How come India has perserved its masculinity while it's almost extinct in the west?
How come India has perserved its masculinity while it's almost extinct in the west?
>How come India has perserved its masculinity?
Bahahahahaha! Ahhahahaah!
if a movie like that came out here, our own women would keep yelling about "toxic masculinity" and that type of nonsense
skinny brown people living in filth comes to mind when I hear India, not masculinity
>when I hear
no shit, all you think you know comes from jew media, the same ones that mask the jews who molest and rape little girls.
What about this one?
full of THOTs with that edgy anti-femininity tumblr haircut
also shit tier show
Not the cucked Michael Hirst show.
ah I see.
is this some sort of WE WUZ film?
No it has to do with Vladimir the Great becoming the Grand Prince of Kiev. Not sure if it is entirely accurate with the history. Vladimir had nordic blood though and there were some vikings with him in it.
Because western men arent men they're women with dicks haha !
They're just overcompensating and we all know why.
do milk
As for it not being a Western film, what about this one?
we prefer to poo in loo
so dick size is what matters? are you a black supremacist?
Modern Indians are the niggers of the Arab world. Yes, I am even including Pakistan and North African countries such as Liberia.
Don't let some bollywood "We waz warriors n pajeet" magic distract you from the fact. Indians are poo people. They love shit. They even have a poop god. The Pajeet is a clever little beast. The pajeet will infiltrate your communities and seem harmless at first. They will then rapidly multiply and shit everywhere. They will also steal Taxis and start driving them around for free. They don' t even keep the money they made, they just give it right back to the company they stole the Taxi from. It doesn't even make sense but these motherfuckers just fucking love Taxis. It's an obsession with the little digital meter in the center console.
looks like shit, also it's not even a mainstream movie. my point is not that movies don't get made about men and masculinity, but that the mainstream is not for it, and that they are not popular at all. masculinity and shunned and avoided in the west
>of the Arab world
I stopped reading. obvious retarded bait.
Fuck off France. You guys are the niggers of Europe. Croissant munching little fag.
>4" cock avg
Good one.
go fuck a kiwi
>physical attributes are meaningless
>only niggers care about height
>my eyes are down here, pajeet
>treat me as an equal
>there is nothing wrong with being short
typical amerimutt
great argument
>backpeddaling to height
>talking about height to a Dutch person
you know all americucks are manlets right?
اللعنة قبالة
why are you putting so much effort into defending Indian "men"? I guess they need low-wage IT scabs in the Netherlands too, eh Daan?
The fucking Punisher jewflix series just came out. And while it had a strong female lead, she's just fucking useless when push comes to shove. Sup Forums is always right, but don't mistake the internet for reality.
How dare you post an image of classic Aussie engineering and ingenuity crashing into a quintessential example of American failure.You have angered me you ingrate. Apologize.
Is the answer something to do with poo?
Why are you writing in spaghetti noodles, Emuman?
>Punisher jewflix series
I didn't know India was able to produce this kind of stuff.
Good for my fellow brown cousins.