Is it worth watching?
No. It's fucking cringe. Go read a book.
I already do, thank you.
What's so cringe about it then?
The good guys win so yes
Season 2 is miles better than Season 1
John Smith was a real human bean
Another PKD adaptation that completely misses the fucking point. Just read the original novel.
Yes OP. You get to see how America would be without dindu crime, feminists, and other degenerate shit. The Nazi American father is such a badass too. I wish I lived in that version of America
>ywn visit the Volkshalle to listen to a speech by the Führer
why even live?
>Lincoln Rockwell international airport
Its a nice glimps of what could have been
more SJW Nazi rape fantasy and we wuz rebels n sheit.
Same thing with films such as American History X, Das Boot, and Er Ist Wieder Da- it glorifies and justifies what it’s trying to criticize.
The rebels are the worst part of the whole show, they act like insufferable cunts 95% of the time, even to each other.
They always cut off the spiritual elements in every PKD adaptation.
Truly sad...
why are people fascinated with the biggest criminals around?
these guys were trash and not worth the idolatry and obsession they recieve
same goes for personages like caesar for example.
>why are people fascinated with the biggest criminals around?
poor bait. the Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you.
I'm reading the book right now. It's pretty nice.
Sup Forums will hate it because it doesn't just show Nazis as being the good guys fighting the jew.
It's actually a great series in s lot of ways. But thematically (without giving too much away) it demonstrates the point that when it comes to fighting for power, nobody is really the good guys, and if you're caught in the middle you're just a pawn in their war.
The Nazis aren't evil, the Americans aren't good, and the Japs aren't the saviours of man.
It will eternally fly over the heads of
the weak minded and poor of character.
The acting is horrible. I'm warning you, mec.
>Er ist wieder da a raging success because hwypipo miss the führer
>guy who played onkel adi goes full damage control SJW mode
No one on Sup Forums hated it
He's a badass until they euthanize his son. lol
Twitter and the orange in the Whitecastle is more amusing. Nothing beats reality except bitcoins.
Until his [spoiler]son volunteers to be euthanized for the good of the nation[/spoiler]*
Read the thread, friendo
>one user ranting about how the book was better means Sup Forums hated it