Communism doesn't wo-
Communism doesn't wo-
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How is it communist, other than in name?
It's a fascist ethnostate and you know it.
Strict state capitalism isn't communism even if they call it that.
This is less a case for communism and more of a case for the value of slave labor.
wishful thinking much? :)
Prove me wrong.
Protip: you can't.
China is more fascistic than communist.
Actually it's called national capitalism.
>in current year
They abandoned communism and just pretend to still have it to excuse the totalitarian state and all the backwards villages that are most of China.
Hang yourself McShill™
>have a complete and utterly failed stagnating socialist economy from 1949 to 1972
>Nixon arrives
>hey guys, maybe we'll let you start trading with the world and stuff, maybe start opening up free trade?
>Mao dies a few years later
>Deng starts FREE TRADE, CAPITALIST special economic zones
>foreign enterprise, foreign money and foreign capital pours in
>capitalism starts to grow the economy
>the rest is history
Richard Nixon opened the door to Chinese capitalism. Deng Xiaoping led the Chinese through it. They abandoned retarded socialist/communist economics for superior free market. Now China succeeds due to the free market and stable government enforcing the free market.
God bless.
ironic how their society is more authoritarian yet no one follows any form of safety regulations
this is the problem with authoritarianism
people stop following any rules whatsoever at some point
That, and they're never going to drop it in name to lose face.
when you have hundreds of billionaires and hundreds of millions of people living in poverty, you are not an example of communism working. you are an example of what attempting communism leads to though.
China's current economic model was built by Milton Friedman a devoted communist, no?
Face it, every company is an organization with central planing. It's all a matter of incentive and how well things are run.
It's still a fascist state.
Communism is such a failure NK has capitalist food vendors to stop people from starving.
ethnostate? it's multiethnic.. uyghurs, tibetans, koreans, all live in china
DPRK isnt communist or Marxist-Leninist though
>claimed to be based upon scientific socialism
>we're communist guys we promise
China is the most capitalist country in the world lol
Commietards btfo
> "The Han people are the largest ethnic group, where (as of 2010) some 91.51% of the population was classified as Han Chinese"
t. wikipedia
>every company is an organization with central planing
Huawei for example, is owned by its employees with shares.
>socialism with chinese characteristics
So Communism with superstition, more bribery, cheating and bad hygiene and pollution.
>yfw Sup Forums will rip into the UK for having a figure like that
>use that same figure to argue for an ethno state
Difference is they are 1.4 Billion people
Back when the Chinese we're at least trying to be communist, millions starved to death and lived in desolate conditions.
Fucking read a book commie.
They aren't communist. They follow Marxist theory though and took one step back and implemented state capitalism in the late 70s/early 80s after MMao's death.
Is Taiwan's HDI superior due to their size, capitalism or US propping them up?
Han chinese own lanf that isn't supposed to be theirs and are still 91%. They are having a cheeky ethnic cleansing too,l. They move han into their minority areas and breed them out. There are only a handful of native Manchu speakers now. They ruled china 100 years ago
The other 9% isn't from Pakistan. They're other forms of Chinese, dipshit Paki lover. Even then the Han treat others as shit.
all 3 mostly capitalism
Did you just claim capitalists are the real communists?
t. retard
the one child policy affected Han and only Han, other ethnic groups could shit out as many kids as they wanted.
If you actually know anything about China you'd know about all the crazy han nationalists who are literally the same as Sup Forums posting things like "ANTI RACIST IS CODEWORD FOR ANTI HAN"
It isn't. "Fascism" alone doesn't mean anything.
Do you mean the original, italian fascism? If yes, then no. Does the two have similarities? Yes, but that doesn't make China fascist.
Words have meaning, don't throw them lightly like liberals do.
China is to communism what liberals are to sexually satisfying.
>tfw you're licking the taint of a fascist state, but muh symbols means it equals gommunists
The truth is stranger than fiction and people are to stupid to read it as it is.
>Face it, every company is an organization with central planing.
Companies with poor central planning fail. States with poor central planning collapse. See: soviet union
Implying Uyghurs still exists
Except that the largest NON-CHINESE minority is the Uygur at 0.7555%.
Apples and fucking oranges.
Real communism* works!
*if it's actually capitalism
>what is a percentage
So does every thing kill you in china?
China became a 1st world country (in highly populated areas) due to them opening up the markets to private corporations
is he ok?
That's how these communists work these days.
If something works in a communist/socialist country, that is REAL socialism. Even if it's capitalism.
All the famines, failures, etc? That wasn't REAL socialism, of course.
>B-but not real Communism
>B-but they opened some markets up!!!
>Face it, every company is an organization with central planing. It's all a matter of incentive and how well things are run.
That's true, but it isn't the communist position.
China is doing well because they work unlike most lazy pieces of shit countries.
Care to elaborate?
Thanks in advance.
Every time a picture like this is shown to lefties? "not really communism."
Every time a picture like OP has is shown to lefties? "Communism is great!"
I don't know why it's so hard to understand that central planning is a fucking stupid idea. It creates a bottleneck of management which makes it impossible to take care of everything - something that is the strength of free-markets. I shouldn't even have to say it, but we all know that communists living in the luxury of the West are all the bottom .5% of low IQ retards.
China only succeeds through capitalism.
Venezuela is a better example of communism.
>completely ignore the fact that China is the #1 capitalist country in the world
>"b-buh mu flag"
He's saying liberals are stupid for calling everything fascism when it really isn't even if there are similarities and you shouldn't do the same thing.
Lmao he gave him the big boot.
STOP REPLYING TO BAIT YOU SLOW CUNTS. underaged faggots ruining this site. sage.
So USSR and Yugoslavia aren't Communist since they still had markets?
How stupid are you? Only communist thing about china now is that they maintain the communist party, everything else is capitalistic. When after the massive commie failure in china that plunged it into total dissarray aswell as caused the direct murder of about 60-70 million of its own citizens the commies realized they had to embrace capitalism to get out of the situation but maintained the communist party. And this is what produced what you see in china today, but large parts of china is actually still not very good whatsoever.
China today is basically 19th Century Britain. They'll learn soon enough.
You're not actually posting from China. I know that because of the Great Firewall, which exists of course because China is so great that it doesn't want its citizens to see how lame everywhere else is. By the way, modern China is communist the way a cow in a tree is a bird.
>This is less a case for communism and more of a case for the value of slave labor
so... a case for communism?
So USSR not communist now?
wtf communisms never been tried since obviously no where has been Communist cause they all had bits of markets around the place
Chinese people can post on Sup Forums as long as they buy a pass. Chinese ISPs block Google captcha but not Sup Forums
fucking newfag
It protects the Chinese from American poison. Europe would be a great place without American propaganda spread via Media.
I get this, lad. What I'm asking him to do is actually point out the differences so we can all learn something.
>buying a pass
Who the fuck would do this for any reason at all
not the communists worked, but the people who were forced to build it.
That's right, USSR was never communist. They were Socialist.
Communism pressupposes the abolition private property, which is blatantly absurd.
Go learn at least your own fucking ideology.
please point to the means of production that are owned by workers
foxconn - the company of the people - kek
one party elections
muh communism
>every company is an organization with central planing
when do the workers end up with the means of production then?
I know you are a naive burger now. You have to be one of these idiotic teens in america that for some reason think communism is good but don't know about it.
USSR was on its way out of communism, there's no free market in communism everything is under state control of a MASSIVE totalitarian government this is why it fails. The reason china recovered faster than russia is that they started producing stuff for american companies and then gradually ended up taking over production of a ridiculous amount of things then sold to america, and then essentially pilfering american companies and pilfering their intellectual property.
Long since left communism.
Choose one.
Sliding scale, morons.
>That's right, USSR was never communist. They were Socialist.
Actually it wasn't even that you double nigger.
The same arguments against China not being Communist do the same thing for USSR
that's good, at least they have a company or two to show how the model would work
what about the rest?
we have this in Greece: the best private healthcare provider is owned by it's doctors, it's top notch
>start a slave factory
>tell the slaves that for their work they will have equal ownership over company
>their profit is 1 slice of bread a day and a car(only for upper management ie. yourself)
>communism achieved
evry tiem
>everything is under state control of a MASSIVE totalitarian government this is why it fails.
"I don't know what Communism is"
These idiots actually think china became what it is today because it is communist. It's fucking HILARIOUS. The reason it changed from a hole in the ground to what it is now is precisely because they moved away from it. But kept the dictatorial chinese communist party intact that doesn't have elections. Which is what communism inevitably leads to btw.
China is not Communist, everyone knows it.
>i don't know how reality plays out in contrast to my mentally retarded delusions
ev'ry tiem
Yeah and the same arguments against getting gulaged, censored, starved or murdered work on any of you red faggots, no matter how much or little of daddy Marx's book you try and use.
Fuck off.
>implying Chinese markets are communist.
every fucking time
'one step back' resulted in a huge power house of a country
one huge leap forward - basically killed around 40-60 million people
I'm not sure you understand backwards and forwards
I'm sure the workers in china control their own corporations right?
I conflated socialism with communism first (since it's stepping stone to same thing) it's a stepping stone to it. in socialism private property is outlawed and profit is outlawed. And only the state controls the means of production. In communism it's supposed to transfer to the workers, pure communism is an even bigger fail than socialism and ends up mass murdering its people. Which both mao and stalin did.
when you can't beat them join them, just keep the flag
People who claim china is the way it is now because it's communist is like a litmus test for pure idiocy. But they actually believe that, same reason they think scandinavia is socialist when it has a very strong private sector with very low unemployment and high taxes. You can't fix the stupidity of these people untill they go and see those nations themselves apparently.
markets are allowed in marxist doctrine?
please tell me how then it is different than capitalism?
once you have markets aka trade, you are TRADING
things you own
trading - things you own
this isn't communism my friend
Underrated. Have a (You).
it would be a peaceful place -with trucks of peace
>post pictures of China's Special Economic Zone that allows for almost unlimited capitalism
>wild success
>claim this is a win for communism
yeah... okay... wanna post some pictures of 1 billion peasants now?
>Shows pictures of thriving capitalist metropolis
Someone needs to book all these socialists and communist kids running around in the US right now thinking it's great being completely brainwashed by whoever has taught them this. Two trips. 1 to china and go see corporations and various things, and 2. to scandinavia and go see corporations and various things. And then compare the two to the tenants of socialist and communist ideology. They will find they are diametrically oppoosed to these ideologies.
They think scandinavia is socialist because the private sector is very strong and allows through low unemployment high productivity and skyhigh taxes the immense luxury it is to have free education and free healthcare, they will also find out that this free healthcare also results in longer waiting times for treatment, and the rich go to private hospitals to avoid the wait, if they have the money for it.
In china, they have chicom party who doesn't have elections, other than that their corporations are basically private sector free market capitalist oriented. And the reason china changed so much so fast is that it took over production of many things manufactured in the west, primarily the US. Ofcourse when you produce almost half of what the US uses of products, you're going to make a fuckton of money even if you pay your workers almost nothing in order to maximize your own personal profit (which the chinese are NOTORIOUS) for doing with regards to production companies.
All of this flies completely in the face of the tenants that fullfill an actual socialist nation, or a communist nation.
Maybe you guys shouldn't have started a massive war that destroyed Europe so US and Russia could rule over you. That was stupid, wasn't it?
>Eurofags unironically defend going to war against Germany because it wanted Prussia back
Sucks to be you. Getting raped to death by Pakis is now your fate. LOL