How do we fix Vancouver?
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Nuke it
She's fucked, bud
Where's that tram featured in MacGyver and The X-Files at? One of those mountains in the background I presume?
No fixing it. The population replacement is complete. Only took 20 years too.
I'd say your continent has about 10 years left.
Enjoy what time you have left, that's my advise to you Klaus.
Add snow. Where is all the fucking snow canada?
Fuck off ling
holy shit that's gorgeous
everywhere but the pacific coast.
They got bleached pretty hard this year tho
lots and lots of nerve gas
then give it to the US until Canada can fix it's current leadership
man vancouver was nice when I visited
entire British Columbia was awesome.
You would probably enjoy visiting Hong Kong as well
they told me of all the asians in vancouver but where I went I didn't encounter many; it was fine.
Gas it.
That's cause all the fuck asses on the street are tourists and cart people. The slants basically made Vancouver what it is
Also if you went to richmond you wouldn't
You'd see how rice we are
nothing can be done. we're mass importing aids now. we have 1% black people here and now we have an aids outreach program for one city in the lower mainland to that specific group.
Seriously guys. Tell me where some famous film spots are in the Dank Vanc.
I see many shows reuse locales. What's VC Chinatown really like?
Go to east hastings on welfare day
Does it rain there as often as it seems? How are the rural areas outside of town?
It rains a lot yea but it's all piss.
Rural areas have good scenery and the people are nice, not much else really
If I ever have to split and head WAY the fuck NW(in Florida now), Vancouver is the area I'd choose. The Pacific NW US has a comfortable feeling to it. So Just north of there seems fine too, albeit not in a city.
You guys complain about it a lot but trust me, compared to your typical Burgerburg, Vancouver is pretty sweet(by the numbers).
Tampa is somewhat similar in build but I guarantee it's far worse.
>That feeling when I am starting to see residential for-sale signs that are 100% chinese on Vancouver Island as well.
We had two days during November where it didn’t rain, so yeah it rains a lot
The only issue that actual matters is money desu, vancouver is expensive. Otherwise yea it probably is the best place to live in leafland
you don't
you let it burn
How long have they had that word fillter
but until recently I don't remember the last time it rained, it definitely did not rain all summer
We don't it's actually impossible. There's too many unassimilated people living here already - when they hit critical mass, they'll start pushing for language laws similar to Quebec. And when they get past that point - they'll start pushing for separatism on cultural grounds.. Like Quebec. Our only hope is to move out of the city and into the country. Or to move to Alberta.
>t. Lifelong Vancouverite
dat tum muhfuggin bix nood cof bin dub ho muhfugga
I fucking hate the boomer cunts that made this happen so much, I’m 19 in January and there’s not a fucking thing I can do to stop this country from falling apart
It'll be really funny once they get into parliament without knowing a single word of English.
BC Fags, let's just move up North into one of these abandoned cities and make the ethnostate there. We'd essentially be subject to our own law - it's too isolated. Pic related. It's Kitsault.
I know man, I know. I grew up in Richmond, I saw it all happen in 15 years or less. I actually remember when it was White majority. I miss it enormously. I'm moving as soon as capable. The only problem is, I've made a killing on property values.
The whole country is memed, are there any remaining livable ethnostates
Second Amendment time.
I think 2015 was when the word filters were added.
We can own guns here. We even have CC, but it's nearly impossible to get a license for.
>Pic related
Come move to alberta and be comfy together
gastown here. Live 4 blocks from Insite (the addicts needle exchange) and never had a problem with the druggies. Occasional yells and sirens from someone off their meds but nicest junkies you’ll find in the world. Never mugged. Car never busted into (cause I never keep anything in it). Welfare wednesdays are actually chill because they all have cash and gear. Actually some decent people, that OD because of Fentanyl; ask then a few Qs and most have been really fucked around by life from a young age. Sad. Not scary.
What’s there not to like (other than rental/house prices) otherwise? Best food in Canada .. and that included Asian yummies. Ditto women. It’s going to a glorious season on the mountains and that’s a 30min public bus drive to the NS, a bit more to Whistler. Yeah it rains a lot, but the summers are glorious. Lotus Land, BC bros. This is the promised land.
How good is it user? Where do I move? I'm definitely considering it, I can't live here any longer. It's shitskin central here.
What's Baka senpai
I like the coast too much to move into the interior of the continent desu
See other than the obvious massive faggotry of your post, this is why I have a hard time leaving BC. It's the most beautiful place on Earth - that's not even just a meme slogan.
>Asian yummies
Dude Asian food was literally invented to be peasant food, just learn how to fucking cook lol.
You are baka senpai.
I’ve lived in Surrey for all my life and I’ve been a minority all my years in school. I want to move up north, I know a guy from terrace, but idk what’s up there really
Well it's no whitebparadise but at least it yellow instead of Brown. If you have money then vancouver or a nice house in tsawwasen, if not I'd get a cheap place in richmond or surrey
Did you know that the coast of Northern BC is littered with abandoned cities and mining towns? We could refurbish one and make it an ethnostate. I have too - I'm sick of being a minority in my own country. It doesn't feel like home anymore. I can't even imagine how bad it is if you're Aboriginal.
I lived in Richmond my entire life, most of the people I went to Highschool with were ESL. And I'm sick of it.
Honestly if you can live with it becoming Beijing in the next few decades then nothing really wrong with it. Junkies have good deals desu, ever been to the tent markets?
Proper chan terminology replacing nigger babble.
>the coast of Northern BC is littered with abandoned cities and mining towns
Except they’re abandoned for a reason, unless we want to start our own (((merchant trading city))) in one of them, how would we make money?
Unless you grew up interior it kinda sucks yea, I like the cold tho
My grandmother turned 101 this year,.
She says Canada was great, initially (and she lived a hard life). Then it started going down the shitter in the 1960s, right around when boomers were allowed to vote.
>How would we make money
Well it really depends on how much money we're trying to make. I'm personally getting tired of the blatant materialism that makes up Vancouver culture - so I haven't really thought that far. I thought the rustic life was the appeal of the North. But yeah, there'd have to be some kind of money maker for a town to spring up.
user please
All food stated out as peasant food. WTF do you think BBQ is? Off cuts. French Cassoilet is peasant. All of British and German grub is, basically peasant. Go to Chen’s in Richmond and order the Xiao Long Bao and tell me if that’s simple dumpling. Fucking glorious.
>asian yummies
please neck yourself you bugman soycuck
It would be so easy for the Chinese to overthrow the government if they wanted to and form their own independent state. Look at how their population boomed in 15 years. Also there's no way if they declared independence that the Federal government could stop them. We don't have an army. All it takes is for the Chinese government to put someone here and stir the pot.
I cook, quite a bit. I've been cooking Asian food my entire life, it's not even remotely hard. In fact eating out is for complete simps. Much cheaper to cook at home - as any Asian will tell you.
Live in richmond for food and money, go to vancouver for everything else. Richmond kids need to be nerved
Move to Yukon, there is probably no Asians there.
referendum vote
This is the problem with Canada, so many fucking bugmen.
I reckon a 12.0 earthquake ought to knock down most of those disgusting buildings.
I've seen pictures of unattractive cities before, but God damn, that is a waste of potential. Looks like a spilled box of 3D puzzle bits.
I’m not into fenced goods. Frankly becoming Beijing is plus these days. America is dwindling and PNW is already at the forefront of the boom with all the connection, good and bad. If you want to make money, it’s a good place to be. But, frankly, you want to bang nails and spend the weekend in the woods, everyone is cool with that as well. In Toronto or Montreal, people would,look down on that. In Vancouver : cool story bro, as long as you’re happy...
Vancouver is where china sends all it's degenerates and makes money off them, they wouldn't want gay drum bangers, the musical
well tbqh chinks cook better than leaf fags.
My mum has never voted in her life, and she never heard about transgenderism until I told her about bill C16. I really think that most of this has happened because so many people have just been so incredibly apathetic while progressivism has worked its way into every facet of the country
I bought my house 17 years ago for 150k, now it's worth over 600k. Richmond is not a cheap place to live.
Cooking is quite literally one of the easiest skills you can learn. It's the equivalent of constructing IKEA furniture if you're not a retard. You people are how rat filled Chink kitchens make a killing off of dumb "round eyes." Fuck you probably pay over 10 dollars for fried rice.
Imagine a Beijing with shitty canadian work laws, it would be comfy for a decade until it all fucking crashes
I understand the anti-materialistic feeling, but yeah we would definitely need some sort of income in order to create a city, fishing maybe? But requires a lot of knowledge to get started lmao
There's a few cheap neighborhoods left, they'll be gone in 5 years time albiet
Trudeau has irrevocably redpilled my parents.
Yeah.. I think it's doable, but I'm not the man to lead the effort. If someone paved the way though, they'd find me in town.
Most of those are subsidized housing.
Cool. So head to Steveston during the salmon run or Grandville Island during slot prawn season and cook yerself. Any other big city you can do that? Which reminds me of a Vancouver downside (after living in a lot places): lots of whining.
At this point it’s almost too little too late though, we’ve lost every single institution in the country and sometimes it just feels so fucking hopeless fighting it. Canada truly is blackpill: the country
>beijing floods nation with fentanyl
>divides city between loos and chinese
>rent consumes 90% of income
>"but plenty of cheaply made dollar store shit from based china, plus fried yummies in my tummy"
t. bugman
M8 Steveston IS where I get all my ingredients, you don't even know.
The problem with all these Sup Forumsand ideas is that we would have no women in town...
But yeah we do get pretty fucking good salmon. I'll give you that.
She's fuckered there bud
I know quite a few Women (Maybe like 10-20) who would join us. And this thread is making me mull over the idea of a Vancouver Sup Forums meetup. Of course I do realize how insane that idea is.
Vancouver died in the 70's. It's always been a rough seaport town but it had character. That's over now. They tore down the old Birks building the Strand theater, they turned it into a bunch of high rise towers and cookie cutter office buildings; you can see the exact same buildings in every city across Canada. Vancouver had potential. You could feel it in 1971. But it's squandered its potential on the most beastial level hedonism and now all it's got is wave after wave of Sikh and Chinese immigrants with bags of money.
Boring boring boring boring.
The salmon here is great, especially for sushi.
I'm on the fence about whether meetups are a good idea.
>10-20 women shared between 200 Sup Forumsacks
Also that meetup would definitely be majority non-white, I remember there was a Surrey meetup last year...
Lol meetups generally end in shambles. Go to a comfier board desu
I am willing to bet I probably know at least one of you in person anyway. Lmao
Pol* fucking niggerike autocorrect
You forget? You ethnonationalists tried a few months ago at City Hall and 5000 held a welcoming committee. All you Proud Boys were ashamed cowards that never showed up. Except for some Asian kid that had a Pepe poster for the lulz. That’s right: asian kid braver than the whites...
Did any of you go to the "Students for Liberty" conference with Jordan Peterson a couple weeks back?
Begone boomer
I'd be up for that.
>JewSA is here to help
Might as well hand it to the jews and their nonwhite hordes and skip the middleman.
Name one country you haven't completely fucked up in the last 60 years.
I know the group that organized it, I went to a couple of their events. But got bored with them.
Never heard about that, got any links? Also I don't believe Vancouver belongs to Whites anymore. I'm an Ethnonationalist but the Asians win, it's fair game here.
How would we organize it though? And no offense but if you're not White, I'm not down.
Leaf threads are comfy desu
cunt's fucked, M8
I was going to, but I was working :(
Yup, I'm outta here. It's all yours kiddo. Enjoy .
>newyorker com/magazine/2015/07/20/the-really-big-one