets are rubbing off on you
Two things:
>the federal government was never intended as a handout machine
Then explain to me what the Senate did last night. Sounds to me like they want to create a trillion dollars in debt by letting the rich and corporations hold on to more money by lowering their tax rates. Just a handout in a different form.
>Your two shit examples for healthcare and student loans
Milton Friedman said it was ok to take student loans because they can be repaid with future earnings. Social sciences are some of the lowest paying jobs, yet require a bachelor's degree for the entry level positions. If you don't subsidize that shit, I guarantee that there would be an even larger need there. Also, its easy to cherry-pick diabetes to blanket bomb the crowd that needs help because of health reasons beyond their control.
$15 an hour, 40 hours a week.
75% of her money goes towards childcare.
She'll be fine once the kid ends up in foster care or jail.
Actually I destroyed you.
And honey don't call it an argument, it was a slaughter.
>read my half-assed wall of text, bathe in my faux-intellect
How about you agree to lurk some more before you post again?
We were all new once, stop trying to force it.
Why the fuck did Cindy go to college and push out a bunch of fuck trophies out of wedlock when she obviously couldn't afford any of it? Fuck, poor people are stupid.
>by lowering their tax rates
>government handout