Are Filipinos asian? What do you think about pinoys?
Are Filipinos asian? What do you think about pinoys?
subhuman jungle monkeys
Filipinos are just spics that the Spanish didn't want to rape cuz they all looked like underage boys.
ask yourself if 30 million of them come to canada will it improve it or make it worse
that's how you know if they're niggers or not you fucking inbred of a leaf
Far eastern hispanics
asian and pacific islanders mix
Niggers basically, only East Asians are White. Also slide thread.
it all depends on the flip
some are super based, like duterte power levels
I know some that work thier asses off, are hard core christians, and i know some that are drug dealing degenerates
they defeintiely as a race have alot of admixture from asia, japan, china, and also european
they are almost all hapas already
id take a pinoy over a nigger anyday
they love thier families
Low IQ, but sneaky, very sneaky.
>We can be good! For reals!
t. pinoy
We're actually part spic. The spanish galleon trade bought a lot of spic slave labor to our islands. Mixed in with chinese, some spanish, then some white american, japanese, some korean conscript rape babies we're pretty mixed.
No niggers though. We really dont like blacks
trust me, you dont want to learn about Filipino
privilege, specially the rape babies in manila, elitist scumbags, nepotistic cunts, if your not part of their clique youre sool.
The children of the Elite here(usually Chinese) are drug addicted, drunk, and degenerate lot. Best feeling in the world is seeing the so called elite dying out and being imprisoned because they cant stop smoking meth/crack/heroin.
Thank God Duterte is purging the degenerates.
>asian and pacific islanders mix
The Mexicans of Asia
Seems like people who have negative views of Filipinos are those who don't have experience or exposure to Filipinos and are only basing their opinions from what they read on the news.
But people who have experience or exposure to Filipinos have generally positive views on them. Pic related. People's experience with Filipinos and what you don't hear on the mainstream media.
>Guy who visited 53 countries picked Philippines as his favorite.
>Even invited his parents to move to the Philippines with him
Hello everyone
It's true they are good people I think. They are treated badly by many places where they work. Modern slavery isn't a meme for some of these people.
failed race despite US support
You mean the same racial origins as the Japanese or the Chinese? Nope.
While we do have a large, influential, and well-integrated Chinese minority here, the majority is still more close related to the Indo-Malaysians.
>The children of the Elite here(usually Chinese) are drug addicted, drunk, and degenerate lot.
Indio detected. The natives and the poor (aka the masa or "the masses" or the brown manlets you actually see walking on the streets) are actually much worse in this regard. They have children out of wedlock, do drugs, let women do all the work, drink around, steal if they can, have an entitled "serve me first and fuck others if I can get my way" attitude and just loaf around and do nothing. Heck they're so far off the degeneracy scale that they even pimp out their own sons and daughters to foreigners to get an easy buck.
Degenerate country populated by degenerate people. The mestizos (those mixed with Chinese or Spanish blood) are actually the ones running the business and societal side of things. Let's be honest, without them this country would already be 3rd world Africa tier.
show your flag nigger
>What do you think about pinoys?
we're Chink'd
>The mestizos (those mixed with Chinese or Spanish blood) are actually the ones running the business and societal side of things.
They're the only ones to blame, Duterte should kill them. Not paying taxes, Nepotism, if you dont have a spanish last name you don't have a job ( Filipino Privilege), Philippine showbiz brainwashing flips to have a good easy life, to rely on them for entertainment or to their religion or their goverment. I say fuck you Flip, you will always be Flip even if you race mix.
The guys are really cute and nice
> jungleniggers
Asian Mexicans of the sea, most are based like duterte
this is a general term coz of africa and shit.
mexicans of asia seems more legit
>Not paying taxes
And Indios don't? Nigger, they're actually much worse. THEY OCCUPY AND SQUAT land not belonging to them then cry "WE DINT DO NUFFIN" on TV once they get evicted. The average Indio also seem to CRY A LOT for some reason when some criminal Filipino abroad gets executed for drug trafficking or murdering their employers. Usually, it's the same flimsy excuse of "he was just framed" or "the employer was abusive towards the Filipino housemaid that's why she killed him."
Indios are much worse in this regard. Look at the government sector. It's usually the Barangay Captains, Mayors and Barangay Councilors who put relatives and friends in government positions even though they're NOT qualified. Heck, most of these don't even have a college degree but they're put there because he's family/relative or a supporter during the elections.
>you dont have a spanish last name you don't have a job
That's retarded. I've known many people in the BPO sector and call centers that got the job despite sounding native.
>Philippine showbiz brainwashing flips to have a good easy life
Brought on by the stupidity of the average Indio. Supply and demand nigger. If the average flip likes the noontime TV shows, some gay host who insults people for laughs and making fun of "Bisaya" or Visayan people then they deserve that kind of entertainment.
> I say fuck you Flip, you will always be Flip even if you race mix.
T. Indio.
lmao, when you take all the resources of the whole archipelago, sell them and use it to build your small imperialist manila, of course they will come to the capital cause you took all their shit.
Philippine Federal Republic when, I want to see you actually work rape baby.
>Philippine Federal Republic
in flipland nothing ever gets done.
>when you take all the resources of the whole archipelago, sell them and use it to build your small imperialist manila, of course they will come to the capital cause you took all their shit
Holy shit you sound just like the blacks with their "WHO DINT DO NUFFIN" attitude and thinking you should be entitled and get free land without working a dime for it. The average Indio ladies and gentlemen. Then you wonder why this country is poor as shit when the natives are low quality as hell and are like niggers with their communistic "I AM ENTITLED TO FREE STUFF" mindset.
He's fantasizing so hard because Dutdut we'd be prosperous under that kind of government. Since Dutdut said it, then it must be right. The average Indio never ceases to amaze me.
>The average Indio never ceases to amaze me.
i lost all hope desu
>i lost all hope desu
As am I. That's why I'm migrating next year. Can't wait soon enough and get out of this country. White guys can bite me. I'll be going to one of their countries.
what kind of race mix are you?
chinese flip?
muslim flip?
spanish flip?
japanese flip?
and still the country is shit
>He's fantasizing so hard because Dutdut we'd be prosperous under that kind of government.
this is not plebbit, pol is pro Dutdut go back to r/ph
What's wrong w that
Wtf I love Islam now
nah, please stay there, i dont want you contaminating white countries please.
nigga that's unfair :(
jk be free and watch this place crash
with no survivors
next jihottie when?
>what kind of race mix are you?
Does it matter Indio? Why so mad? I'm only telling the truth son. You can try to pass the blame to the mixed people in the country but they're the ones actually bringing value here. Even our national heroes here are MIXED. Jose Rizal was part Spanish, part Chinese. Same with Bonifacio who was part Spanish.
>pol is pro Dutdut go back to r/ph
I'm pro Duterte too, but I'm not retarded like you to think going from one form of government to another will magically solve all the ills of this country. I'm also not stupid enough to believe whatever comes out of Duterte's mouth is the truth. He is not a god. For the Philippines to progress, there actually needs to be a change in culture and the quality of the average person here. Good luck with that though, you'll need it in your fantasy.
>nah, please stay there, i dont want you contaminating white countries please.
Except you're a pure brown Indio who also migrated to Canada pretending to be white. While you're larping so hard pathetically to be white, I'm honest about my mixed heritage and the reality of what's actually happening in my country.
Used to work in factory with a lot of flip women, they were either super nice motherly types or evil dragon women, no in betweens.
LMAO. Don't worry user, I'm going to visit this place time to time. I have friends and family here, not to mention it's going to get lonely outside the country. Despite the Philippines' and its peoples' shortcomings, it's a great place to live, socialize and have fun. It's more relaxed here and there is actually a sense of community and camraderie compared to white countries who have become so industrialized that they've atomized and isolated the individual in their countries. No wonder suicides are off the roof in whitey land.
no theyre jungle asian
flips are the wackiest of the asian races
definitely retarded but also the most entertaining
wow, you placed a lot of words in my mouth,
tell me when I sad this
>but I'm not retarded like you to think going from one form of government to another will magically solve all the ills of this country.
>pure brown Indio who also migrated to Canada pretending to be white. While you're larping so hard pathetically to be white
state facts please, also my hometown in the Philippines are very independent form imperialist manila, so please put your hometown in order before you leave. We have this virtue called sacrifice, you cant just move to another country, or racemix and then claim their accomplishments.
>Does it matter Indio?
just saying, if you remove the racemix in you, you are nobody
Care to explain, flips?
>tell me when I sad this
>but I'm not retarded like you to think going from one form of government to another will magically solve all the ills of this country.
You implied in post when you said this:
>Philippine Federal Republic when, I want to see you actually work rape baby.
Not only are you fantasizing that everything will be fair and okay when the Philippines becomes governed under a Federal type of government, you also assumed a lot of things about me (not working, have an easy life, rich, don't have a job) because of my mixed heritage. Not only are you stupid like a backtracking nigger who got caught in his pants, you're actually delusional with your superiority complex.
>pure brown Indio who also migrated to Canada pretending to be white. While you're larping so hard pathetically to be white
We have ID's and flags nigger. Post pretty much tells a lot that you've migrated to Canada.
>you are nobody
That's rich coming from a "WE DINDT DO NUFFIN" Indio.
not knowing what federalism is
not gonna show my powerlevel
you think whitebois gonna come to your side by saying pols most popular phrase?
>not knowing what federalism is
>because Dutdut said we will be prosperous when we shift to that, it must be true.
How delusional can you be?
>not gonna show my powerlevel
You already did. You're hilariously pathetic with your "I AM BETTER THAN YOU BECAUSE IM PURE BREED BROWN INDIO" statements.
>you think whitebois gonna come to your side by saying pols most popular phrase?
No, just showing you how you're no different than welfare niggers who feel all entitled and shit and must be handed free stuff. How pathetic and low can you actually go?
Also, can't get over the fact that you said this
>We have this virtue called sacrifice, you cant just move to another country, or racemix and then claim their accomplishments.
You fucking Indio, you migrated to Canada, a cuck nation because it was easier for you and you have the balls to tell me not to leave and what to do? Another thing about Indios is that they're HYPOCRITES! Say one thing but do another. Pure breed Indios like you never cease to amaze me.
man all those sentences really hurt, while i only said your Filipino. YOURE FILIPNO !!!!! hahahahahaha
FACT: it is a fact philipinos are the MOST POWERFUL race in the universe
>pic related
I guess your delusion lost. Man it must suck being a purebreed Indio. I've also read studies that the average Filipino IQ is 86. Manlet and low IQ, dang how low can you go?
yup yup true true, you win thumbs up to you
>pacific islanders
Filiphinos are South East Asians, they have nothing to do with Oceania.
correction Filipino not Phillipino, after King Philip of Spain
Not fair to fight against the average Pinoy dude. It's like fighting natives with guns while they're still stuck in the stone age.
Then why are they the ones cleaning our bathrooms every week?
Flips are the only people that want to be niggers.
>Flip pretending to be white and posting on Sup Forums
>start arguments
>try the "high ground" tactic
>okay okay this is just a vietnamese weaving message board anyway nothing too serious bro.
And this nigga still thinks he's the one with his dignity intact. Just how pathetic can you be?
I laready told you, you win Filipino
>he doesnt know
hello Sup Forums newb
> be me saying Flips are flawed
> a Flip shows up; were the most powerful race
most powerful race indeed
you have a meme flag and you don't know local culture. i think you are the invader who is despised so much around here
Don't mind him. He actually thinks he's won by pretending to be white.
>don't know local culture
> i think
you're not even sure dude and thats dangerous, im all for nk nuking tokyo
>They are almost all hapas already
You've never seen Filipinos, have you
Usually ok, but those who act American or Western and go overboard, even speaking a shitty American Accent should actually die. The loud,native retards should just fuck back to their jungles. Not as bad an Asian race than Malays though
just because i have a white flag I'm pretending and wanting to be white? I'm an immigrant from the democratic country of the Philippines, a country whom the majority are fucked in the head rape babies. What will you do?
oWo what's this?
i want newfags to leave please
Go bother other South East Asians instead, like Malaysia, for example.
Watched the Vice report on the Marawi siege
Flips are okay tier for me.
They know what's up
Malaysia sucks cause they're malays
>even speaking a shitty American Accent should actually die
The irony. Singaporeans have the worst English accent i've ever heard. It's like you can't help but mix your native ching chongs into English language. Please stop ruining English any further.
actually, Flipinos (and Malays) are original Austronesian population that was left behind by explorers to the East that settled OCEANIA.
Filipinos and Hawai'ians are basically the same race. Started in Formosa, now chinkland.
t. ching chong ping pong lang lung tong ting xi jin
Oh sorry, your name is John now?
At least we don't act cocky and try to pretend to be American like those certain pinoys. Also, how does it feel to be in a country run by corrupt Politicians user?
They look spanish for being Asian, the younger males drive S2000's with loud exhausts, the females are more emotional than the Spanish colonialists, and cost of living is so damn low that boomers should go there to retire as expats. They already are in their hearts.
It's alright. Pretty good. Our currency value went up a bit so now i could afford my whole months earnings to get my monthly 5GB internet to masturbate to western girls with good hygiene.
I actually like them a lot. Extremely friendly/bubbly people and the ones we import are normally hard working and they're high economic contributors. They're the best non-white immigrants along with Japanese/Koreans. 9/10 by non white standards, if we massively slashed immigration y 90% I wouldn't mind keeping some Pinoys (not too many).
If you ever been to a real Flipbro party, then you'd know they're based as fuck
>whole roasted pig
>dem t-boosting onions on everything
>garlic everywhere
>dads and uncles not giving a fuck getting shitfaced drunk on a case of beer per person saying whatever they want (the truth/harshness of reality) in front of kids redpilling them for life
CPP-NPA, the local Communist party here is already declared as a "terrorist" by President Duterte
>likes the noontime TV shows
>Wowow Willie was brilliant. What an audience! 700 people and no more than 2 dozen teeth between the whole lot of them. And 3,000,000 facials moles.
The Shitippines must be the only country where broadcast primetime is from 11am to 1pm.
Daily reminder: A Flip who immigrates to a white country is a degenerate scumbag.
Seeing fellow Filipinos hate being a Filipino make my blood boil. I hope you traitorous cunts burn in hell.
Regarding the question, I think we're basically mongrels, too race-mixed to tell what race we are. A little bit like USA. But still geographically Asian.
I like how if they've rented out a hall for the party when it's over everyone still around cleans the place the fuck up.
Every big ass birthday we go to at the end of the day that place ends up cleaner than when we started.
I only met a person from some place called Bukidnon in flipland.
are the people in Manila really racist against their own people? I can understand hating the muzzie. But why hate on the Visayans?
The flip I met was cool, though needs to clean his fucking teeth.
Filipinos in Luzon feel they're superior, I am from the Visayan region and I confirm that, they think we're late from the newest trends, we're mostly farmers and we're uneducated. Being a nation separated by water is hard.
Why do you guys look down on us that were born in Hawaii?
I can’t help my great grandparents came over before you.
Sort of. A lot of people want smooth whiter skin. Its like a status symbol since it implies you don't have to work and sweat in the sun like the indios. Bonus points for looking mestizo and studying in a UAAP school.
>filipino thread
holy fuck
visayans are drugies and barbarics
but yeah manila people really thinks they are smarter than the rest
They remove kebabs so fast it made Mad Dog Mattis's head spin. Now it's the commies turn.
what, you dont like tourism
>visayans are drugies and barbarics
>implying we didn't get raped anyway
Got nothing against burgers, but our history of getting visited and colonized by several imperial powers (ffs the British held on to Manila for two years and the Dutch did some btfoing of Spaniards around here), is the reason why I'm against the idea of turning the world into Los Angeles.